Rebel – Pre-order Now!
Join Lecrae in redefining “Rebel”. When you hear the word, what do you think of? Jesus was a Rebel in his day. He lived for something else than the popular culture of the day. He stood against traditions that pointed away from true worship, and instead presented an authentic picture of living for God.
Are you a Rebel?
Today we are offering pre-orders for Lecrae’s 3rd studio album! Be the first to rock Rebel in your area. We have two types of Pre-orders.
The regular edition includes the album plus a pre-order only die cut vinyl (rebel) sticker.
Click here to get that one
For the more dedicated we have the Deluxe edition packed with special edition stuff you can only get with this option. Read more about it and order it here.
Thank you 116 family for all the support! The album drops 9.30.08!
All Comments 14
As I am a fellow follower of Christ who loves what Reach has done for it's community and world-wide in bringing the gospel to those who my never have heard it or would have never picked up the book themselves without the encourgement they recieved through your ministry(service) to God. But with the release of this title "REBEL" I am concern that it may be taken the wrong way. I visited the site two(2) weeks ago and saw just the word "REBEL" with a mock definition that made me think about how many babes in Christ that follow Lecrae would react to this false definition. So today when I recieved a e-mail Promoting the CD I felt I had to write, if only just to give my opinion and spark some food for thought. So when I visited this page and saw the words: "Jesus was a rebel in his day", I had write and rebuke this. I have a pocket dictionary by Webster that gives the minimum definition of words just for quick understanding and here is how "REBEL" is definied: " (v.) 1. To engage in armed revolt against a government. 2. To defy any authority. -(n.) One who REBELS. So this can not be Yahshua and if I was Lecrae I would not teach this or try to "redefine" Rebel, please pray and know that I speak these thing in Love and not in condemnation.
In the Name of Yahshua,
Jabir N. Fort
Please read:
Romans 13:1-5
Jabir Fort
– Aug 13 2008
I think before one goes off and throws their opinion in one what the definition of rebel is, they need to gain all information possible before throwing up words on a page and asking Crae to think twice about his album title.
First and foremost, I am pretty sure Lecrae and his boys thought about the definition of rebel before they put it on thousands of copies of cds. If one says they know Reach Records and respects them (such as I), I would trust them enough to know the extent of their music, lyrics and titles of albums. It has nothing to do with the artists, but everything to do with bringing glory to God. With that being said, one needs to look beyond the definition of rebel and see how not only the definition fits into Christianity and a follower of Christ, but how it may relate to rebelling against what the world tells us is right and what God has called us to be as children of Light. In my mind, I thought the title was unique and creative. If anyone knows Crae, they know he spits words of truth when rocking the mic! I have no reserves or worries that this new album won't do the same and even more! Sorry if this comes off as arrogant, I just felt I needed to back my boy up with the previous comment.
Ryan Potter
– Aug 13 2008
In this day and age, I do feel like a "rebel" in many ways as a Christian. For example, it is really tough going against the tide of this world culture - holding ourselves to a higher standard of morality as contained in the Bible, being controlled by the Holy Spirit. I remember Paul's exhortation in Romans 12:1-2, "I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." I appreciate LeCrae's gift of spitting tracks filled with the truth of God and His Word. God is definately using him in a mighty way. From his previous album's it is EXTREMELY clear that he is not promoting any type of rebellion against governments, but rather a rebellion against our own corrupted flesh. May God continue to bless him and the ministry he is doing for God's glory alone.
Scott Larrison
– Aug 13 2008
A I have to stand by Reach on this issue. From listening to their music and knowing the fruit of their ministry I do believe the title is a just cause and Lecrae is aware of the controversy it may bring. But in a culture that constantly promotes sin, and rebellion against, parents, authority. i believe the title is appropriate fit for the target audience. as a young man from the streets we need it. For babes in Christ I believe that sound teaching in the word will affirm the fact that Jesus didn't take arms again the gov't. but he did rebel against the wickedness of the Pharisees and a society that promoted a self righteous mindset. The message may not be understood by the traditional American church but for the souls lost in the street and even those in Christ trying the build the Kingdom its needed. We must take a stand for the Kingdom of God.
Quinton Smithers
– Aug 13 2008
Lecrae - The whole idea of your new album is awesome! I love the name, the topic its all so fresh 'n' new! Honestly I was wondering what you guys could come up with next.....what could the next idea be.....and sure enough you guys did it again! God Bless You Lecrae! You are truly favored and so annointed, one day I pray my industrie will be as awesome as yours. :-) Luv You Lecrae!!! <3 <3 <3 Keep Up The Good Work!!!
Alisa Brianna D'Alessandro
– Aug 13 2008
First of all God bless you all for bring the gospel to a confused generation of young people as well as those in the thirties. I read the comment that spoke against the title "rebel". First you must read Matthew 10:34-36
34"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
" 'a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law -
36a man's enemies will be the members of his own household.'
And no not a phsyical sword but division a rebellion against tradition.
Plus the fact that Jesus spoke out against the Pharisees who were in power in that time. He spoke out about their hypocrises of the Mosaic Law. Everything Jesus did was against traditions. Healing on the sabbath, eating with sinners and talking with a samaritan woman. No Jesus did not take up arms like the jews thought the messiah was suppose to do. He didn't start riots like some wanted but He did spoke out about the sins of the Pharisees. Remember the money changers in the temple? Our churches today have repeat the same wrongs, their liberty has caused others to fall.
– Aug 17 2008
– Aug 21 2008
Although I am getting the "more dedicated" package, I thought what if I wasn't. Am I less dedicated to the importance of representing Christ's message through hiphop? Am I being too sensitive with these simple words? Just my thoughts. Thanks for making great music and inspiring me to follow the truth instead of some dude. - DC
– Aug 26 2008
Rebel opposing or taking arms (against a government or ruler) Revolt- to renounce allegiance or subjection (as to a ruler)John12: 31 now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. Luke 9: 23 "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me. Romans12: 1-2 1Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2And do not be CONFORMED to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. other scripts John 14:30, John17: 16, John 12:25, John 15:18-19, CRUCIFIED LIVING FOR THE GLORY OF GOD-ECB
Eric Barrientes
– Aug 26 2008
I cant wait to buy rebel....i really like you lecrae as an artist...and...this is one really cool cover....LOVE and PEACE.....ByE ") ")
– Aug 27 2008
Growing up, I was labeled a rebel in my church because I was the one who asked questions. "Why?" And when I was told something I wanted them to show me where God said it in the Word. I grew up in a baptist church in L.A and I wore the label of a rebel proudly due to the fact that I was no push over. This was my Christian walk we were talking about so I did not want to be following whatever was fed to me. I called myself a Christian Rebel. This was back in 1995 when I was saved, I'm now 26yrs old and still a rebel. I go against the grain daily for the name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Being in Mgmt at C2:8, it is an opportunity to share this mentality with the youth and give them the chance to express their faith knowing they have an army of faithful soldiers behind them, but most importantly, God is behind them. Keep up with the Family Business Reach Records. Lecreezi, I cant wait for this one to drop! I hope you remember me from the Unashamed Show in San Bernardino, the guy who asked about submitting artwork to Reach Records. Im still working on some hot stuff for yall.
Nate Banks
– Sep 8 2008
He is going to live as if he is part of God's Kingdom, even though while in this flesh subject to the god of this world. That would be Satan; for anyone who might be wondering.
Let us all be rebellious to Satan's rules and regulations!
Get Married, then have Sex
Be Obedient to Parents, not curse them out
Go to Church and not the Club
Go Online to study and read the Bible not watch Porn movie trailers.
Sean Adams
– Sep 10 2008
i pre ordered it and i want to know when u guys send them out thanks and god bless
– Sep 23 2008
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