Lecrae X New Video X I’m Turnt
Check out Lecrae’s new video “I’m Turnt” off Church Clothes Vol. 2!
“We were made to pursue pleasure, but there is no pleasure under the sun that brings ultimate satisfaction.”
Go to Lecrae.com to download Church Clothes Vol.2.
All Comments 9
Lets not start judging his motives and heart behind it. I've been with 1 1 six for years and still am and never question a thing. Also remember that lecraes music is not towards ones that aren't even teenagers. Even go back to rebel. He uses a lot of theology that is way comprehensive for teens even. I get that it's better and safer than mainstream, but some songs are not for all ages. Look at church clothes (the song) lecrae even has said his son will not listen to it because of the content. This is just a fun song that lecrae is turnt up for The Lord. He's high on the spirit, while others are turnt up on something else.. Do I miss the theological songs from rebel. Sure I do. But as lecrae said in the "rebel vs gravity" song he's not more holy because he uses Jesus in a song or brags about what he's doing. We can all talk the talk but do we walk the walk. Lecrae is walking the walk. I have never met him, but is love to. That man has played such a role in my spiritual walk. He's not making bad music. I'd rather have these songs and him living right then pretending and giving us spiritual songs. I highly doubt that every contemporary artist loves Jesus as much as lecrae. Just because they can make a song that we love.. Doesn't mean they live it 24/7. Lets stop judging our brother. I back him till the grave. While he's human and does wrong, like us all, he's my brother in Christ. I'm unified with that dude, all the reach family, forever. Love them all.
– Dec 17 2013
Donna - Jesus' disciples could have said the same thing when he went in the houses of sinners and ate with them and even spent the night in their homes. It was absolute blasphemy to do that then. Point of the song is that he's turnt on the Spirit of God and doesn't need any weed, molly, ex, liquor to have a good time with his friends. What has happened to the Christian love and encouragement for each other out in the lions den fishing for men? Where is the grace for others that we have been given? Where is Jesus in calling out another brother in Christ over a song that is meant to show people there's only ONE thing that will truly satisfy their souls? All I ask is that you truly seek the Lord's guidance regarding Lecrae's music and really see Lecrae's love and passion for Jesus.
– Dec 17 2013
I love it!!!!
– Dec 17 2013
GREAT Video, GREAT song!
I've been following Lecrae for quite a few yrs (I'm in my 40's).....He may not be perfect like the rest of us (imagine that?)lol but his Music & Message have always been solid! I use his video's etc a lot in my youth teachings and I'm always amazed at some of the comments (judging) he gets?? it shows that we are all on different plateaus in our walk and some are immature & narrow minded in their walk & will speak with out knowing, God Bless em' I engage & rehabilitate in my walk..... just as the video depicts..... Keep doing what your doing Lecrae...116! One day my son's & I will make it to one of your concerts! better yet, have the team come to Maui!!! :) God Bless!
– Dec 17 2013
Amen matt. The comment I was referring to is now gone. And everyone who wants to hate and judge, remember you give an account for YOU. Not anyone else. While its good to help others... It probably is necessary when help is truly necessary not when WE see something bad. I'm referring to drugs, sin without repentance, adultery, etc. that's when we can step in to help. But really... Some of this is over the top. It's like a UFC fighter, who's Christian gets ridiculed because he doesn't comfort others in the ring and doesn't say Jesus enough to them.
– Dec 17 2013
Great Video!!!
– Dec 20 2013
Another vexing, demonic, and compromising video from the reach crew that again is blurring the lines between being saved and being secular, light and darkness salt and sugar. Romans 12:1-2 (12 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God)
The truth is already out though so defend this mess, but this worldy way of doing music will never be an pure way to display the Word and Power of God. This is sad that he and his team keep trying to show this fleshly carnal display of Gods grace and mercy. This life of ERROR they are living isn't bringing people to salvation, but making room for the enemy to establish confusion and discord.
People wake up I told ya this in 2008-2009, came back reiterated with videos on my www.YouTube.com/user/typjovanstone0613 account in 2013. Now it's 2014, it's been 5yrs when yall gone realize this isn't the will of the Lord, but an plot of the enemies to sway people away from the narrow path to the wide one.
(TYP) Jovan Stone
– Jan 13 2014
Jovan Stone, I think what people call you is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
– Jan 27 2014
Well..according to Mr. dude, the icnd2 Actualtests and Testking are not updated, even if they chneagd their date of update. That means they are trying to fool the buyers, which the dump companies often do to increase their sales.P4S is also not updated for icnd2 exam. You can check their website. I think theyâ??ve gone to sleep mode after july31st.The only one dump left is testinside and i donâ??t think they are updated too. In fact all dump makers are pretty much dead nowadays. They all are copying each other...And so? What's your plain, CareerCert?
– Sep 17 2014