Reach Records Speaks: Art, Symbolism, and Our Mission
To the 116 Family,
We wanted to take the time to address some concerns that we have received on a variety of Reach Records artwork. Like many platforms in the hip-hop genre, we too have been accused of connections to shadow organizations, such as the Illuminati. While the purpose of this letter isn’t to walk through each piece of artwork, what we did feel is necessary is to affirm our mission to all of you.
We want to be upfront and transparent when we say that the artistic directions we take are not a result of some mysterious occult group or made with ill-intentions. Many times the choices we make for a particular album design have deeper redemptive, Biblical themes. Other times, they are purely aesthetic choices. The Bible helps us think through these issues as we see how God created the world we live in. Genesis 2:9 tells us, “And out of the ground the LORD God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.” Scripture tells us that God is intentional about making trees, not just for functional use, food, but also for aesthetic enjoyment. The drawing of an eye, a skull, etc. are all good things that God is ultimately responsible for designing and are not made evil because of their association to evil. The world’s perversion of these things does not overcome the good intent of God’s craftsmanship. They work off of borrowed capital and should not have the final say on the things God has made.
There is no doubt many temptations wait for anyone seeking to influence culture and be a light to the world. Over the last 10 years, we have gone from doing concerts for 15 kids at boys and girls clubs to tens of thousands in sold out arenas. We have hustled boxes of CD’s out of the trunks of our cars and now have global distribution. At each moment along the journey, we know that the enemy is waiting to derail us from following Jesus and making our lives about Him.
Our hope and prayer is that you would understand how hard we labor over the steps we take. Knowing our capacity to sin and go astray has caused us to dig in deep. We wish you could see all the artists working through Scripture together before shows, struggling to make the night about the Lord and not about them. Or that you could see the many hours that have been spent dissecting the moves we make. What are our motives? Are we growing cynical? Have our hearts become cold to seeing God at work? These are all questions that roll around the office and in phone calls, texts and emails. Know that we are all connected to community and accountability in our lives through friends, churches, and even as a staff. Decisions are not made flippantly and we wrestle internally, pushing back on each other constantly. We seek wisdom, pray though decisions, and know that we must answer to God at the end of it all.
The mission of Reach has always been the Music of a Movement. A movement of the Unashamed around the world who are living out their faith in whatever place God has them, from janitors to preachers. We will not be perfect, we will make mistakes and change directions, but the ship isn’t floating aimlessly around the sea. Moves are made on purpose with prayer and honest discussion. Thank you for walking with us and caring enough to speak up. This year is our most intense ever and we can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store. Continue to live unashamedly of God’s good news before a watching world.
Much Love,
Reach Records
All Comments 48
I'm not concerned about the symbolism of the albums I'm concerned about the collaborations with the ungodly could you guys address this?
Wil Addison
– Jan 21 2014
Cool stuff, very encouraging and affirming... Personally glad to hear that!!!
– Jan 21 2014
well said! **there is nothing to be afraid of**
Nikkolas Smith
– Jan 21 2014
I'm just interested in the fact that you have made your genre "hip-hop" when "hip-hop" originally came from the Zulu Nation used to worship other Gods. Their is no such thing as Holy Hip Hop because only a person can be holy not a culture that was meant to worship and create rituals for other Gods. I think it would be cool if you guys put your self under the genre Christian Rap, so people do not get mistaken or influenced the wrong way. I don't believe these are your intentions, because definitely serving The Lord is the main focus but if I could have someone to talk to understand more on what the actual purpose or intent is that would be great. God bless and thank you.
– Jan 21 2014
Wil Addison...addressing unbelievers as "the ungodly" is a pretty strong stereotype. I don't want to be blunt, but the amount of separation that phrase portrays is pretty substantial. It says we are better and they are not which is not the case at all. We are all sinners and in need of Grace. Just thought you should think about what you said.
On the same token I think it's awesome that Reach Records is starting to work with secular artists. There has been a separation between secular and Christian rap for too long and by bridging that gap, Reach has been able to start deeply impacting people who desperately need to hear the Gospel. When a secular artist collaborates with artists like KB, Lecrae, or Andy Mineo think about the crazy amount of one-on-one time that they can get with that person! As I said before we are no different than those who do not believe and we shouldn't separate ourselves from people who need to hear the Gospel just because they're unbelievers. Our job is to fulfill the Great Commission. If all Reach Records did was write music for Christians they would be straight up rejecting their mission and purpose as a Christian record label.
Keep going strong Reach Records! You guys have been an encouragement to me and have kept my faith alive through your music. Thank you for reaching the lost instead of staying complacent. God Bless
Ryan Jasperse
– Jan 21 2014
I really want to thank you all....you could have sat idly by and allowed these speculations to grow even more because honestly you all know your true intentions and it doesn't matter what others think the bible says blessed is the man when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you...so with yall's mission these accusations shall come..but I really appreciate you all for taking the time to make this statement cause it lets us know that yall do care ..and it helps those that may be weak minded and may really stand beside you all but can get led astray by so many accusations so it helps a lot that you all made this statement so that you can reassure the fans......
I have been rocking with reach since 2006 so this company has had a major affect on my life...I really love the way that You all are truly unashamed of the gospel...I like the passion and the message put forth...saying if the world can be wild and reckless and glorify drugs sex money and even glorify or accept homosexuality...then we as true Christians as FANATICS of Christ can be just as boastful and BRAG on our lord because he is the greatest and through him we are who we are... music today is becoming more and more bold and don't care and say whatever they want so we can do the same about our God and be modern day martyrs...I have every cd from the 11six comp and real talk ...to minorville and cc2....this is not just a true fan but a life style of being truly unashamed....thank you all for helping me...and thank God for you all!!
Jay Brooks @11Sixallday
– Jan 21 2014
Never get bogged down in all this criticism Reach.
You have been a huge blessing to me in my walk with the Lord, especially Lecrae, who was one of the first christian rappers I listened too. Your lyrics have challenged me to grow in my spiritual walk and in how I treat the people around me, especially unbelievers. No matter where I have been in my walk with the Lord, all your artists have consistently helped me too grow.
Anyone who is doing the Lord's work will receive a lot of persecution, all throughout the bible we see that. Take it as an encouragement you guys are doing the right thing. It is sad when I see brothers and sisters in Christ unjustly attacking and criticizing your ministry, and I pray those who have unjustly accused you would see how their actions are wrong.
Thank you guys again for all you do, you've changed countless lives, and I hope you continue to do this for years to come.
Blessings fam,
– Jan 21 2014
I agree with this 110%!!!! All of your music is anointed, and even though its coming from imperfect people, its made with a heart to worship our perfect God! Like Ryan said, I think its awesome that Reach is doing collabs with secular artists. Jesus himself ate with the ungodly and sinners (of which I am one) so I think its awesome that all the artists at Reach are aiming to show the same grace that Jesus showed to us to the secular rappers they are collabing with. God bless you all!!!! Thanks for all your heartfelt prayer and joyful obedience Reach!
James Grubb
– Jan 21 2014
Great piece! Thank you to the reach records and reach life staff artists for your fidelity to God and his word. Praying for greater impact and momentum as you guys broadcast God's goodness and peace in the hip hop world!
– Jan 21 2014
I would like to Challenge Brad with some literature if you can read the book Can't Stop Won't History of the Hip Hop Stop Generation by Jeff Chang, Hip Hop America by George Nelson, and Unorthodox church, hip-hop, culture. I've heard the argument Hip Hop has come from the Zulu nation but many scholars and people who study Hip Hop as a culture would disagree with that argument that plagues the church and unfortunately alienates the very culture Reach Records has and is successfully engaging from the music and artistic point of their ministry.
It is extremely clear that Reach is very intentional in all that you guys do because what you guys do in and out of the studio is done with such excellence. Bless God for all that you do
– Jan 21 2014
Can you explain the lightning bolt on Derek Minor's right eye in the album art for PSA Volume 3?
– Jan 21 2014
Not everyone will agree with the bait fishermen use to catch fish...Especially the Scribes & Pharisees...
– Jan 21 2014
Thank you guys for all you have done and continue to do for the cause of Christ.
Blessing and love - : )
Dice Gamble
– Jan 21 2014
Really appreciate this article because it saves my breathe from having to explain to people over & over that you guys are truly representing Jesus Christ in all you do, in your everyday lifestyle on and off the stage...so keep blazing bright for our Lord God Almighty, you got our support #Trinidad
Rebekah Fuentes
– Jan 21 2014
I appreciate the clarification made through your article. I still have an issue with collaborating with artist that spread evil. I feel as leaders we are responsible for the followers. I'm no better then an atheist but should I willingly put there work on display just because I feel I can minister to them. What about the followers that look at my approval of there behavior as a justification to do what they do. We are all sinners and fall short but if we hold a title to our craft as "Christian" then we should be obligated to that standard. I enjoy the music you guys make I don't fully agree with the direction it seems to be headed. Lecrae is my dude, but if I hear another interview where he is denouncing his music as Christian I'm gonna lose it. Whatever happened to unashamed? Whatever happened to playing the background???
Samuel Laurent
– Jan 21 2014
Thank you guys so much! This definitely encouraged me to support you. I was concerned a little bit with the non-Christian artist features, but I realized that doing that could spread the gospel to those artist and fans of those artist as well as having an understanding of a different world views. This will also help me not to get frustrated with the ignorant and judgmental youtube video comments. As well as wearing symbols on clothes such as upside-down crosses and skulls.
Just Thanks!
– Jan 21 2014
I Think What Reach Is Doing Is Great! Collaborating With Secular Artist To Try To Enlighten Them With God's Word Is Just Awesome To Me. Keep Doing Your Thing Reach!
– Jan 21 2014
Reach Records, i truly appreciate all of the hard work that you do in spreading the gospel, and caring about our youth. My son introduced me to the label in 2010, and I've loved this movement ever since. I truly support and enjoy each and every artist. My family and i often trivial up and down Florida coast to concerts and we love it. I have never doubted for a moment the choices you've made, i trust that it's God that has inspired each and ever move. I tell my son all the time, i will always support, because i believe in what you do at Reach. I can only imagine if we had Reach Records in my day lol. We just did know anything about living unashamed for God, it was religion that we were tough. This 11Six movement is so needed in this culture today, to really teach the liberating truth on now to live for God unashamedly. May God bless you all!
– Jan 21 2014
Im so tired of these "christians" commenting on all of Reach Records projects. Ever since Lecrae first popped on the seen i've been listening and following all his movements and i get it. If you all who think that what these brotha's and sista's of the Lord are doing is not right, then that just goes to show that you are not educating yourself on the vision and the direction of this label. "if this is of God nothing can stop it" so please do us, the real supporters of Reach music, a favor. Stop with the non-sense. We(real family) are tired of those who ridicule and speak negative against the Men and Women of GOD who labor hard to give us great edification music. And the fact that Reach does music with secular artist is a testament. By people saying that they shouldn't do music with none christian artist is like saying a street evangelist shouldn't communicate or do business with worldly people. Is foolish and immature to say these things. To say that Lecrae and Reach are apart of some occult thats built on secrecy and formed with evil intentions, is ungodly within its self. You all keep talking about the Men of God then that wrath is on you. I LOVE what REACH RECORDS is doing. I myself have not supported secular music in over 10 years, i owe that testimony to God, but HE has used Reach Records to keep my ears satisfied and my spirit edified. HATERS ARE GOING TO HATE, it just sucks that most those haters come within the church. I'm just saying.
– Jan 21 2014
To respond to everyone that thinks Christian Hip Hop artists should not collaborate with secular artists think about this:
Where in the bible does it tell believers to only witness to fellow believers? Where does the bible say to stay in our comfort zone and our own little box? Christ was originally sent to save the Jewish people and only the Jewish people. They denied him and Christ chose to save everyone who would believe. He knew the gentiles were evil hideous people and so did his disciples, but that is where they went to preach the good news.
Reach artists are doing the same thing when they collaborate with secular artists or when they fall under the Hip-Hop genre, which by the way is only a genre and does not define the artists.
Lastly, has anyone every considered the lyrical change that a secular artist does when the jump on a Christian Hip Hop Artists track? There was no cursing, talk of money or talk of women when Lecrae collaborated with Big Krit or Paul Wall. Those artists changed there lyrical content to be on a track with him. That in itself is huge and it's a way to preach to these artists that they can make an impact in Hip-Hop without rapping about guns, money and girls.
Just food for thought. God Bless yall and keep doing what you are doing Reach Records. I thank God everyday for what you guys do. I am one of the people you have reached through your music.
Michael Schlegel
– Jan 21 2014
1st of people don't know about this stuff its positive masons and evil masons..the symbolism is masonic there's a good and bad to everything lets just say reach is the good masons blue door.
Brad Davis
– Jan 21 2014
Reach is the best christian rap label out
Brad Davis
– Jan 21 2014
Reach is the best label out
Jesus son
– Jan 21 2014
Reach Records is an awesome label! I appreciate all that youve done and im so glad this issue was finally addressed.
– Jan 21 2014
To the Reach Records family all I got to say is just continue to follow the path that God has giving you don't get too caught up in being accepted by the world. Remember everyone on that label claims they was bought with price right???(Meaning accepted Christ in your heart and continue to follow him)
We all know that you guys are not perfect but do not lose the mission to what Jesus has giving you. Remember it was souled out brother's and sister's in Christ who supported ya'll from the beginning and we will continue to support as long as ya'll keep Christ first in everything.
I'm very proud of what you guys accomplish over the years as the highest grossing Christian Rap/Hip Hop label of all time. My prayers are with you and continue the Great Commission to what Jesus has in stored for ya'll. AGAPE
– Jan 21 2014
I don't feel like this addresses much. This letter just addressed what I think an artist would be doing. I feel like this letter paints Reach Records as a victim for the symbolism they use. Stop using the same symbolism as the other labels who are being associated with the illuminati. To me there is nothing holy about a skull. It represents death, and IS used by secret societies. Also the one eye symbolism!
– Jan 21 2014
I don't feel like this addresses much. This letter just addressed what I think a Christian artist should be doing. I feel like this letter paints Reach Records as a victim for the symbolism they use. Stop using the same symbolism as the other labels who are being associated with the illuminati. To me there is nothing holy about a skull. It represents death, and IS used by secret societies. Also the one eye symbolism! I see no transparency, or no responsibility taken by Reach Records on these issues. All of them are throwing up the hand signs in the videos. Lecrae, Derek Minor, Andy Mineo... I think thats all I have seen thus far. I listen to their music because I have found their lyrics to be Godly. I just think if you're throwing up the same hand signs and giving the worldly rappers props, its a thin line. Im speaking to myself to. There must be some separation between the sacred and secular. God requires it.
– Jan 21 2014
I'm humiliated for everyone that such a post was even necessary. Wow.
– Jan 21 2014
Collaborations with ungodly people may seem shady. That instance reminds me of Jesus and how the Pharisees were accusing and convicting Jesus of hanging out with sinners. But in the whole scheme of things, Jesus was hanging around ungodly sinners essentially because there was no one else to hang out with.
So collaborations with "ungodly" artists is really just a collaboration. Other then that, on a outREACH stand point, how are we going to reach out to others unless we go to where they are. We must GO, to where hey are at and meet them where they are at. Just like Jesus.
– Jan 21 2014
Thanks for sharing this! The more I think about what you guys are doing all over the world, I'm always grateful that so much caution and wisdom is sought after to Christ for where you guys go as a company, movement, family, etc. God bless you all, and keep doing what your doing. Praying for this record label, as it's not just a "label" but you all are family in Christ, being a light in a dark place albeit a different way than many.
Just a suggestion from a loyal fan, how you mentioned that the artists spend time in scripture and you all really take time to go through the process of creating art, would LOVE to see that as like a mini documentary or something, not to "shut people up" but more just to get an "inside look" at Reach Records. Just a suggestion, nothing more. Love you all
Michael Morejon
– Jan 21 2014
it's well!
More grace to y'all!
I very much love your music and your style of doing things!
It's a good thing, you guys are looking for all the possible means of reaching out to the world and redeeming the Hip hop culture.
But let's us be very cautions and creates certain limits for ourselves!
It's ok to use symbols and signs in your art works, but let's be mindful of the spiritual implications too!
Symbols brought forth from the demonic world, would attracts demons any day no matter who uses it, be it a christian or a non believer!
I love y'all!
God bless y'all and open your minds to more of Himself!!~~
– Jan 22 2014
Thanks for sharing. I have been following Reach since around 2007-2008. To see what God has done with this movement has been so edifying and encouraging! Sometimes I really cannot believe the things God has done through and with you guys. I appreciate each and everyone one of you (artists and producers.. and Dj Fish :P). Each of you have played a significat part in my spiritual growth and I wish I could personally thank each and every one of you. I consider you my brothers and I am praying for all of you always. I pray for your families as well. Thank you for all you have done and for proclaming Christ and encouraging us(the listensers) to pursue God and His glory.
Much Love, your sis in Christ.
– Jan 22 2014
"Can you explain the lightning bolt on Derek Minor's right eye in the album art for PSA Volume 3?"
How about: 'cause it looks cool? Just because one group uses a common symbol (i.e., lightening bolt, sun, star, etc) and gives it a specific meaning, that doesn't mean that anyone else that uses it means what they mean by it. Otherwise, crescent moons would always indicate Islam, a star would always represent something magical or Satanic, etc. The reality is, almost all common cultural symbols are to be found in the Bible too. Just take the art for face value--especially on album artwork.
– Jan 22 2014
I thank the Lord for Reach Records and their ministry. I live in the UK and have been so encouraged by the music and testimonies of the 116. All Christians are a work in progress and to see some 'Christians' critcising the work of Reach Records is so hurtful. To those who say that they should not be working with non christians in their line of work, look at the person and work of Jesus Christ. He came to seek and save the lost and calls us to reach the lost with the gospel. Some Christians are too like the Pharisees. To afraid to get 'unclean' by associating with 'sinners' but we are called to gospel outreach to go into dark places and speak words of life and truth to non believers.
Thankyou so much Reach Records, God bless you all. Love from the UK.
– Jan 22 2014
Wil Addison - Christ died for the people you judge ungodly as well as those of us who have a testimony of the Gospel. Moreover, Christ spent his time with the so-called ungodly of his time.
REACH - I'm 42 years old and I have grown up with rap/hip hop music. Your music inspires me and reinforeces Gospel principles in a medium that speaks to me. Keep doing what you do, my brothers in Christ: the fruits of you labor are good.
– Jan 22 2014
Emmanuel nieves
– Jan 22 2014
Praise God for HIS love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness - as well as the creation of the 116 Clique. Mighty musical messengers powered by an even MIGHTIER GOD. Keep doing what you're doing! God knows your heart, and you are accountable to him only. Love the haters, debaters, and speculators - while glorifying the ultimate REGULATOR!
– Jan 22 2014
I always say that worship is my ministry and music is my career. many times people try to mix the 2. it would be like you we're mixing oil and water. Don;'t get me wrong, but music is used as a tool to promote and intensify worship. So if you are a carpenter and i we're to say don't work with a non-christian would that be right or fair to you? Now the same applies to musicians and singers. We are Christians by faith, but that doesn't mean we are limited to working with christian only. i am an Musician/Singer that is a christian by faith. Lecrae and the reach family. i appluad you for taking a bold/courageous step forward.
– Jan 22 2014
REACH RECORDS I APPRECIATE you guys for carrying your cross, staying unashamed and taking the opinions and criticism that you all recieve on the daily basis. You all have truly been a blessing in my life and many around me. I know without even having to read this statement that you guys have a HUNGER, THIRST, AMBITION AND DESIRE for the Kingdom and its not shown by your ART DESIGNS, GENRE, or who is listed on a track but its shown in the FRUIT OF YOUR LABOR! I will continue to support you guys, pray and believe that this is just the beginning of your growth!!!
Much love, REGGIE
– Jan 22 2014
Thanks so much for addressing this.. I'll put you all on my prayer list. =)
– Jan 22 2014
This is a cover up letter to the truth at hand, the word says that anything that's done in the dark will be brought to light. I love the Lord JESUS AND MY bros and sis in the faith, but this letter has just brought them more time to establish themselves in the worlds system. Expect to see more demonic stuff transpire now.
The problem they forget to address is all the influences they let go into each project everyone at reachrecords is not saved and believe in Christ. Their is more secular folks working there who are executive producers and artist that don't care about Christ and the Word, but about themselves and there ideas. If a lot more saved and rooted and grounded saints worked their this wouldn't happen you wouldnt see all this demonic videos collaborations, and so forth, but this letter is just another cover up and those who are hungry for lies are gonna take it and say kool, while the real people of God gone call it like it is. Get Ready yall cause they are about to merge the secular and the worlds ways with the Word of God and those of you who are not careful will support this mess and cause many to go astray.
Remember the scripture Matthew 24:24 for false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
Then my favorite Romans 12:1-21Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of Godâ??s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Godâ??this is your true and proper worship. 2Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Godâ??s will isâ??his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Remember when all this happen I forewarned people in 2009 with the revelational dream (About Lecrae doing music with Kanye and Busta Rhymes) 2013 made videos (www.YouTube.com/user/typjovanstone0613 to further that warning, but folks keep mocking the Lord and His warning. It's cool pride comes before the fall. People gone accept this garbage, but not me.
I pray that folks will wake up before it's to late and for those who are not moved by this cover up keep going strong for the Lord no compromise again applying and living Romans 12:1-2 in the Lord JESUS so that you can continue being effective the right way. Remember no body is perfect (flawless), but we strive to live for Christ and display His glory grace and mercy through His perfection (maturity), and when He returns we will be complete.
(TYP) Jovan Stone Aka Damon J Jones
– Jan 22 2014
I love everything you guys do and stand for and I support all your choices and decisions . Keep up the good work. Your music and influence has helped me through both good and bad times ... Especially with my faith in god and living a 116 life. I just got back from a 9 month tour if Afghanistan and your music has helped me many times through that tour, Especially in the gym lol .. I have been a fan of you guys since the the real talk, kingdom people , and if they only knew days... And I have seen how much the 116 has grown and branched out.... I am from the island of Guam and coming from a 30 mile Long Island in the pacific I feel like I am the only one here that knows of you guys here... So that being said... COME TO GUAM!!!!! Lol the hip hop culture is deeply embraced here as well .. So just know that your message and influences has reached this island . And coming from a Christian,husband,islander and a soldier your movement has been a huge part of my life... Thank you For all that you do!!
116 till the day I die
– Jan 23 2014
Hello Reach Records, I'm glad to see that you have decided to discuss some of the issues that are currently of concern among people who listen to your music. I'm one of them. The Bible in Romans says if eating meat causes your brother to stumble, then you are no longer acting in love. Of all God's beautiful symbols without controversy, why do you persist in using symbolism associated with evil that make many people stumble? I believe this does not promote Christ,does it? I'm asking these questions not because I'm a hater or a critic, but simply as brother who loves your music and would want to see you run the race and finish well. Also, Romans 1:16 says 'I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes, first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.' 116 is basically your mission. Now tell me brothers, why are you taking the gospel out of most of your songs lately? We all used to enjoy Jesus Music, and if there were some people who hated you for being unashamed of the gospel in your songs, it should have stayed that way. I know that controversy attracts a lot of attention but, as God's servants, you don't have to overdo things for the sake of being in the limelight. Think of the many people that you helped grow in their walk with Christ when you used to make albums like Rebel, Identity Crisis and 2020. You started well, please continue and finish well.God bless.
Kayembi Chilomba
– Jan 23 2014
Get back to the word.... "You are not to say, â??It is a conspiracy!â?? In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it." Isaiah 8:12
116 for Life.
– Jan 23 2014
It's great that this has been addressed, expecially to you guys who've been getting all the flack for it. I'm very glad this came out, because it's been a problem lately that a lot of people have talked about and I keep trying to explain to people but now that you've addressed it extremely well now there is a main source. It's still sad to see some negative comments on this and doubts or drawing away from the main attention of the letter, but I don't think that kind of thing would ever go away anyhow. You guys have been an inspiration to me since you started, and I continue to share your amazing work and the work God has done through you all.
Rebecca Lambert
– Jan 23 2014
Hi Frankie,Don't take that mother's words serulisoy. She's so selfish and impolite!You have many fans to support you. Wish you all the best in the New Year Shirley
– Nov 23 2015
I’m James Alty, an unworthy servent of Christ. my handle will be “Christian rapper” or trapper idk yet, but Matthew 10:16 has spoken a lot to me and i wanna be on a team that keeps me accountable and points me to Jesus, and i don’t have any music out yet, i made some beats and the Holy Spirit wrote some bars once Christ called me to this mission. I’ve just been running from it. But isiaiah 66 scares me and the Holy Spirit is writing my lyrics and i feel as though Andy is writing about my life, especially ...There. Christ is flipping the music industry, everything satan is using for evil will be flipped. Idk why I’m typing this as if it’ll get your guys attention but, my Instagram is @hiddenchrist Colossians 3:3 and my brand would be @preyforgod i already have a team of creatives for a label or whatever. Christ put talents in me so He can recieve glory, but i keep getting attacked, like if i do become a successful artist, it’s all for myself or something and all i want is for God to get glory. But the honest 2 god freestyle sounds like my life.. except December 2018 and i laid flowers on a casket of a 23 year old me. The sacred knowledge is way too much for me to handle alone and i need guidance living within the 99% i could explain more but i don’t wanna share here, I want to do this calling, but then doubt comes along, fear sucks. y’all will probably think I’m crazy, but we all are crazy we just don’t know it. see you guys at some point. ty guys for letting God use you guys to help us get through the valleys.
– Jan 25 2019
My handle will actually just be James Alty
– Jan 27 2019