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Shirts Added –

Two shirts added to the storefront as part of the “Renew Your Mind” series based on Romans 12:2

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Rom 12:2 (ESV)

Set your mind on things above…

screen shot 2010-02-04 at 8.15.59 am

screen shot 2010-02-04 at 8.16.10 am

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All Comments 9

Interesting designs...

– Feb 4 2010

let me tell you....i wish you ninjas for Christ could be part of my community! i live in south east idaho.God has put us in His service, deep in the heart of LDS land. The harvest is oh so plenti ful up this way. I pimp the Lord through ur music even in the clothes i wear butr there is no place to swoop up your msg. My wifee and I are youth leaders at a small but Holy Spirit group called Highways. We had the privilage to talk to all the 116 clique up at creation '09, they even took a moment of there time to so a video for a soulja in our family who is serving in afganastan. you should so pray about spreading your borderes amd coming out this way with His message!

– Feb 4 2010

i like the focus one can I get it down here in uk

– Feb 4 2010

you should be able to select your country when your ordering it but it may cost more to get shipped to the uk

– Feb 4 2010

I picked up the altered minds shirt during the tour last fall. I recommend it for everybody!

– Feb 4 2010

Maybe it's just me, but Christopher may want to rethink the phrase "I pimp the Lord..."

– Feb 6 2010

sick shirts !! but exactly is the purple shirt suppose to mean?

– Feb 11 2010

im 14 yrs old! dose shirts r sick! God has aslo gift me with clothing design abilities so i have sum brand new ideas!!! i just need to find sum where 2 get a padent so no one will steal em. may b if thingz work out i cud design sum clothz 4 116! u'll neva kno how God may work!!!!!

– Feb 11 2010

Depends on the receiver. Basic raiper for antennas typically is cracking the case and soldering on a new to the same length as the old. However, if your antenna is not directly soldered on or is a coax then installation is a little harder.

– Nov 23 2015

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