Trip Lee x The Good Life x Mini Documentary
Take a look behind the scenes with Trip Lee as he discusses the highs and lows making of processe latest album “The Good Life”. If you haven’t Purchase “The Good Life” Click Here. To preorder Trip’s debut book The Good Life (The Book) Click Here.
All Comments 18
This is one driven young dude. Proud of you Trip keep working hard for the lord!
– Sep 28 2012
Praying for your ministry going ahead Trip!! Thanks for the challenging/motivating/wisdom-based teaching you've brought to myself and thousands (millions?!) others!
– Sep 28 2012
Trip's humility is so evident and it is a beautiful thing to watch. He is a very captivating young man, I look forward to what God has in store for us through Trip. Praying that you and your family continue to stay strong in the Lord Trip!
– Sep 28 2012
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'll be aliright, got do what the lord wants you to do!!! I'll still be a supported fan
– Sep 28 2012
God is doing a cool thing in your life. Keep doing what God's calling your to do.
– Sep 28 2012
It's a blessing to see GOD use young men in a era like this! Praise GOD for you bro!
– Sep 28 2012
Trip, I know you have so much in store for you. I have toured locally and I can understand having 3 kids and a wife and committed to a local church how hard it is to juggle everything. You have served God well in music and now its time to get the next baton and run with it. You are an inspiration to me and always will be!!
Shawn Allen
– Sep 28 2012
Way to stay grounded bruh! Recognizing that all you have comes from God and not serving him is futile.
Chris Niles
– Sep 29 2012
Awe... Trip... I'm truly going to miss u. I love what u do also mad love for the whole 116 crew. Your music has touched my husband in sooooo many ways til i couldn't help but get on board! You will truly be missed Happy for the new level God is taking you to though. You have a beautiful family and I know God is only going to take u higher from here! Still will be a sister in Chirst with whatever u do. Stay Encouraged, Focused and On Fire for God!! He got u. :) God Bless.
– Sep 29 2012
What can I say, Trip Lee having God's understanding which is Living the Lifestyle of Faith in God! #BestLifeEver!
Uyiosa Omo-Egharevba
– Sep 30 2012
Can you check this out, you encouraged me to make good music. feedback is always good. God bless
– Sep 30 2012
Praise God for you, Trip. I do not know if you will ever read this though. But this is like bittersweet. I thank you for all of the encouragement man to man. You have personally helped me in my walk in Christ and for that I thank you. I am excited that God is taking you to a new level and stay encourage. You will be missed because of your unique style so stayed blessed. But maybe you could drop some more music before you go maybe some more collaborations with some 116 peps and more. God Bless
Malik Williams
– Sep 30 2012
I have watched this documentary twice now. I am godly proud of Trip Lee. Here is a young brother who has heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and believed it as evidenced by his persistent and noncompromised testimony of Him. I own all of his CDs and have heard his compilation collaborations. The Good Life is something we all can achieve. The "good life" is living a life for Christ and using what he has given you to edify his kingdom to bring him glory. I celebrate God all the more Trip because of your success. Keep lifting him up.
Robin Ross
– Oct 6 2012
living the good life is living the way i was created to live. Living by faith in the good God. woooow. that touched me.
Keep it up trip.
– Oct 7 2012
Thank you for being obedient to Jesus and for using your talent to bring God glory. You are my favorite rapper so you will be missed! Continue to let God shine his light through you. Whether it be a few song here and ther :) or through sermons, books and podcast.
– Oct 9 2012
If you love Jesus Christ and like learning through Hip Hop get at us on Facebook at "Christian Hip Hop Hits Just as Hard" - Matt Bold aka Gods M80
Matt Bold aka Gods M80
– Oct 10 2012
OMG! Just wanna thank the LORD for you Trip Lee! Now I have a brand new picture to the GoodLife! God bless you more!
Abel Kaludzu
– Oct 12 2012
Hi! Bro,
I praise God for raising up a man like you in this century and I pray that God can keep you humble as you continue to serve and search for him in your ministry, I'm also an up coming artist based in South Africa, I worked together with a very good friend of mine on an album wich will drop in february, let's keep praying for eachother, as we preach the gospel in different ways. Hopping we will get to meet some day
Stay blessed God bless you
K' Doulos
– Nov 16 2012