Andy Mineo X Never Land X Out Now
Andy Mineo’s highly anticipated EP, Never Land, is now available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and the Reach Storefront!
Don’t miss all new Andy Mineo merchandise, 20% off at the Reach Storefront until Friday!
1. Never Land ft. MARZ
2. Paisano’s Wylin’ ft. MARTY of SOCIAL CLUB
3. You Can’t Stop Me
4. Rewind ft. KAM PARKER
5. All We Got ft. DIMITRI McDOWELL
6. Paganini ft. KB and CANON
7. Death of Me
All Comments 28
I'm spoiled getting it the evening of the 27th Mountain Time!
Kevin Kudrna
– Jan 27 2014
You Can't Stop Me!!! A bass head's dream come true.
David Padilla
– Jan 27 2014
Wheres the physical copy at?
Jayson Pell
– Jan 27 2014
Favorite track: Neverland
Warning: Paganini is the fastest track I've ever heard
– Jan 28 2014
Why can't we get it on google play store? I'd love to listen to it but I can't buy it
Albert Pedroza
– Jan 28 2014
– Jan 28 2014
– Jan 28 2014
So whats all the hype about? This sounds worldly and uninspired by scripture. Too much dark overtures to the beats and lyrics. The focus needs to be placed back on Christ and fast, but Naw that's not gone happen because all of Reach to busy trying to root their business in the world. That way when they decide to really be secular and sign non Christian artist and work with them the won't have to worry about the lack of Christians support (financially). In Sho Baraka and Lecrae word's "Gonna be hard to shut us down down down".... Or in Andy's words "Who can stop us now". Yall it's coming the evil a lot of yall over looked it's coming fullthrottle this yr.
The videos is out though (www.YouTube.com/user/typjovanstone0613 just remember yall been warned. Remember Romans 12:1-2 because if you think this is and holy example of pure art dedicated to the Lord JESUS and the Kingdom of God it's not. This album has no anointing to it at all and it's vexing the name itself speaks for the album, but folks keep missing the fine print. When yall gone wake up and realize this the flesh not men and women who unashamed of the gospel, but lukewarm and about to get spit out!!!!
(TYP) Jovan Stone
– Jan 28 2014
@ Jovan Stone ---> "They wanna put me in a box like Rocky cause I talk about God, but not me Papi"
Quit boxing these rappers in with the mindset that they HAVE to rap about God. Whether they speak directly about God or not, they bring a positive message to the rap game that is much needed. I'm sure you have good intentions with this but these men are not entitled to speak on any specific subject and any given time.
– Jan 28 2014
I agree with Garrett. Every song or word that comes out of a CHH artistâ??s mouth does not have to be explicitly about the Gospel in order for them to be legit. As long as it is consistent with the Gospel or promotes behavior that is biblical (â??Iâ??m turntâ??), an artist should have the freedom to express their creativity without being called a fake or a backslider. If I heard even one line that I thought was compromised the Gospel or biblical values, Iâ??d join Jovan Stone and others to immediately denounce it.
– Jan 29 2014
I must agree with Garrett as well. I have to be honest, it gets a little annoying to hear Jesus, God, Christ, etc. 150 million times in one song. I know that our Savior's name is great but come on it can get tiresome. The same way hearing GD, the F-Bomb, and so forth get annoying and ridiculous after hearing them 150 million times. The lost people don't really want to hear Jesus this and Jesus that. The same way us Christians don't want to hear a bunch of curse words in one song. We have to bring the lost the gospel in a tactful way that will make them stop turning the radio dial and listen. Get a song that has a sick beat and a small message to hook the lost person, then use the lyrics in another really great lyrical song to reel him/her in. Major props to Andy for a great EP, totally worth the money, will definitely be banging these songs for a while. NEXT UP T-DOT
– Jan 29 2014
Jovan Stone, its people like you that keep people from joining the body of Christ. You're so worried about religion and tradition that you miss the true meaning of what Reach Records, say it with now, Reach Records, is all about. They are reaching places that churches would not dare to go. If you are sitting back, judging these rappers because they don't sound like Shirley Ceasar, news flash, maybe they aren't reaching for you buddy. They are reaching for the lost, well, now that I think about it, maybe they should be reaching for you. If they are fishing for men and winning souls for Christ, who cares what kind of bait they are using. Hey Reach Records, you should make a new song called, "I See Pharisees!"
Jason Cortes
– Jan 30 2014
I don't understand why people don't want LeCrae or Andy to rap with mainstream artists. We are all sinners. Jesus wouldn't turn away from sinners. As long as reach artists aren't putting out filthy music with the mainstream artists, then what is the problem? Who knows what is going on in the collaboration, maybe they are planting a seed. To say that they shouldn't collaborate is saying to turn your back on a group of people which is not something Jesus would do.
– Jan 31 2014
It must be a difficult walk for these guys. We all struggle to be in the world but not of it. They have chosen to be leaders. In the spotlight being judged all the time. I have not heard any of the GOOD news from any of you haters out there. I personally have to thank Reach Records for pointing me to Jesus. This music is not what changes hearts but it points to the one who does. "I love the haters so I pray for 'em".
– Feb 2 2014
This song reminds me of the danger of Christians competing with one another and forgetting to love one another. 1 Cor 13. Thanks for exploring this stuff. Let's keep loving like Christ.
Mark Tirris
– Feb 2 2014
I be rocking some Beats Pro and I would like the Reach Record artists to experiment more with heavy bass and dubstep beats. Bassline from Chris Brown comes to mind when thinking of inspiration minus the sinful lyrics.
David Padilla
– Feb 3 2014
@David Padilla, try Basshead by Bassnectar and New Bomb by Chris Brown (Edited version).
– Feb 4 2014
jovan stone is a couch potato who waists his life.
– Feb 6 2014
To everyone on here who knows the truth about what's going on spiritually keep fighting the good fight, we can win our brothers back to Christ!!! Being (T)he (Y)oung (P)rophet has been a blessing and I wouldn't change it for the world. Christ has called me and I'm horned to keep giving the truth to my bros so keep wining and crying but I will continue to discern this evil and flesh music they keep trying to cover up and call Christ like. Romans 12:1-2 for those who care about and Love their bros and sis and want to live and be an powerful effective example to both saved and sinner alike, just know there's a better way be blessed. (TYP) Jovan Stone aka Damon J Jones
(TYP) Jovan Stone
– Feb 9 2014
To everyone on here who knows the truth about what's going on spiritually keep fighting the good fight, we can win our brothers back to Christ!!! Being (T)he (Y)oung (P)rophet has been a blessing and I wouldn't change it for the world. Christ has called me and I'm horned to keep giving the truth to my bros so keep wining and crying but I will continue to discern this evil and flesh music they keep trying to cover up and call Christ like. Romans 12:1-2 for those who care about and Love their bros and sis and want to live and be an powerful effective example to both saved and sinner alike, just know there's a better way be blessed. (TYP) Jovan Stone aka Damon J Jones
(TYP) Jovan Stone
– Feb 9 2014
To everyone on here who knows the truth about what's going on spiritually keep fighting the good fight, we can win our brothers back to Christ!!! Being (T)he (Y)oung (P)rophet has been a blessing and I wouldn't change it for the world. Christ has called me and I'm honored to keep giving the truth to my bros so keep wining and crying but I will continue to discern this evil and flesh music they keep trying to cover up and call Christ like. Romans 12:1-2 for those who care about and Love their bros and sis and want to live and be an powerful effective example to both saved and sinner alike, just know there's a better way be blessed. (TYP) Jovan Stone aka Damon J Jones
(TYP) Jovan Stone
– Feb 9 2014
Dear Mr. Jovan,
Who gave you the authority to pass judgment. You are not God almighty so get over yourself, stop judging, and try praying. Do you even listen to their music? Look at you... you pessimistic believer. You sure spend a lot of time trying to find satanic messages in their music instead of seeing that they are sharing Christ with a lost and dying world. A world, by the way, that needs our savior and not some skeptic who seeks to expose imperfections in the tackle box of these Christians gone fishing. Who's side are you really on brotha? The bible verse of the day is, Matthew 7:5 and it begins with, "You hypocrite." Have a nice day.:-)
Jason Cortes
– Feb 10 2014
Jovan stone you need to get a life! How much time do you waste trying to find imperfections in these guys!? Isn't there that scripture that says take the log out of your own eye before you go and try and take the speck out of your brothers?
P.S. Yo Jovan stone you got one big log in your eye ; )
– Feb 14 2014
prasun das
– Feb 21 2014
I personally love this album and the 116 clique! Yall are amazing! Keep it up!
Maria Ramirez
– Feb 26 2014
Ok my query is about the ep art cover. What's with the eye at the top of the letter A? Was it put on there to highlight the whole message of Never Land? An answer would be most welcome.
Confused newly saved Christian trying to run away from all this weird symbolism that haunted my life pre being saved.
– Mar 11 2014
I hope that 116 isn't corrupt. I understand that the world may be reached this way and if it's their tactic then okay. However, Jesus did not seek to confuse. In fact, satan is he author of confusion. Personally, I would like 116 to discontinue the mixed messages and confusion. There is no need to use such symbolism especially when satan uses it so frequently. I as a huge fan must now reconsider the root of their message and that shouldn't be.
– Mar 20 2014
something that he did not like about a truck that he likes.One guy likes the savage line and he sees a neatvige savage review and he goes Bat S over a truck that he lijkes.Someone says something bad about a forum that another person likes so they go Bat S over that.There is nothing good gained from putting bad out. It mixes emotions with people. Ill post the good.
– Nov 23 2015