Welcome to the new ReachRecords.com
We posted a while ago about a new site in the works, many of you submitted designs for the background, and after many months it’s finally here in all its html glory. If you are reading this through your RSS feed then click through and check it out!
Take a look around and give us your feedback. As with any launch there will be some bugs that only you might see. Let us know! Just click over to the Contact section and tell us.
Some Highlights of the New Site:
1. Blog Style
The homepage and each area is designed so content is king. Every new update on the site will come through the homepage blog area so you can stay up on all new articles, videos, etc on the front page.
NO MORE FLASH! Our last site was slick looking but it was also in flash so you couldn’t link super easy to the page you were on, and it got hung up sometimes. Now everything will be faster and simpler allowing you to get to the content you need and share it with others.
3. Rotating Backgrounds and Colors
Our new setup allows us to easily change the site background and colors so we can keep the look fresh! We want to get designs from YOU, the community, to put up on the site so if you are feeling inspired send us your best shot. Just abide by the template (click for more info) and be creative. The current background was designed by Dana in Brooklyn, NY.
4. Easier Comments
You can comment much easier on posts and items so you can take part in the community discussion. But don’t get too crazy…we’ll be monitoring.
5. Building a Library
Our hope is that the site can be a destination not just for the latest news on music, but also an encouragement to your spiritual growth. We have a resources section with articles and studies that we plan on growing in 2009.
6. Easier Jukebox
Click the “Launch Jukebox” link in the top right of the content. Now you can surf while the music plays in a separate window.
7. Updated Booking Options
Now you can book an artist to speak only instead of a concert, or you can book a ReachLife representative to come help train your ministry in how to use our curriculum once it drops.
Keep clicking around and check it out. We’ll be tweaking and updating in the coming months based on your feedback. Thanks for all the support!
All Comments 16
This new site is tight! Great Job. Forum is currently down though
– Nov 21 2008
great work you are doing guys seen use at birminghan it would be good to see you at glasgow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
god bess aka pedegree
mark jones fcc glasgow
– Nov 22 2008
i'm feelin the new site! its hot!
God Bless
– Nov 22 2008
The new site is bangin.
Keep praisin...God bless
Nickei Marie
– Nov 23 2008
Whatz good Fam! Ya'll had me jacked!...I thought that the reason I couldn't connect to the REACH site was because ya'll were puttin up some T-DOT updates. But...wait we must. The good news is that I can finally check the REACH site from my Palm Treo! Much love to the REACH FAM!!! T-DOT--I see you...cant wait for I.C. to drrrrrrop! ONE!
– Nov 23 2008
Whatz good Fam! Ya'll had me jacked!...I thought that the reason I couldn't connect to the REACH site was because ya'll were puttin up some T-DOT updates. But...wait we must. The good news is that I can finally check the REACH site from my Palm Treo! Much love to the REACH FAM!!! T-DOT--I see you...cant wait for I.C. to drrrrrrop! ONE!
– Nov 23 2008
I like what you guys have done with the site, its a great improvement, and more convenient for people with various browsers and internet connection speed. Looking forward to more stuff you got coming in the future.
– Nov 24 2008
I really love your work I've been inspired to seek God in many ways and I pray that others may also be inspired to do the same
Jean Joseph Lindor
– Nov 24 2008
I would agree with the others the site is nice. It seems as if you all really put some thought into making it user friendly and conducive for anyone to retrieve vital info rather than simply being pleased by the coolest html glamour. Praise God...all day
-Njeri Hot HandZ Camphor-
*Keep Him First/Seek Him First*
Njeri Hot HandZ Camphor
– Nov 28 2008
As always you guys continue to do what's best for the people you serve. You guys are a hit around the office. Thanks for allowing us to use that song.
– Nov 29 2008
This site will always be tuff, designed or not.It got the content of Christ
Manuel Siles
– Dec 3 2008
Hey Reach! I like the concept of the new site, but I think it the layout and typography (sorry i'm a designer) could be a little cleaner. The font choice and size for the content text of the site hinders readability. Maybe if a different font was used with and a few more point sizes larger it'd work out better (just a suggestion). I really have to look real close to the screen to read comments. I like the blog style content because it's a lot easier to find what you're looking for and stay updated than the last site. The RSS feed feature is beautiful. Thanks for that one!
– Dec 6 2008
Frankly, I am not a big fan of the new design. The flash design was excellent, and also very expensive. I really didn't a need for a new design ,other than, the current search engines issues with flash.
– Dec 6 2008
Yo, I love this new site. More browser friendly and quicker loading. Keep up the nice work and use my header image. :D
– Dec 11 2008
What is the blog's RSS feed? The new site doesn't seem to be broadcasting the URL.
Peter Rust
– Dec 17 2008
Great party! Really appreciate the inivte. Btw, thanks for the sweet comment on my blog. Hope you can link up also in my Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop
– Sep 19 2012