The 116 Life X Keone & Mari Madrid
Keone and Mariel Madrid are choreographers with a heart for the Lord. You can see their work anywhere from Urban Dance Camps, to Hyundai commercials, to So You Think You Can Dance. Keone and Mari currently reside in San Diego.
Tell us a little bit about the path to where you are today.
KM: Man, well I definitely never thought I’d be where I am today. I was a total “jock” in high school and played all sorts of sports. Basketball was my main thing, so when I started dancing it was a bit of a surprise to all who knew me. I think you can count on one hand how many male hip hop dancers there were at my school. Dance was just a side fun thing for me but after years of putting in work to get better, God just continually gave me opportunity after opportunity. What we do in the dance business did not exist when I first started, so it wasn’t something I thought of aspiring to. We’re the blessed generation that got to unintentionally invent this sort of Youtube choreography phenom thing.
MM: There are a lot of moments, often when we’re sitting in a plane about to take off to some far away place for work, and I am just floored by what we get to do. I never in my life guessed that I would be dancing as a profession, I always just did it for fun and out of the simple love for it. Then to have it interwoven with the man of my dreams and Jesus coming into my life makes it even more unbelievable; like it’s too good. How it happened was a friend of mine posted a video of my choreography from a class I taught. At that time I had no idea what youtube was, but it got a lot of hits and led to more teaching opportunities. More opportunity led to more open doors, led to meeting my husband, led to me meeting the Lord, and us building this life together in our shared art, careers, and marriage. I went to art school for creative writing and ended up having this beautiful path emerge out of left field, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
What does a typical day of work look like for you?
Well we sort of have different kinds of days. Travel ones and days at home: Days at home are like this: wake up and spend time in prayer and in the Word. Do any emails, music search, social media, online type of stuff that we should be taking care of. Time with our doggie. Jump into the gym to do any workouts and/or jump into the studio to choreograph for a couple hours. Depending on the day we would usually have rehearsal at night stemming from anywhere to 3-7 sometimes more hours. Schedule is pretty sporadic depending on the season, traveling, making videos, projects, jobs, etc.
Did you have a specific moment when you realized that you wanted to pursue dance as a vocation?
KM: Up until 2010 dance wasn’t the plan for my wife (then girlfriend) and I to do this as a career. We both were actually about to quit and go back to school to do the “typical” path towards another “safe” job. Mari would go into nursing and myself into sports medicine. We actually were creating a video that was supposed to be our “last hoorah” kind of thing. It was a piece inspired by Matthew 5:14-16. After we posted the video there was a clear message that we couldn’t stop. God stepped in and said NOPE… you’re doing this… Glorify me and I will provide for you. Since 2010 our careers have definitely taken off and it’s been one blessed journey so far.
MM: Yes to everything Keone said. We had a time where we were preparing for a different life and God definitely stepped in and showed us not only what direction He wanted us to do, but why.
What risks or hard decisions have you had to make to live unashamedly?
KM: Plenty: turning down jobs, not dancing to certain music, “going out” with colleagues, hanging around certain crowds, etc. Being a Christian itself brings it’s challenges, but being a dancer and choreographer in the entertainment industry AND being Christian definitely presents it’s every day battles.
MM: To add to this, as a woman, the challenges are crazy. The industry that we’re in is very male dominated and it can get hard to not feel swallowed up in it and stay confident in yourself. I’m so happy to have Keone because he knows me so well. He builds me up and sometimes even keeps me safe from my own thoughts. It’s also an ongoing battle to keep yourself modest, stand up for what you believe in, and not let the image-oriented environment get to you. Whether it’s how you dress, how you move, how you speak, or how you think of/talk about others, I always feel tugs both ways, but know which way I want to follow. Perspective, focus on obedience to God, and being growth oriented vs. goal oriented is vital.
What does the unashamed life look like in your context?
Sharing what you love, through His love.
How have you worked through success? Failure?
KM: Jesus spoke about this, but as we sometimes think there is only tribulation in failure, success is just as likely to tear a man down. In failure, trust in God’s plan, rejoice in tribulation. In success remain humble and be thankful for God’s blessings.
MM: Trust. Just trust, trust, trust, in God and each other. Also, constantly checking your motives and helping keep each other accountable.
Have you had any mentors along the way?
KM: there are so many people I’ve come across that have mentored me in some way… family, friends, etc. Spiritually I’d have to say our pastor, Pastor Steve Brown, and of course my wife.
MM: So many mentors, but I have to agree. Our Pastor Steve Brown has taught us so much about the not only God’s Word, but about how to read it, understand it, and apply it to our lives, from the big decisions, to the tiny details. He’s been a huge help for Keone and I in developing our relationship with each other and also in helping us understand our roles as artists that want to be working for the kingdom.
Do you have any favorite books?
KM: I love Drew Brees’ book “Coming Back Stronger” | “Mere Christianity” by CS Lewis
MM: So many! I was a lit major haha so too many. I just love a good story that is well told. Language has such power to be a beautiful influence if the writer is so inclined.
What verses or passages in Scripture have sustained or encouraged you?
Philippians 4:13, Ephesians 2:8-9, Matthew 5:14-16, Proverbs 3:5-62, Corinthians 10:5, Philippians 4:6-7, Isaiah 61:1-4
Can you offer some encouragement to other unashamed believers out there?
Keep loving on others with your gifts because you never know what kind of lives you’re affecting. God can use ANYthing. Imagine what He’s using you for now 🙂
Find out more about Keone and Mari at:
All Comments 7
its always better under the son
Samuel Lemma
– Mar 17 2014
These are two of my favorite dancers. I'm happy Reach Records and Keone and Mari were able to collaboration with this interview.
Now let's see a collaboration on a video!!!
Hernz Laguerre, Jr.
– Mar 17 2014
It's amazing how inspiring they are. In dancing, in life, in everything.
Thais T.
– Mar 18 2014
They never failed to inspire people in whatever they do.. They truly are a blessing form the Lord.. Thank you Lord for their lives..
– Mar 20 2014
we live the 116 life
Nax beat
– Mar 22 2014
I am a major FAN! not only for their gift and talent, but mainly for their love & passion for God!!
Be a blessing to meet and jam with them :) love & blessings
Tony Pati
– Mar 27 2014
I am a fan of their work and would love to see more collaboration with them and 116 artist as well as others. Their style is needed in the music video space.
– May 23 2014