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Tedashii-Shares the heart behind Make War Anthem


Tedashii explains on, the concept behind the anthem “Make War” ft. Flame, from his sophomore album “Identity Crisis”. This is a timeless message for all believers. Let’s Make War!

If you haven’t got the album yet go here


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Tedashii how are you my brother in Christ Jesus your new album Identity Crisis is fantastic Jesus Christ centered allthe way through brother just like I like it you are killing it fam. The basis of Spiritual warfare is making ourselves believe what the Bible says that Jesus Christ says about us. Irregardless of what anyone else says or does around them they make the Bible their reality. The Bible is The Christian Spiritual Mirror. Confidence in Christ, Confidence in the Death, Burial and Resuurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ. Be encouraged my brother in Christ Jesus let us not even leave out of the house in the morning without our Armor of God on, let us eat,drink, breathe, sleep and dream the Bible and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is The Divine Second Person in The Holy Trinity who alwys was, is, is to come and will always be God in The flesh for infinity Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 14 2010

Tedashii how are you my brother in Christ Jesus your new album Identity Crisis is fantastic Jesus Christ centered allthe way through brother just like I like it you are killing it fam. The basis of Spiritual warfare is making ourselves believe what the Bible says that Jesus Christ says about us. Irregardless of what anyone else says or does around them they make the Bible their reality. The Bible is The Christian Spiritual Mirror. Confidence in Christ, Confidence in the Death, Burial and Resuurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ. Be encouraged my brother in Christ Jesus let us not even leave out of the house in the morning without our Armor of God on, let us eat,drink, breathe, sleep and dream the Bible and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is The Divine Second Person in The Holy Trinity who alwys was, is, is to come and will always be God in The flesh for infinity Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 14 2010

Tedashii how are you my brother in Christ Jesus your new album Identity Crisis is fantastic Jesus Christ centered allthe way through brother just like I like it you are killing it fam. The basis of Spiritual warfare is making ourselves believe what the Bible says that Jesus Christ says about us. Irregardless of what anyone else says or does around them they make the Bible their reality. The Bible is The Christian Spiritual Mirror. Confidence in Christ, Confidence in the Death, Burial and Resuurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ. Be encouraged my brother in Christ Jesus let us not even leave out of the house in the morning without our Armor of God on, let us eat,drink, breathe, sleep and dream the Bible and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is The Divine Second Person in The Holy Trinity who alwys was, is, is to come and will always be God in The flesh for infinity Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 14 2010

Tedashii how are you my brother in Christ Jesus your new album Identity Crisis is fantastic Jesus Christ centered allthe way through brother just like I like it you are killing it fam. The basis of Spiritual warfare is making ourselves believe what the Bible says that Jesus Christ says about us. Irregardless of what anyone else says or does around them they make the Bible their reality. The Bible is The Christian Spiritual Mirror. Confidence in Christ, Confidence in the Death, Burial and Resuurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ. Be encouraged my brother in Christ Jesus let us not even leave out of the house in the morning without our Armor of God on, let us eat,drink, breathe, sleep and dream the Bible and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is The Divine Second Person in The Holy Trinity who alwys was, is, is to come and will always be God in The flesh for infinity Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 14 2010

Tedashii how are you my brother in Christ Jesus your new album Identity Crisis is fantastic Jesus Christ centered allthe way through brother just like I like it you are killing it fam. The basis of Spiritual warfare is making ourselves believe what the Bible says that Jesus Christ says about us. Irregardless of what anyone else says or does around them they make the Bible their reality. The Bible is The Christian Spiritual Mirror. Confidence in Christ, Confidence in the Death, Burial and Resuurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ. Be encouraged my brother in Christ Jesus let us not even leave out of the house in the morning without our Armor of God on, let us eat,drink, breathe, sleep and dream the Bible and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is The Divine Second Person in The Holy Trinity who alwys was, is, is to come and will always be God in The flesh for infinity Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 14 2010

Tedashii how are you my brother in Christ Jesus your new album Identity Crisis is fantastic Jesus Christ centered allthe way through brother just like I like it you are killing it fam. The basis of Spiritual warfare is making ourselves believe what the Bible says that Jesus Christ says about us. Irregardless of what anyone else says or does around them they make the Bible their reality. The Bible is The Christian Spiritual Mirror. Confidence in Christ, Confidence in the Death, Burial and Resuurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ. Be encouraged my brother in Christ Jesus let us not even leave out of the house in the morning without our Armor of God on, let us eat,drink, breathe, sleep and dream the Bible and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is The Divine Second Person in The Holy Trinity who alwys was, is, is to come and will always be God in The flesh for infinity Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 14 2010

Tedashii how are you my brother in Christ Jesus your new album Identity Crisis is fantastic Jesus Christ centered allthe way through brother just like I like it you are killing it fam. The basis of Spiritual warfare is making ourselves believe what the Bible says that Jesus Christ says about us. Irregardless of what anyone else says or does around them they make the Bible their reality. The Bible is The Christian Spiritual Mirror. Confidence in Christ, Confidence in the Death, Burial and Resuurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ. Be encouraged my brother in Christ Jesus let us not even leave out of the house in the morning without our Armor of God on, let us eat,drink, breathe, sleep and dream the Bible and Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is The Divine Second Person in The Holy Trinity who alwys was, is, is to come and will always be God in The flesh for infinity Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 14 2010


Frank Evans
– May 14 2010


Frank Evans
– May 14 2010


Frank Evans
– May 14 2010


Frank Evans
– May 14 2010


Frank Evans
– May 14 2010


Frank Evans
– May 14 2010


Frank Evans
– May 14 2010

This rocked the soul. Thank you, Father!

– May 15 2010

This rocked the soul. Thank you, Father!

– May 15 2010

This rocked the soul. Thank you, Father!

– May 15 2010

This rocked the soul. Thank you, Father!

– May 15 2010

This rocked the soul. Thank you, Father!

– May 15 2010

This rocked the soul. Thank you, Father!

– May 15 2010

This rocked the soul. Thank you, Father!

– May 15 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

Thank you Tedashii, you are working as a messenger of Christ getting your music to me. You are an inspiration everyday that I listen to you and keep me on the right track when I have fallen off course. You and your 116 crew help me grow tremendously in my faith and its all because of our savior Jesus Christ working through you all to get to me.

– May 19 2010

At the end of the day the Bible must always have the final authority, 2 Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 3-6 says "For though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We domolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience once your obedience is complete." Once you are no longer conformed to the pattern of this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind. We as Christians have to war to Deny ourselves everyday, Pick up our crosses everyday and follow Jesus Christ everyday. We as Christians have to war to Bible read eberyday, Bible believe everyday, Bible apply everyday and Bible Practice everyday. We as Christians have to war to live by Scripture alone everyday, by Faith Alone everyday, by Grace Alone everyday, by Christ Alone everyday and To God Alone Be The Glory everyday. Thank you Tedashii for being a musical reminder of this in your song Make War. Be encouraged Tedashii and remember that your brothers are facing the same war all over the earth and your sisters are as well. However, "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are More than Conqerors in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh Forever Amen!

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 19 2010

At the end of the day the Bible must always have the final authority, 2 Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 3-6 says "For though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We domolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience once your obedience is complete." Once you are no longer conformed to the pattern of this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind. We as Christians have to war to Deny ourselves everyday, Pick up our crosses everyday and follow Jesus Christ everyday. We as Christians have to war to Bible read eberyday, Bible believe everyday, Bible apply everyday and Bible Practice everyday. We as Christians have to war to live by Scripture alone everyday, by Faith Alone everyday, by Grace Alone everyday, by Christ Alone everyday and To God Alone Be The Glory everyday. Thank you Tedashii for being a musical reminder of this in your song Make War. Be encouraged Tedashii and remember that your brothers are facing the same war all over the earth and your sisters are as well. However, "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are More than Conqerors in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh Forever Amen!

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 19 2010

At the end of the day the Bible must always have the final authority, 2 Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 3-6 says "For though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We domolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience once your obedience is complete." Once you are no longer conformed to the pattern of this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind. We as Christians have to war to Deny ourselves everyday, Pick up our crosses everyday and follow Jesus Christ everyday. We as Christians have to war to Bible read eberyday, Bible believe everyday, Bible apply everyday and Bible Practice everyday. We as Christians have to war to live by Scripture alone everyday, by Faith Alone everyday, by Grace Alone everyday, by Christ Alone everyday and To God Alone Be The Glory everyday. Thank you Tedashii for being a musical reminder of this in your song Make War. Be encouraged Tedashii and remember that your brothers are facing the same war all over the earth and your sisters are as well. However, "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are More than Conqerors in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh Forever Amen!

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 19 2010

At the end of the day the Bible must always have the final authority, 2 Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 3-6 says "For though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We domolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience once your obedience is complete." Once you are no longer conformed to the pattern of this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind. We as Christians have to war to Deny ourselves everyday, Pick up our crosses everyday and follow Jesus Christ everyday. We as Christians have to war to Bible read eberyday, Bible believe everyday, Bible apply everyday and Bible Practice everyday. We as Christians have to war to live by Scripture alone everyday, by Faith Alone everyday, by Grace Alone everyday, by Christ Alone everyday and To God Alone Be The Glory everyday. Thank you Tedashii for being a musical reminder of this in your song Make War. Be encouraged Tedashii and remember that your brothers are facing the same war all over the earth and your sisters are as well. However, "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are More than Conqerors in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh Forever Amen!

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 19 2010

At the end of the day the Bible must always have the final authority, 2 Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 3-6 says "For though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We domolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience once your obedience is complete." Once you are no longer conformed to the pattern of this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind. We as Christians have to war to Deny ourselves everyday, Pick up our crosses everyday and follow Jesus Christ everyday. We as Christians have to war to Bible read eberyday, Bible believe everyday, Bible apply everyday and Bible Practice everyday. We as Christians have to war to live by Scripture alone everyday, by Faith Alone everyday, by Grace Alone everyday, by Christ Alone everyday and To God Alone Be The Glory everyday. Thank you Tedashii for being a musical reminder of this in your song Make War. Be encouraged Tedashii and remember that your brothers are facing the same war all over the earth and your sisters are as well. However, "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are More than Conqerors in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh Forever Amen!

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 19 2010

At the end of the day the Bible must always have the final authority, 2 Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 3-6 says "For though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We domolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience once your obedience is complete." Once you are no longer conformed to the pattern of this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind. We as Christians have to war to Deny ourselves everyday, Pick up our crosses everyday and follow Jesus Christ everyday. We as Christians have to war to Bible read eberyday, Bible believe everyday, Bible apply everyday and Bible Practice everyday. We as Christians have to war to live by Scripture alone everyday, by Faith Alone everyday, by Grace Alone everyday, by Christ Alone everyday and To God Alone Be The Glory everyday. Thank you Tedashii for being a musical reminder of this in your song Make War. Be encouraged Tedashii and remember that your brothers are facing the same war all over the earth and your sisters are as well. However, "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are More than Conqerors in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh Forever Amen!

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 19 2010

At the end of the day the Bible must always have the final authority, 2 Corinthians Chapter 10 verses 3-6 says "For though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We domolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience once your obedience is complete." Once you are no longer conformed to the pattern of this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind. We as Christians have to war to Deny ourselves everyday, Pick up our crosses everyday and follow Jesus Christ everyday. We as Christians have to war to Bible read eberyday, Bible believe everyday, Bible apply everyday and Bible Practice everyday. We as Christians have to war to live by Scripture alone everyday, by Faith Alone everyday, by Grace Alone everyday, by Christ Alone everyday and To God Alone Be The Glory everyday. Thank you Tedashii for being a musical reminder of this in your song Make War. Be encouraged Tedashii and remember that your brothers are facing the same war all over the earth and your sisters are as well. However, "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are More than Conqerors in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh Forever Amen!

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

You guys have a great ministry. I appreiciate your intensions. I first want to say that

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

Some people are meant to polish the body of Christ. I noticed that a lot of the concerts the artist of reach records have are in Churchs. Nothings wrong with that maybe it's your focus. But the secular world is in need of something right now. We can't put them off. The question is how do you effectively minister to some one who has never hear the name of Christ? The answer is, get on their level in their understanding, you be friend them, you become an influence on them. We can't change some one we have no relationship with. I'm coming to the artist at reach records as a brother. There's a line Trip Lee say's if Christ ain't there I don't want to go either, BUT if Christ ain't there you bring him there. Matthew 10:16 say's "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." What he is telling you is sneak in the culture, befriend them and blend in with them. Keep growing in Christ.

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

Some people are meant to polish the body of Christ. I noticed that a lot of the concerts the artist of reach records have are in Churchs. Nothings wrong with that maybe it's your focus. But the secular world is in need of something right now. We can't put them off. The question is how do you effectively minister to some one who has never hear the name of Christ? The answer is, get on their level in their understanding, you be friend them, you become an influence on them. We can't change some one we have no relationship with. I'm coming to the artist at reach records as a brother. There's a line Trip Lee say's if Christ ain't there I don't want to go either, BUT if Christ ain't there you bring him there. Matthew 10:16 say's "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." What he is telling you is sneak in the culture, befriend them and blend in with them. Keep growing in Christ.

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

Some people are meant to polish the body of Christ. I noticed that a lot of the concerts the artist of reach records have are in Churchs. Nothings wrong with that maybe it's your focus. But the secular world is in need of something right now. We can't put them off. The question is how do you effectively minister to some one who has never hear the name of Christ? The answer is, get on their level in their understanding, you be friend them, you become an influence on them. We can't change some one we have no relationship with. I'm coming to the artist at reach records as a brother. There's a line Trip Lee say's if Christ ain't there I don't want to go either, BUT if Christ ain't there you bring him there. Matthew 10:16 say's "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." What he is telling you is sneak in the culture, befriend them and blend in with them. Keep growing in Christ.

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

Some people are meant to polish the body of Christ. I noticed that a lot of the concerts the artist of reach records have are in Churchs. Nothings wrong with that maybe it's your focus. But the secular world is in need of something right now. We can't put them off. The question is how do you effectively minister to some one who has never hear the name of Christ? The answer is, get on their level in their understanding, you be friend them, you become an influence on them. We can't change some one we have no relationship with. I'm coming to the artist at reach records as a brother. There's a line Trip Lee say's if Christ ain't there I don't want to go either, BUT if Christ ain't there you bring him there. Matthew 10:16 say's "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." What he is telling you is sneak in the culture, befriend them and blend in with them. Keep growing in Christ.

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

Some people are meant to polish the body of Christ. I noticed that a lot of the concerts the artist of reach records have are in Churchs. Nothings wrong with that maybe it's your focus. But the secular world is in need of something right now. We can't put them off. The question is how do you effectively minister to some one who has never hear the name of Christ? The answer is, get on their level in their understanding, you be friend them, you become an influence on them. We can't change some one we have no relationship with. I'm coming to the artist at reach records as a brother. There's a line Trip Lee say's if Christ ain't there I don't want to go either, BUT if Christ ain't there you bring him there. Matthew 10:16 say's "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." What he is telling you is sneak in the culture, befriend them and blend in with them. Keep growing in Christ.

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

Some people are meant to polish the body of Christ. I noticed that a lot of the concerts the artist of reach records have are in Churchs. Nothings wrong with that maybe it's your focus. But the secular world is in need of something right now. We can't put them off. The question is how do you effectively minister to some one who has never hear the name of Christ? The answer is, get on their level in their understanding, you be friend them, you become an influence on them. We can't change some one we have no relationship with. I'm coming to the artist at reach records as a brother. There's a line Trip Lee say's if Christ ain't there I don't want to go either, BUT if Christ ain't there you bring him there. Matthew 10:16 say's "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." What he is telling you is sneak in the culture, befriend them and blend in with them. Keep growing in Christ.

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

Some people are meant to polish the body of Christ. I noticed that a lot of the concerts the artist of reach records have are in Churchs. Nothings wrong with that maybe it's your focus. But the secular world is in need of something right now. We can't put them off. The question is how do you effectively minister to some one who has never hear the name of Christ? The answer is, get on their level in their understanding, you be friend them, you become an influence on them. We can't change some one we have no relationship with. I'm coming to the artist at reach records as a brother. There's a line Trip Lee say's if Christ ain't there I don't want to go either, BUT if Christ ain't there you bring him there. Matthew 10:16 say's "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." What he is telling you is sneak in the culture, befriend them and blend in with them. Keep growing in Christ.

Elijah Robbins
– May 19 2010

this is to Elijah, in no way do i attempt to speak on behalf of the 1-1-six, but i do believe perhaps you have not fully listened in on the message in the muzic. they reference romans 1:16 constantly as a call to the brethren worldwide. and the concert thing is what it is. check out two songs from Lecrae. "Send me" and "Go Hard". I write this to my fellow brother and please hear the sincerity in my words. I grew up on hip hop and rap and when i got saved i thought i had to leave that life behind. but the boldness that reach shows to a lost and dying culture pushes me to do the same. and that boldness is in their effort to show the rap culture something different. Love and life, not murder and women. All in the name of Christ. May God's grace be with you my brother.

– May 19 2010

this is to Elijah, in no way do i attempt to speak on behalf of the 1-1-six, but i do believe perhaps you have not fully listened in on the message in the muzic. they reference romans 1:16 constantly as a call to the brethren worldwide. and the concert thing is what it is. check out two songs from Lecrae. "Send me" and "Go Hard". I write this to my fellow brother and please hear the sincerity in my words. I grew up on hip hop and rap and when i got saved i thought i had to leave that life behind. but the boldness that reach shows to a lost and dying culture pushes me to do the same. and that boldness is in their effort to show the rap culture something different. Love and life, not murder and women. All in the name of Christ. May God's grace be with you my brother.

– May 19 2010

this is to Elijah, in no way do i attempt to speak on behalf of the 1-1-six, but i do believe perhaps you have not fully listened in on the message in the muzic. they reference romans 1:16 constantly as a call to the brethren worldwide. and the concert thing is what it is. check out two songs from Lecrae. "Send me" and "Go Hard". I write this to my fellow brother and please hear the sincerity in my words. I grew up on hip hop and rap and when i got saved i thought i had to leave that life behind. but the boldness that reach shows to a lost and dying culture pushes me to do the same. and that boldness is in their effort to show the rap culture something different. Love and life, not murder and women. All in the name of Christ. May God's grace be with you my brother.

– May 19 2010

this is to Elijah, in no way do i attempt to speak on behalf of the 1-1-six, but i do believe perhaps you have not fully listened in on the message in the muzic. they reference romans 1:16 constantly as a call to the brethren worldwide. and the concert thing is what it is. check out two songs from Lecrae. "Send me" and "Go Hard". I write this to my fellow brother and please hear the sincerity in my words. I grew up on hip hop and rap and when i got saved i thought i had to leave that life behind. but the boldness that reach shows to a lost and dying culture pushes me to do the same. and that boldness is in their effort to show the rap culture something different. Love and life, not murder and women. All in the name of Christ. May God's grace be with you my brother.

– May 19 2010

this is to Elijah, in no way do i attempt to speak on behalf of the 1-1-six, but i do believe perhaps you have not fully listened in on the message in the muzic. they reference romans 1:16 constantly as a call to the brethren worldwide. and the concert thing is what it is. check out two songs from Lecrae. "Send me" and "Go Hard". I write this to my fellow brother and please hear the sincerity in my words. I grew up on hip hop and rap and when i got saved i thought i had to leave that life behind. but the boldness that reach shows to a lost and dying culture pushes me to do the same. and that boldness is in their effort to show the rap culture something different. Love and life, not murder and women. All in the name of Christ. May God's grace be with you my brother.

– May 19 2010

this is to Elijah, in no way do i attempt to speak on behalf of the 1-1-six, but i do believe perhaps you have not fully listened in on the message in the muzic. they reference romans 1:16 constantly as a call to the brethren worldwide. and the concert thing is what it is. check out two songs from Lecrae. "Send me" and "Go Hard". I write this to my fellow brother and please hear the sincerity in my words. I grew up on hip hop and rap and when i got saved i thought i had to leave that life behind. but the boldness that reach shows to a lost and dying culture pushes me to do the same. and that boldness is in their effort to show the rap culture something different. Love and life, not murder and women. All in the name of Christ. May God's grace be with you my brother.

– May 19 2010

this is to Elijah, in no way do i attempt to speak on behalf of the 1-1-six, but i do believe perhaps you have not fully listened in on the message in the muzic. they reference romans 1:16 constantly as a call to the brethren worldwide. and the concert thing is what it is. check out two songs from Lecrae. "Send me" and "Go Hard". I write this to my fellow brother and please hear the sincerity in my words. I grew up on hip hop and rap and when i got saved i thought i had to leave that life behind. but the boldness that reach shows to a lost and dying culture pushes me to do the same. and that boldness is in their effort to show the rap culture something different. Love and life, not murder and women. All in the name of Christ. May God's grace be with you my brother.

– May 19 2010

Tedat,love your music ,you may remember me we spoke on phone from New Hamshire with my boy,we have met also in
Cleveland again and you were like man after all that encouragement you need a hug ,man you got the Fathers heart,thank ya Jesus for Tedat's music...last month at a corrections facility I turned them on to Unconditional from first cd,they love it .Before each sermon I pick two songs from you or one of 116 boys.Anyways keep Makin War..after one of these concerts lets go get some food ..ok?love you brothers,Scott

– May 22 2010

Tedat,love your music ,you may remember me we spoke on phone from New Hamshire with my boy,we have met also in
Cleveland again and you were like man after all that encouragement you need a hug ,man you got the Fathers heart,thank ya Jesus for Tedat's music...last month at a corrections facility I turned them on to Unconditional from first cd,they love it .Before each sermon I pick two songs from you or one of 116 boys.Anyways keep Makin War..after one of these concerts lets go get some food ..ok?love you brothers,Scott

– May 22 2010

Tedat,love your music ,you may remember me we spoke on phone from New Hamshire with my boy,we have met also in
Cleveland again and you were like man after all that encouragement you need a hug ,man you got the Fathers heart,thank ya Jesus for Tedat's music...last month at a corrections facility I turned them on to Unconditional from first cd,they love it .Before each sermon I pick two songs from you or one of 116 boys.Anyways keep Makin War..after one of these concerts lets go get some food ..ok?love you brothers,Scott

– May 22 2010

Tedat,love your music ,you may remember me we spoke on phone from New Hamshire with my boy,we have met also in
Cleveland again and you were like man after all that encouragement you need a hug ,man you got the Fathers heart,thank ya Jesus for Tedat's music...last month at a corrections facility I turned them on to Unconditional from first cd,they love it .Before each sermon I pick two songs from you or one of 116 boys.Anyways keep Makin War..after one of these concerts lets go get some food ..ok?love you brothers,Scott

– May 22 2010

Tedat,love your music ,you may remember me we spoke on phone from New Hamshire with my boy,we have met also in
Cleveland again and you were like man after all that encouragement you need a hug ,man you got the Fathers heart,thank ya Jesus for Tedat's music...last month at a corrections facility I turned them on to Unconditional from first cd,they love it .Before each sermon I pick two songs from you or one of 116 boys.Anyways keep Makin War..after one of these concerts lets go get some food ..ok?love you brothers,Scott

– May 22 2010

Tedat,love your music ,you may remember me we spoke on phone from New Hamshire with my boy,we have met also in
Cleveland again and you were like man after all that encouragement you need a hug ,man you got the Fathers heart,thank ya Jesus for Tedat's music...last month at a corrections facility I turned them on to Unconditional from first cd,they love it .Before each sermon I pick two songs from you or one of 116 boys.Anyways keep Makin War..after one of these concerts lets go get some food ..ok?love you brothers,Scott

– May 22 2010

Tedat,love your music ,you may remember me we spoke on phone from New Hamshire with my boy,we have met also in
Cleveland again and you were like man after all that encouragement you need a hug ,man you got the Fathers heart,thank ya Jesus for Tedat's music...last month at a corrections facility I turned them on to Unconditional from first cd,they love it .Before each sermon I pick two songs from you or one of 116 boys.Anyways keep Makin War..after one of these concerts lets go get some food ..ok?love you brothers,Scott

– May 22 2010

t-dot u and the reach fame r sumthing else love wat you guys r doing...but i gotta ask where is the music video? would love to download that to my ipod touch...nothing but love fame..
God Bless....

– May 26 2010

t-dot u and the reach fame r sumthing else love wat you guys r doing...but i gotta ask where is the music video? would love to download that to my ipod touch...nothing but love fame..
God Bless....

– May 26 2010

t-dot u and the reach fame r sumthing else love wat you guys r doing...but i gotta ask where is the music video? would love to download that to my ipod touch...nothing but love fame..
God Bless....

– May 26 2010

t-dot u and the reach fame r sumthing else love wat you guys r doing...but i gotta ask where is the music video? would love to download that to my ipod touch...nothing but love fame..
God Bless....

– May 26 2010

t-dot u and the reach fame r sumthing else love wat you guys r doing...but i gotta ask where is the music video? would love to download that to my ipod touch...nothing but love fame..
God Bless....

– May 26 2010

t-dot u and the reach fame r sumthing else love wat you guys r doing...but i gotta ask where is the music video? would love to download that to my ipod touch...nothing but love fame..
God Bless....

– May 26 2010

t-dot u and the reach fame r sumthing else love wat you guys r doing...but i gotta ask where is the music video? would love to download that to my ipod touch...nothing but love fame..
God Bless....

– May 26 2010

Wsup? Tedot u r VICIOUS!! Identity Crisis mite b tha best CD ov early 2009. Make War continues ta inspire me wen Im feelin like doin somethin wrong. Praise God fo u bro. Keep up tha gd work

Big Nate
– Jun 1 2010

Wsup? Tedot u r VICIOUS!! Identity Crisis mite b tha best CD ov early 2009. Make War continues ta inspire me wen Im feelin like doin somethin wrong. Praise God fo u bro. Keep up tha gd work

Big Nate
– Jun 1 2010

Wsup? Tedot u r VICIOUS!! Identity Crisis mite b tha best CD ov early 2009. Make War continues ta inspire me wen Im feelin like doin somethin wrong. Praise God fo u bro. Keep up tha gd work

Big Nate
– Jun 1 2010

Wsup? Tedot u r VICIOUS!! Identity Crisis mite b tha best CD ov early 2009. Make War continues ta inspire me wen Im feelin like doin somethin wrong. Praise God fo u bro. Keep up tha gd work

Big Nate
– Jun 1 2010

Wsup? Tedot u r VICIOUS!! Identity Crisis mite b tha best CD ov early 2009. Make War continues ta inspire me wen Im feelin like doin somethin wrong. Praise God fo u bro. Keep up tha gd work

Big Nate
– Jun 1 2010

Wsup? Tedot u r VICIOUS!! Identity Crisis mite b tha best CD ov early 2009. Make War continues ta inspire me wen Im feelin like doin somethin wrong. Praise God fo u bro. Keep up tha gd work

Big Nate
– Jun 1 2010

Wsup? Tedot u r VICIOUS!! Identity Crisis mite b tha best CD ov early 2009. Make War continues ta inspire me wen Im feelin like doin somethin wrong. Praise God fo u bro. Keep up tha gd work

Big Nate
– Jun 1 2010

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