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Who Wants the Stage? by Sho Baraka

A Man’s Gift Will Make Room for Him (Proverbs 18:16)

What a wonderful responsibility I have. I get to use one of my talents as a means to share GOD’s wonderful plan of salvation with the world. I also get to challenge and encourage believers to continue to see Jehovah for who he is. I get to hear amazing testimonies of how my music has encouraged young, old, black, white, believer and non-believer. Our heavenly father will never cease to amaze me with acts of grace and mercy.

I’m also amazed by the platform I have. I’ve had thousands listen to my every word, seeking hope, courage, strength and enlightenment. I’ve had numerous calls, emails, and personal conversations with leaders about how they’ve used my lyrics for devotionals and bible studies. I’ve taught many retreats, Sunday services, and seminars because brothers and sister in the Lord appreciate my music. As I wrote in Great Day II Die, “I see the young ones watching, yeah we role models/ I aint trippin cuz I saw the Role modeled”. Basically, I know that we’re admired because of the talents and positions we hold, but more importantly I hope we’re admired because of the way we reflect Christ-like character in our everyday life.

I say this because I’m very aware of the grace GOD bestows on your boy on a daily basis. I’m aware that I must watch my life and doctrine closely (1 Timothy 4:16). But if I had a chance to do it all over again, I would tell Reach “No, thank you.”


“Do you know what I’d give to be down with Lecrae, T-dot, and Trip? Do you know what I would do to have the opportunity to have a national audience? You have the chance to share Christ with thousands of people, through a talent that you enjoy doing.”

And maybe this is problem number #1.

I know many of us have great motives, great hearts, and great plans for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know many of us have a form of service that we would love to use on a national level. We know the plans of a man seem right in his own eyes, but GOD weighs the motive (Proverbs 16:2).

To many of us seek to be rappers or (fill in the blank) when we should seek to be servants, by any means. Not “Lord I’ll serve you with rap or (fill in the blank) by any means, but Lord I’ll serve YOU by any means.” More than naught in the scriptures you find Jehovah choosing his servants for the task that he wants of them, not the other way around. (Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Everybody…To many to name.)

My Struggle

Before I became a Christian I had the opportunity to rub shoulders with very important secular artists, producers, and managers. I had a group that sought to become successful hip-hop stars. We got radio play in California and did tour dates with major artists. We thought we had made it. When those dreams fell apart I was crushed. My desire was fame and wealth. So as a growing Christian I knew I needed to guard against this by any means necessary. I meet Lecrae and Tedashii in 1998. I was around Reach before it had a single record. Some have asked why it took me so long to do a solo album. I was content with serving the Lord in the capacity He saw fit for me. I knew I couldn’t handle the wickedness of my heart. From Real Talk to Amped, I knew that Sho’s heart needed to be refined by the grace and word of the Lord. I had no problem seeing the Lord use my brothers, and see him not use me in the same fashion. But I continued to encourage and spur my brothers on to love and good deeds. I signed a one album deal as an attempt to combat any struggles that may arise. Question- do you have this same contentment with your talents? Know that if you do rap or (fill in the blank), GOD has not promised the extras like: distribution, fans, great production, websites, great reviews or shows. All that other stuff is the Lord’s grace towards us.

Some of my issues with our Service

1) Too many people desire a form of service like Rap (fill in the blank) without knowing the Responsibility. James tells us to not be eager to be teachers (James 3:1). Rappers are esteemed in many circles like prophets, teachers or pastors. They get this status without any formal training. This can be very dangerous. Cousins, if I get another Demo from a brother who is not living out the responsibility in the local church, I will scream! Be accountable to a church (Acts 2-4). Grow in love, submit to authority, study the scriptures, live in community, and serve outside of you natural talent.

2) Some cats use their talents for entertainment purposes. From my perspective that’s cool, however if you use your talent in a church, you need to exhort and encourage the body (Romans 12, Eph 5:18-21 and Col 3:16).

3) I have trouble being sanctified by my form of service. We need to put ourselves in positions of service where we are being sharpened by that service for the Lord’s glory. I need to die to my selfishness and fleshy desires on a daily basis. I want to be the best rapper. I want everyone to love my music. I want to hear great testimonies of how my music changes lives. I pray to the Lord that I may be content with the role I may play in the movement of Reach or this music movement as a whole. In whatever form of service you offer to the Lord, please do it on his terms not yours.

I have some questions for us to constantly check our heart.

1. If you had/have this platform, is you life worth modeling? Do you know biblical truths?
2. Are you being sanctified by your service?
3. If GOD stripped your form of service would your life still look like Romans 12:1?
4. Do you get jealous of others success or compare your service to others?
5. Do you find yourself promoting self more than the Gospel?
6. Do you want your name mentioned among the best in your form of service, and get frustrated when its not?
7. Are you under the authority and accountability of a local church?

Lets not look like Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:9-25). He had an amazing gift in the world. He was accustomed to getting applause from men. He became a believer and followed great men. When he saw their impact, he began to lust after their positions and gifts because he desired to have the same impact with people. He knew not the true meaning of service or the true use for gifting. And that’s to edify the body.

-Sho Baraka

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All Comments 23

Good stuff right here bro. I was having this convo with myself and my wife a few weeks back and evendid a similiar devo on my show about it.

If you doing any of this strickly for the platform, but are disguising it as ministry...Problem #1

DJ Wade-O
– Jul 23 2008

This real sparked a plug in me to watch my heart and to really put God 1st! Some of the things i do is for my own benefit and as i Christian i should know to put God before anything! Thanks for opening my eyes wider Sho! Much Love and God Bless

T Cole-Scott
– Jul 23 2008

i dont think i get what u mean..
Are u saying if we have talents we should find out if thats whats Gods really wants for us?
or are u saying that we may have talents... lets say rap ... but we should look at oursleves and see if we're doing it for the right reasons?

If any1 has an answer and thinks they can explain it to me then just post a comment in responce to mine.. it will help me alot, thanks :)
God bless,

– Jul 23 2008

Thank you for the integrity that you showed at the concert in Rome last night. My son Austin is still wearing his pass and shirt that you and the others signed for him. Thank you all for showing him through your faithfulness that what he received last night was not like a "game show prize" but a true blessing from God for having a servants heart. We truly love you all as brothers in Christ and most of all we love the Christ that is in you. My son is forever changed and desires even more to continue being faithful to God. He now understands that wnen God gets the glory we get the benefits in the form of blessings.
Much Love from Tony, Jennifer & Austin Upton - Kennesaw GA

– Jul 24 2008

Sho, I don't think I could of said it better. I wish more Gospel artistes would get saved instead of trying to make a name for themselves and then saying its ministry.

There are so many deceived people out there that think they are on track when they are not. The fruit of their lyrics, lifestyle, doctrine and associations prove this.

When those things are in perspective it is easy to see why Jesus said that in that day many would speak of how much theyy have done, and yet he would say that he never knew them because they were workers of iniquity. (Matt 7:16-23).

May we continue to mortify this flesh and live unto righteousness and not get caught up in this last day deception.

– Jul 24 2008

Seems like I go back and forth between lack of confidence in myself and the talents God has graced me with, to lusting for the things of this world when that confidence is restored. This is one of the areas where a true Christian walk can be so hard. A constant brokenness is so necessary to maintain a godly view of self when success comes...that and good accountability. Which is why, for the next few days, I need to keep this in front of my face to keep myself accountable.

– Jul 25 2008

Man, Sho you hit the nail on the head brother. Its funny cause for the longest time I have felt and do feel that God might be moving toward doing ministry through music as one form of spreading the gospel. But God is always stripping me and leaving me naked to the truths of who i really am and the issues i have with my inner man, my heart. God has showed me that i do have alterior motives and I want to be a superstar. I felt like God said, if you want to be a superstar, humble yourself, and be a servant like me, and you will shine bright with my glory. So I agree with you totally and I am trying to serve in any way possible, down ot the littlest things. Thanks for the blog. God bless. Dustin.

– Jul 28 2008

Sho, I couldn't have said it better. I never really post comments on blogs, but this one I had to. I know you've probably heard this from everyone, but your words PERFECTLY reflect the thoughts of my heart...

I also happen to do Chrisitian Hip Hop and by God's grace, I have been blessed with great reception in my area-even though I have intentionally tried to keep myself undergroud for the past couple of years.

Similar to yourself, many many many people ask me "Why don't you drop and album. You'd do great". But as we both know, it goes way beyond that. I'm constantly probing and examining my heart to see if my motives are right, and if the attitudes and thoughts of my heart are focused on God's glory (even when being applauded during and after shows).

As I said, I've intentionally refrained from doing too many shows and recording, simply because I need to know FOR SURE that my intentions and attitudes are and will continue to be in the right place EVEN if God does grant me a national/international platform.

As per the questions you put up to examine your heart, I've gone through those and by God's grace and being as humble as I possibly can, I can say I pass.

Still the heart is decietful and I COMPLETELY hear, understand and relate with everything you say. Like you, my heart NEEDS to continue being refined. If you have any advise for a brother in the faith, please hit me up.

Thanks for the words. Finally, someone who so accurately illuminates the thoughts that I've for so long struggled with. All glory to God of course, but Thank you for allowing yourself to be used in whatever fashion the Lord sees fit. Thank You also to the whole Reach, CM, Lampmode crews as well as their affiliates...

Grace and Peace

– Jul 31 2008

yall stay blessed and keep representin in christ

wallace bridges
– Aug 3 2008

Praise Him! Many thanks to you and the reach crew for allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you ( 1 Cor 12:6-8). This article really addressed some of the "inner thoughts" of the flesh that we all have. It is a great responsibility that you all WHOA. It makes me thankful of the current position I am in, however big or small it is seen in the eyes of man - how great is our God! (Romans 12 1-3)

– Aug 5 2008

Wow Sho, this blog blesses me so much. The 7 questions at the end are right on point they are indeed prerequisites to livin' a life at a ten and keepin' it 100. You and the whole Reach crew keep us all on our toes, challenging us to truly step up our A game for the Kingdom of God, and always reminding us to keep our focus on Him, and not man. I pray that God increases your effectiveness as you minister to us the "Gentiles" via this huge mega platform that God has given you. Thanks, and God bless you, in Jesus' name.

Precious W-G
– Aug 7 2008

Woe to me if I don't preach and live out the Gospel of Jesus. Yo Sho that was really encouraging brah. We need to examine ourselves to see if we are truly in the faith and we must live above and beyond reproach. I pray that the Lord uses my music(beats and songs) for His glory but if not God still be praised because its His will not our will be done. Our lives are as you said to be servant bondservants of the most high in area that he calls us to. God Bless u brother for your transparency on the issue, that shows maturity in the faith. Grace and Peace to all....

Deacon Chris Mays aka Sakryfyce So Sakryfycial
– Aug 8 2008


I love that way the Lord has blessed you to be a needed ingredient into the infrastructure of REACH.

Of course you know and we all know that you ADD a different flava.

But, even more importantly the Lord has saw fit to bless you to clearly convey understanding to all of us on the outside looking in.

THis is very key simply because often times we can lean to our guesses, assumptions, etc and seriously get things misconsrewed!

Your blog was "Poweautiful" simply.

If anything I definitely have a greater respect, understanding, and grasp on your heart, perspective, and position as a SON of the KING, a husband, and a Recording artist.

Thank you for your transparency.



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– Aug 19 2008

T.I.M.E. --- aka Tariq Abubaker was born in Jerusalem on March 3, 1979. T.I.M.E. Was brought to the United States at three years old by his mother. He grew up in Los Angeles California and struggled to pursue the dream God the father gave him as a little child. Time was born a Muslim and battled the controversy of 2000 years of religion and Islam. T.I.M.E. lived in southern California for the majority of his child hood.

– Aug 21 2008


I really appreciate the fact that you call christians to a higher standard. That's a true brother in Christ.

You are blessed

HipHop Theologian
– Aug 23 2008

All my life I been in love with money, that I would do anything for it. Every since I became a Christian and be persuing the faith . I get remind that without Christ i'm nothing. I r ead the bible the other day and it was talking about the human body being the Holy of Holies, The place where God dwells. When I read it, it was like a smack to the face or more like a punch to the gut by Muhammad Ali, lol. The point is that as followers of Christ we have to understand that we no longer own I bodies. The bible clearly says we were bought at a price. Which is Christ blood. We are all not worthy for him and not worthy of life, but Christ made it clear it don't matter what man think. He the source of happiness, better yet joy! So i will leave you with this, I love you all and let Christ guide you down the narrow path.

P.S. Sho man personally I would love to see Christ use you for another blazing Christ fill album. Remember we have to Crucify Our Flesh Daily. I was call to do music and I want God to guide me, so if I have to wait 10 years to hear spit. I will support you man. Just keep the center.

I'm Out

Dorian " GeArtis" Taylor
– Aug 25 2008

I'm glad that you followed the Spirit's leading by posting this blog entry. Those seven questions have my heart in a chokehold right now. I hate to admit it, but my confession is that I don't add up to anything near the sum total of God's gift in me. I've been so selfish that my testimony has been compromised. Pray with me...I don't want to waste my life in Christ or lose it by being a hypocrite.

Thanks again for sharing the truth.

A New Man
– Aug 31 2008

Ay I feel you, when I was younger I used to say "Imma be just like Crosss Movement" I had it all twisted. Don't get me wrong I loved the and had a zealous passion to spread the gospel but I had lost focus on who it was really about (JESUS). Make a long story short I got my priorities together and am fully reppin Christ here at Central Michigan University and other Michigan campuses. using the poetry gift God has bestowed on me. Im very content and often times even overwhelemed with the responsibilties and realm of influence God has given me here. But hey, our generation needs us, so let's get it in. Live at a ten baby!

DJ da Poet- "Bringing biblical truth, one line at a time."

DJ da Poet
– Sep 10 2008

Yo man,

That is so true of what you said. It's crazy because lately I see how my walk in Christ has encouraged people around me in my area to live the Life for him. Most ppl that Im close with know I go to church but they also that I try to show Christ in all I do by crucifying my flesh.

Sometimes I wish I had a bigger platform for my poetry,which is my prime gifting from the Lord.Im more of a poet than a rapper but lately I've loved rapping than poetry. So many "ministers" are out there building their own kingdoms without the flow of the holy spirit,and it's like"they're doing more damage than edification which is dangerous".Like when I flow with some ppl in a cypha or something,I make sure Christ is glorified in it while speaking into others lives, regardless if Im with cats in a neighborhood or in some concert, I dont flow just to flow.My struggle is though,am I hiding my talent because I dont hear or feel God said yes to certain platforms or am I being decieved,knowing that any opportunity is of God to showcase my talent everywhere and anywhere?I was just reading Matthew Chapter 25 on that.

Im glad you are out there doing your thing sho. Be encouraged manof God to be a living sacrifice and be led by the Holy Spirit into all things man of God, and you as well as Reach will soar with Jesus the Christ. God Bless You

– Oct 5 2008

Your words spoke to my heart, man! As someone that's only spent a year serving The Lord aspiring to be a true Christian, it's been a struggle. Especially coming from the world, I was shocked when He spoke to me and called me back to rap as one of His servants while I was listening and worshipping to Trip's joint Eyes Open! I thought my journey through that was over when I quit my boy's record label after I witness a demon of lust in the girls in the crowd at one of our shows! Anyway, your words are the truth! Keep up the fight!

Jason X
– Oct 7 2008

Seems like alot of people are speaking on this same subject in other "popular rappers" blogs. You know Sho, i am constantly having to do a heart check on myself as I do more than just rap ministry but yes alot of rap ministry. I went through your 7 questions above, which are simillar to the questions I constantly ask my self and the two that are trouble for me honestly are 4&6!!! This is horrible, I know. And so I sit back sometimes and let the Lord discipline me, deal with me, sanctify me, correct me, show me why this is and beg him to change me! I have been through much in this strugle and in many different ways...Thanks be to God that he's going to finish this good work in me that he has started! Until then, I will be struggling with some stuff like this. Much love

– Oct 16 2008

THE PROOF OF THEIR IMPATIENCE Peter speakin to his iantaimpt flock2Pe 3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation.That why Peter? wrote verses 8 and 9BUT They are too stupid to see it, And THEY have the nerve to call us blind, their whole doctrine hangs on Campings miss-understanding of verse 8 An isolated verse taken OUT of context. HC is 100% false

– Sep 20 2012

Sho Baraka released a video explaining the controversy behind his song “Piano Break, 33 A.D.
– May 7 2017

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