Unashamed Tour coming to the Dirty
July 9th and 10th you can find 116 on the southern side of the US with shows in Mississippi and New Orleans. If you live in the area come check us out!
You can find more info on the Unashamed tour site here!
July 9th and 10th you can find 116 on the southern side of the US with shows in Mississippi and New Orleans. If you live in the area come check us out!
You can find more info on the Unashamed tour site here!
All Comments 3
I saw you guys in P-town (Portland OR) The message was clear - Believe Repent Be saved!
Thank you for bringing the truth!
– Jul 24 2008
why don't you guys ever come to columbia sc. And TripLee your album is so blessed!!!!!!!1
– Jul 28 2008
Wow! I am the first one to reply. Yayyyy me! And yes I'm very comfortable sniarhg the gospel. I find it many times God uses me when I'm at my lowest point to minister to somebody. Someone will either call me or text me to pray for them. Or I might be in a grocery store or in the doc office waiting room and someone will start tellnig me all of their problems. They might tell me everypart of what's going wrong in thier life. And it's funny because sometimes I'm just as low as them but God still uses me to tell them about him and to show the love of God to them. So many ppl have told me, Kristian, you will never know the ppl you have impacted. And even about a year ago, I was talking to a girl that I went to middle school with. I had just gotten saved at 12 in 7th grade. And I didn't really even know how to witness. But as I was talking to my friend we were catching up from the last time that we talked and I told her that I had a calling on my life to full-time ministry and that I was desiring to go to bible college and that I was in ministry at my last church. And I thought she was gonna be shocked and say something superficial but she just said Kristian, that doesn't surprise me at all. That seems like the perfect thing for you. And evn in middle school, I knew you would do something like that. I was shocked! I had no idea I was witnessing to ppl or just being an inner witness and showing love to them. WOW! God is something. So yes, I love witnessing, especially to young ppl. Sometimes the devil will tell me stuff, like they're not gonna receive it, or they r gonna laugh at you and sometimes they did. But I try to be obedient in every opportunity. And college that was my playing field of bringing ppl into the kingdom. I rem one guy, let's call him, Mark. I was a CA, (just like an RA over the dorms) but I was living in apartments on campus. And I had to do my last walk for the night at 10:00. And I saw Mark , flirting with this girl getting ready to walk in her apt with her. So I called Mark and told him to come walk with me on my last round. He said Okay diva . (Diva in Christ was my nickname in college and I'm bringing it back). So as we walked I started talking to him about God and that God has a plan for his life. See, He was a senior an I was a sophomore. So we walked the complex and he walked me upstairs into my apt. We talked for a few min more and I asked him if i could pray with him and he said yes. I prayed my little heart out!!! I mean, I prayed! And prayed and prayed! And when I tell you the holy spirit was all over him!!!!! Can you imagine a 6'4 280 lb, solid muscle, foot ball playing black male crying at the power of God? Well I can and I saw it. He was so weak, all he could do was weep and hug me like never before. From that day, Mark came visit me all the time. He lived right across the grass from me. He came over borrowed my vacuum, my pink frying pan, and any cleaning products. He even volunteered me to make food for him. He got into church, started readin g the word and even became celibate. His dream is to play NFL football, I think he is on an arena team. But I'm so proud of Mark. And was so happy that God used me like that. He does those things often, atleast when i was in college he did. Sorry for the lnog post. Now I;m too excited!
– Sep 19 2012