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No Worries: The Mystery of Confidence Before God

Virtuous Uncertainty?

We live in an age where confidence about anything is seen as arrogance.  Uncertainty is a virtue and ignorance is acceptable.  This is especially true when it comes to the most important things.  Just try telling someone that you are sure about the purpose of human life, or that you know how the world came into being.  You are sure to be ridiculed or looked at like you’re crazy.  It’s much more politically correct to hold your positions with a bit of uncertainty.  But there’s no need for uncertainty if you’ve been given the truth.

I can think of nothing more important than our eternity, and almost no one claims to be sure about that.  When you ask most people what they think will happen when they die, they respond with something that begins with “I don’t know for sure but…” or “I feel like…”  Most people are so unsure because they know that if there is a God, He doesn’t like sin.  And they also know that they are not sinless.  So while most people don’t think they’ll go to hell, they’re far from confident about their eternity.  Some worry about it and some don’t think about it in the least bit.  Personally I think about it often.

Good Reason For Worry

All of us should consider our eternity often and frankly, most of us should be worried.  The Bible is very clear that God’s standard is much higher than ours.  If I measure myself up against my best friends or my family members, I might get the idea that I’m a pretty good guy.  But God doesn’t measure things like that. The Scriptures say in Romans 1:18 that, “The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.”  God doesn’t say His anger is on those who are unlike the most moral people, but those who are unlike Him.  He doesn’t say His fury is kindled against those who are unacceptable to society, but those who are unrighteous.  Can you say that your behavior is and has always been perfectly godly and righteous?  Of course not.  None of us can say that.  This is a problem for us because God doesn’t just pass out pardons or take bribes.  He promises to carry out judgment, and to unleash His wrath on every single individual who is unrighteous before Him.  This verse should frighten us.

Personally, I know that much of my life has been characterized by unrighteousness and ungodliness.  I also know that even though I try not to sin, I still do.  Often.  When I measure my life by God’s standard (perfection), I fall short by millions of miles.  And because the wages of sin is death, I’ve surely heaped millions of death sentences on my own head.  But here’s the strange part.  I believe without a shadow of a doubt that after I die, everlasting joy and communion with God awaits me.   

Humble Confidence

I know that’s a bold statement and it seems contrary to everything I’ve already said, but let me explain.  God has made it clear in His Word that if it is left up to us, none of us can meet His perfect standard.  So how can I be so confident?  While the Bible teaches that God is just, it also teaches that He is, “the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus” (Romans 3:26).  Romans 4:5 says, “to the one who does not work, but trusts him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.”  So make no mistakes, God will not accept anyone who is unrighteous before Him.  But in His love and mercy, He has made a way for unrighteous people, to be seen as righteous.  He sent His Son to live the life we failed to live, to be punished in our place, and to defeat the enemies that enslaved us.  He has only asked us to acknowledge our unrighteousness, to turn from our unrighteousness, and to believe in the righteous Savior.  We can actually be made righteous by the obedience of another.

Paul speaks of this in Philippians 3:9 when he says he will be found in Christ, “not having a righteousness of my own that comes from [obeying] the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith…”

A Great Mystery

So when I say that God’s standard is too high, yet I still have no worries, I’m not being arrogant or self-righteous.  I’m simply celebrating the greatest mystery in the Universe. The fact that I’m filthy, but seen as not guilty.  Faith in Christ demands a daily pursuit of being more like Christ, but I’m still not there yet.  And graciously, He’s not counting my crimes against me!  This righteous standing is available exclusively through Jesus.  So when I die, I’ll partake of the eternal joy that Christ purchased for me on the cross.  But now I must ask you.  In light of God’s perfect standard how do you plan on getting by? When you think about your eternity are you confident that your innumerable sins won’t be counted against you?  God is calling us to respond to this good news with faith.  It’s only through faith in Jesus that we can consider our eternity and declare with confidence, “I ain’t worried bout a thing!” 

Celebrate this great salvation with me a week from today, June 22, when “Between Two Worlds” releases worldwide.

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All Comments 147

love it

– Jun 15 2010

love it

– Jun 15 2010

love it

– Jun 15 2010

love it

– Jun 15 2010

love it

– Jun 15 2010

love it

– Jun 15 2010

love it

– Jun 15 2010

I thank God for Jesus!!!

– Jun 15 2010

I thank God for Jesus!!!

– Jun 15 2010

I thank God for Jesus!!!

– Jun 15 2010

I thank God for Jesus!!!

– Jun 15 2010

I thank God for Jesus!!!

– Jun 15 2010

I thank God for Jesus!!!

– Jun 15 2010

I thank God for Jesus!!!

– Jun 15 2010

I feel God wanted me to read this becuz I was one of those ppl who question were will I go even thou I may feel I do good I knew I couldnt match up to his perfection so I was confused and worried but now after reading this I feel peace now I understand better then before thank u :)

– Jun 15 2010

I feel God wanted me to read this becuz I was one of those ppl who question were will I go even thou I may feel I do good I knew I couldnt match up to his perfection so I was confused and worried but now after reading this I feel peace now I understand better then before thank u :)

– Jun 15 2010

I feel God wanted me to read this becuz I was one of those ppl who question were will I go even thou I may feel I do good I knew I couldnt match up to his perfection so I was confused and worried but now after reading this I feel peace now I understand better then before thank u :)

– Jun 15 2010

I feel God wanted me to read this becuz I was one of those ppl who question were will I go even thou I may feel I do good I knew I couldnt match up to his perfection so I was confused and worried but now after reading this I feel peace now I understand better then before thank u :)

– Jun 15 2010

I feel God wanted me to read this becuz I was one of those ppl who question were will I go even thou I may feel I do good I knew I couldnt match up to his perfection so I was confused and worried but now after reading this I feel peace now I understand better then before thank u :)

– Jun 15 2010

I feel God wanted me to read this becuz I was one of those ppl who question were will I go even thou I may feel I do good I knew I couldnt match up to his perfection so I was confused and worried but now after reading this I feel peace now I understand better then before thank u :)

– Jun 15 2010

I feel God wanted me to read this becuz I was one of those ppl who question were will I go even thou I may feel I do good I knew I couldnt match up to his perfection so I was confused and worried but now after reading this I feel peace now I understand better then before thank u :)

– Jun 15 2010

Thank you Trip for this encouraging world. In times like these, we do need to be worried about our eternal homes. Thank God for having Jesus die for us, so that if we accept him and trust in him we can live forever. Can't wait to pick up the album next Tuesday. I hope to meet you and all the Reach crew one day.

Loyd McClary
– Jun 15 2010

Thank you Trip for this encouraging world. In times like these, we do need to be worried about our eternal homes. Thank God for having Jesus die for us, so that if we accept him and trust in him we can live forever. Can't wait to pick up the album next Tuesday. I hope to meet you and all the Reach crew one day.

Loyd McClary
– Jun 15 2010

Thank you Trip for this encouraging world. In times like these, we do need to be worried about our eternal homes. Thank God for having Jesus die for us, so that if we accept him and trust in him we can live forever. Can't wait to pick up the album next Tuesday. I hope to meet you and all the Reach crew one day.

Loyd McClary
– Jun 15 2010

Thank you Trip for this encouraging world. In times like these, we do need to be worried about our eternal homes. Thank God for having Jesus die for us, so that if we accept him and trust in him we can live forever. Can't wait to pick up the album next Tuesday. I hope to meet you and all the Reach crew one day.

Loyd McClary
– Jun 15 2010

Thank you Trip for this encouraging world. In times like these, we do need to be worried about our eternal homes. Thank God for having Jesus die for us, so that if we accept him and trust in him we can live forever. Can't wait to pick up the album next Tuesday. I hope to meet you and all the Reach crew one day.

Loyd McClary
– Jun 15 2010

Thank you Trip for this encouraging world. In times like these, we do need to be worried about our eternal homes. Thank God for having Jesus die for us, so that if we accept him and trust in him we can live forever. Can't wait to pick up the album next Tuesday. I hope to meet you and all the Reach crew one day.

Loyd McClary
– Jun 15 2010

Thank you Trip for this encouraging world. In times like these, we do need to be worried about our eternal homes. Thank God for having Jesus die for us, so that if we accept him and trust in him we can live forever. Can't wait to pick up the album next Tuesday. I hope to meet you and all the Reach crew one day.

Loyd McClary
– Jun 15 2010

Thanks man for sharing! I really admire ur wisdom and I pray that God continues to bless u so u can continue to be an example and an effective witness! Def will be getting that album next week bruh!!

Robert Rivera
– Jun 15 2010

Thanks man for sharing! I really admire ur wisdom and I pray that God continues to bless u so u can continue to be an example and an effective witness! Def will be getting that album next week bruh!!

Robert Rivera
– Jun 15 2010

Thanks man for sharing! I really admire ur wisdom and I pray that God continues to bless u so u can continue to be an example and an effective witness! Def will be getting that album next week bruh!!

Robert Rivera
– Jun 15 2010

Thanks man for sharing! I really admire ur wisdom and I pray that God continues to bless u so u can continue to be an example and an effective witness! Def will be getting that album next week bruh!!

Robert Rivera
– Jun 15 2010

Thanks man for sharing! I really admire ur wisdom and I pray that God continues to bless u so u can continue to be an example and an effective witness! Def will be getting that album next week bruh!!

Robert Rivera
– Jun 15 2010

Thanks man for sharing! I really admire ur wisdom and I pray that God continues to bless u so u can continue to be an example and an effective witness! Def will be getting that album next week bruh!!

Robert Rivera
– Jun 15 2010

Thanks man for sharing! I really admire ur wisdom and I pray that God continues to bless u so u can continue to be an example and an effective witness! Def will be getting that album next week bruh!!

Robert Rivera
– Jun 15 2010

I really liked this statement:
But thereâ??s no need for uncertainty if youâ??ve been given the truth.
I can, myself, say that I am sure and confident of my eternal life in Heaven with Jesus.
Thanks Trip for speaking this truth out and sharing it with others.
I'm so grateful to God that he does not count my sins. In fact, the bible says that he puts our sins as far as the east is from the west. He remembers our sins NO MORE.

I'm looking forward to hearing B2W.


– Jun 15 2010

I really liked this statement:
But thereâ??s no need for uncertainty if youâ??ve been given the truth.
I can, myself, say that I am sure and confident of my eternal life in Heaven with Jesus.
Thanks Trip for speaking this truth out and sharing it with others.
I'm so grateful to God that he does not count my sins. In fact, the bible says that he puts our sins as far as the east is from the west. He remembers our sins NO MORE.

I'm looking forward to hearing B2W.


– Jun 15 2010

I really liked this statement:
But thereâ??s no need for uncertainty if youâ??ve been given the truth.
I can, myself, say that I am sure and confident of my eternal life in Heaven with Jesus.
Thanks Trip for speaking this truth out and sharing it with others.
I'm so grateful to God that he does not count my sins. In fact, the bible says that he puts our sins as far as the east is from the west. He remembers our sins NO MORE.

I'm looking forward to hearing B2W.


– Jun 15 2010

I really liked this statement:
But thereâ??s no need for uncertainty if youâ??ve been given the truth.
I can, myself, say that I am sure and confident of my eternal life in Heaven with Jesus.
Thanks Trip for speaking this truth out and sharing it with others.
I'm so grateful to God that he does not count my sins. In fact, the bible says that he puts our sins as far as the east is from the west. He remembers our sins NO MORE.

I'm looking forward to hearing B2W.


– Jun 15 2010

I really liked this statement:
But thereâ??s no need for uncertainty if youâ??ve been given the truth.
I can, myself, say that I am sure and confident of my eternal life in Heaven with Jesus.
Thanks Trip for speaking this truth out and sharing it with others.
I'm so grateful to God that he does not count my sins. In fact, the bible says that he puts our sins as far as the east is from the west. He remembers our sins NO MORE.

I'm looking forward to hearing B2W.


– Jun 15 2010

I really liked this statement:
But thereâ??s no need for uncertainty if youâ??ve been given the truth.
I can, myself, say that I am sure and confident of my eternal life in Heaven with Jesus.
Thanks Trip for speaking this truth out and sharing it with others.
I'm so grateful to God that he does not count my sins. In fact, the bible says that he puts our sins as far as the east is from the west. He remembers our sins NO MORE.

I'm looking forward to hearing B2W.


– Jun 15 2010

I really liked this statement:
But thereâ??s no need for uncertainty if youâ??ve been given the truth.
I can, myself, say that I am sure and confident of my eternal life in Heaven with Jesus.
Thanks Trip for speaking this truth out and sharing it with others.
I'm so grateful to God that he does not count my sins. In fact, the bible says that he puts our sins as far as the east is from the west. He remembers our sins NO MORE.

I'm looking forward to hearing B2W.


– Jun 15 2010

I think my last post got deleted so I'll just keep this one simple. Thanks for the reminder that we should have no worries if we are in Christ Jesus.

– Jun 15 2010

I think my last post got deleted so I'll just keep this one simple. Thanks for the reminder that we should have no worries if we are in Christ Jesus.

– Jun 15 2010

I think my last post got deleted so I'll just keep this one simple. Thanks for the reminder that we should have no worries if we are in Christ Jesus.

– Jun 15 2010

I think my last post got deleted so I'll just keep this one simple. Thanks for the reminder that we should have no worries if we are in Christ Jesus.

– Jun 15 2010

I think my last post got deleted so I'll just keep this one simple. Thanks for the reminder that we should have no worries if we are in Christ Jesus.

– Jun 15 2010

I think my last post got deleted so I'll just keep this one simple. Thanks for the reminder that we should have no worries if we are in Christ Jesus.

– Jun 15 2010

I think my last post got deleted so I'll just keep this one simple. Thanks for the reminder that we should have no worries if we are in Christ Jesus.

– Jun 15 2010

Between Two Worlds is gonna be an awesome album! Can't wait!

– Jun 15 2010

Between Two Worlds is gonna be an awesome album! Can't wait!

– Jun 15 2010

Between Two Worlds is gonna be an awesome album! Can't wait!

– Jun 15 2010

Between Two Worlds is gonna be an awesome album! Can't wait!

– Jun 15 2010

Between Two Worlds is gonna be an awesome album! Can't wait!

– Jun 15 2010

Between Two Worlds is gonna be an awesome album! Can't wait!

– Jun 15 2010

Between Two Worlds is gonna be an awesome album! Can't wait!

– Jun 15 2010

thnx! that put a smile on my face :) i always Love hearing more & more about the WonderFULL Gift that God gave us! it's the most BEAUTIFUL Gift EVER Given!! & the Best story Ever told!! <3

– Jun 16 2010

thnx! that put a smile on my face :) i always Love hearing more & more about the WonderFULL Gift that God gave us! it's the most BEAUTIFUL Gift EVER Given!! & the Best story Ever told!! <3

– Jun 16 2010

thnx! that put a smile on my face :) i always Love hearing more & more about the WonderFULL Gift that God gave us! it's the most BEAUTIFUL Gift EVER Given!! & the Best story Ever told!! <3

– Jun 16 2010

thnx! that put a smile on my face :) i always Love hearing more & more about the WonderFULL Gift that God gave us! it's the most BEAUTIFUL Gift EVER Given!! & the Best story Ever told!! <3

– Jun 16 2010

thnx! that put a smile on my face :) i always Love hearing more & more about the WonderFULL Gift that God gave us! it's the most BEAUTIFUL Gift EVER Given!! & the Best story Ever told!! <3

– Jun 16 2010

thnx! that put a smile on my face :) i always Love hearing more & more about the WonderFULL Gift that God gave us! it's the most BEAUTIFUL Gift EVER Given!! & the Best story Ever told!! <3

– Jun 16 2010

thnx! that put a smile on my face :) i always Love hearing more & more about the WonderFULL Gift that God gave us! it's the most BEAUTIFUL Gift EVER Given!! & the Best story Ever told!! <3

– Jun 16 2010

thanks. this is really something to be kept at the front of my mind at all times.we need to be confident in knowing where we're going when we die. thanks again.

– Jun 16 2010

thanks. this is really something to be kept at the front of my mind at all times.we need to be confident in knowing where we're going when we die. thanks again.

– Jun 16 2010

thanks. this is really something to be kept at the front of my mind at all times.we need to be confident in knowing where we're going when we die. thanks again.

– Jun 16 2010

thanks. this is really something to be kept at the front of my mind at all times.we need to be confident in knowing where we're going when we die. thanks again.

– Jun 16 2010

thanks. this is really something to be kept at the front of my mind at all times.we need to be confident in knowing where we're going when we die. thanks again.

– Jun 16 2010

thanks. this is really something to be kept at the front of my mind at all times.we need to be confident in knowing where we're going when we die. thanks again.

– Jun 16 2010

thanks. this is really something to be kept at the front of my mind at all times.we need to be confident in knowing where we're going when we die. thanks again.

– Jun 16 2010

yea yea i Can't man. I aint got no worries i no da cd gon b HOT!! MuchLove Trip J.B. out!

Christopher Gill II
– Jun 17 2010

yea yea i Can't man. I aint got no worries i no da cd gon b HOT!! MuchLove Trip J.B. out!

Christopher Gill II
– Jun 17 2010

yea yea i Can't man. I aint got no worries i no da cd gon b HOT!! MuchLove Trip J.B. out!

Christopher Gill II
– Jun 17 2010

yea yea i Can't man. I aint got no worries i no da cd gon b HOT!! MuchLove Trip J.B. out!

Christopher Gill II
– Jun 17 2010

yea yea i Can't man. I aint got no worries i no da cd gon b HOT!! MuchLove Trip J.B. out!

Christopher Gill II
– Jun 17 2010

yea yea i Can't man. I aint got no worries i no da cd gon b HOT!! MuchLove Trip J.B. out!

Christopher Gill II
– Jun 17 2010

yea yea i Can't man. I aint got no worries i no da cd gon b HOT!! MuchLove Trip J.B. out!

Christopher Gill II
– Jun 17 2010

"Living He loved me, dying He saved, buried He carried my sin far away. Rising He justified and freed Me forever. One day He's coming back; GLORIOUS DAY!". I will make my boast in the Lord! Thank God for the message, and the track.

– Jun 24 2010

"Living He loved me, dying He saved, buried He carried my sin far away. Rising He justified and freed Me forever. One day He's coming back; GLORIOUS DAY!". I will make my boast in the Lord! Thank God for the message, and the track.

– Jun 24 2010

"Living He loved me, dying He saved, buried He carried my sin far away. Rising He justified and freed Me forever. One day He's coming back; GLORIOUS DAY!". I will make my boast in the Lord! Thank God for the message, and the track.

– Jun 24 2010

"Living He loved me, dying He saved, buried He carried my sin far away. Rising He justified and freed Me forever. One day He's coming back; GLORIOUS DAY!". I will make my boast in the Lord! Thank God for the message, and the track.

– Jun 24 2010

"Living He loved me, dying He saved, buried He carried my sin far away. Rising He justified and freed Me forever. One day He's coming back; GLORIOUS DAY!". I will make my boast in the Lord! Thank God for the message, and the track.

– Jun 24 2010

"Living He loved me, dying He saved, buried He carried my sin far away. Rising He justified and freed Me forever. One day He's coming back; GLORIOUS DAY!". I will make my boast in the Lord! Thank God for the message, and the track.

– Jun 24 2010

"Living He loved me, dying He saved, buried He carried my sin far away. Rising He justified and freed Me forever. One day He's coming back; GLORIOUS DAY!". I will make my boast in the Lord! Thank God for the message, and the track.

– Jun 24 2010

I guess my last comment was removed. Still glory to my King. I can relate to your blog and I receive the teaching from the Holy Spirit within your writtings. Thank you God bless

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

I guess my last comment was removed. Still glory to my King. I can relate to your blog and I receive the teaching from the Holy Spirit within your writtings. Thank you God bless

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

I guess my last comment was removed. Still glory to my King. I can relate to your blog and I receive the teaching from the Holy Spirit within your writtings. Thank you God bless

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

I guess my last comment was removed. Still glory to my King. I can relate to your blog and I receive the teaching from the Holy Spirit within your writtings. Thank you God bless

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

I guess my last comment was removed. Still glory to my King. I can relate to your blog and I receive the teaching from the Holy Spirit within your writtings. Thank you God bless

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

I guess my last comment was removed. Still glory to my King. I can relate to your blog and I receive the teaching from the Holy Spirit within your writtings. Thank you God bless

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

I guess my last comment was removed. Still glory to my King. I can relate to your blog and I receive the teaching from the Holy Spirit within your writtings. Thank you God bless

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

Love this, !

Nediahn Santos
– Jul 5 2010

Love this, !

Nediahn Santos
– Jul 5 2010

Love this, !

Nediahn Santos
– Jul 5 2010

Love this, !

Nediahn Santos
– Jul 5 2010

Love this, !

Nediahn Santos
– Jul 5 2010

Love this, !

Nediahn Santos
– Jul 5 2010

Love this, !

Nediahn Santos
– Jul 5 2010

Hey Trip,

Would you can Pro be interested in an interview with Covenant Eyes, Inc. I host a weekly podcast show for Covenant Eyes and Pro said he'd be interested in doing a phone interview with us. We'd love to talk to you about your song "Covenant Eyes" and the the new album.

Let men know!

Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson
– Jul 7 2010

Hey Trip,

Would you can Pro be interested in an interview with Covenant Eyes, Inc. I host a weekly podcast show for Covenant Eyes and Pro said he'd be interested in doing a phone interview with us. We'd love to talk to you about your song "Covenant Eyes" and the the new album.

Let men know!

Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson
– Jul 7 2010

Hey Trip,

Would you can Pro be interested in an interview with Covenant Eyes, Inc. I host a weekly podcast show for Covenant Eyes and Pro said he'd be interested in doing a phone interview with us. We'd love to talk to you about your song "Covenant Eyes" and the the new album.

Let men know!

Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson
– Jul 7 2010

Hey Trip,

Would you can Pro be interested in an interview with Covenant Eyes, Inc. I host a weekly podcast show for Covenant Eyes and Pro said he'd be interested in doing a phone interview with us. We'd love to talk to you about your song "Covenant Eyes" and the the new album.

Let men know!

Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson
– Jul 7 2010

Hey Trip,

Would you can Pro be interested in an interview with Covenant Eyes, Inc. I host a weekly podcast show for Covenant Eyes and Pro said he'd be interested in doing a phone interview with us. We'd love to talk to you about your song "Covenant Eyes" and the the new album.

Let men know!

Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson
– Jul 7 2010

Hey Trip,

Would you can Pro be interested in an interview with Covenant Eyes, Inc. I host a weekly podcast show for Covenant Eyes and Pro said he'd be interested in doing a phone interview with us. We'd love to talk to you about your song "Covenant Eyes" and the the new album.

Let men know!

Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson
– Jul 7 2010

Hey Trip,

Would you can Pro be interested in an interview with Covenant Eyes, Inc. I host a weekly podcast show for Covenant Eyes and Pro said he'd be interested in doing a phone interview with us. We'd love to talk to you about your song "Covenant Eyes" and the the new album.

Let men know!

Luke Gilkerson

Luke Gilkerson
– Jul 7 2010

I thank God for you and your gift of the truest storytelling. I landed on this site by accident, but now I see the hand of God in what I have just encountered. Thank you Trip for telling it like it is. I think I'm going to start studying the Bible again.


– Jul 31 2010

I thank God for you and your gift of the truest storytelling. I landed on this site by accident, but now I see the hand of God in what I have just encountered. Thank you Trip for telling it like it is. I think I'm going to start studying the Bible again.


– Jul 31 2010

I thank God for you and your gift of the truest storytelling. I landed on this site by accident, but now I see the hand of God in what I have just encountered. Thank you Trip for telling it like it is. I think I'm going to start studying the Bible again.


– Jul 31 2010

I thank God for you and your gift of the truest storytelling. I landed on this site by accident, but now I see the hand of God in what I have just encountered. Thank you Trip for telling it like it is. I think I'm going to start studying the Bible again.


– Jul 31 2010

I thank God for you and your gift of the truest storytelling. I landed on this site by accident, but now I see the hand of God in what I have just encountered. Thank you Trip for telling it like it is. I think I'm going to start studying the Bible again.


– Jul 31 2010

I thank God for you and your gift of the truest storytelling. I landed on this site by accident, but now I see the hand of God in what I have just encountered. Thank you Trip for telling it like it is. I think I'm going to start studying the Bible again.


– Jul 31 2010

I thank God for you and your gift of the truest storytelling. I landed on this site by accident, but now I see the hand of God in what I have just encountered. Thank you Trip for telling it like it is. I think I'm going to start studying the Bible again.


– Jul 31 2010

I read this twice, andI really needed this wonderful refreshment. Thank you! Blessings!

– Aug 3 2010

I read this twice, andI really needed this wonderful refreshment. Thank you! Blessings!

– Aug 3 2010

I read this twice, andI really needed this wonderful refreshment. Thank you! Blessings!

– Aug 3 2010

I read this twice, andI really needed this wonderful refreshment. Thank you! Blessings!

– Aug 3 2010

I read this twice, andI really needed this wonderful refreshment. Thank you! Blessings!

– Aug 3 2010

I read this twice, andI really needed this wonderful refreshment. Thank you! Blessings!

– Aug 3 2010

I read this twice, andI really needed this wonderful refreshment. Thank you! Blessings!

– Aug 3 2010

***I'm Astonished***

-I'm impressed by the music you push for god to help-
_My spirit pulls trust toward your debut from history.
Sure enough i ask for a Reach-Out Records promotion in a group
album. My artist name is ,"B.M.O.E.".So <please>.

(Mom's number)
/Ask For Ben Moore

Ben Alfred Moore
– Aug 14 2010

***I'm Astonished***

-I'm impressed by the music you push for god to help-
_My spirit pulls trust toward your debut from history.
Sure enough i ask for a Reach-Out Records promotion in a group
album. My artist name is ,"B.M.O.E.".So <please>.

(Mom's number)
/Ask For Ben Moore

Ben Alfred Moore
– Aug 14 2010

***I'm Astonished***

-I'm impressed by the music you push for god to help-
_My spirit pulls trust toward your debut from history.
Sure enough i ask for a Reach-Out Records promotion in a group
album. My artist name is ,"B.M.O.E.".So <please>.

(Mom's number)
/Ask For Ben Moore

Ben Alfred Moore
– Aug 14 2010

***I'm Astonished***

-I'm impressed by the music you push for god to help-
_My spirit pulls trust toward your debut from history.
Sure enough i ask for a Reach-Out Records promotion in a group
album. My artist name is ,"B.M.O.E.".So <please>.

(Mom's number)
/Ask For Ben Moore

Ben Alfred Moore
– Aug 14 2010

***I'm Astonished***

-I'm impressed by the music you push for god to help-
_My spirit pulls trust toward your debut from history.
Sure enough i ask for a Reach-Out Records promotion in a group
album. My artist name is ,"B.M.O.E.".So <please>.

(Mom's number)
/Ask For Ben Moore

Ben Alfred Moore
– Aug 14 2010

***I'm Astonished***

-I'm impressed by the music you push for god to help-
_My spirit pulls trust toward your debut from history.
Sure enough i ask for a Reach-Out Records promotion in a group
album. My artist name is ,"B.M.O.E.".So <please>.

(Mom's number)
/Ask For Ben Moore

Ben Alfred Moore
– Aug 14 2010

***I'm Astonished***

-I'm impressed by the music you push for god to help-
_My spirit pulls trust toward your debut from history.
Sure enough i ask for a Reach-Out Records promotion in a group
album. My artist name is ,"B.M.O.E.".So <please>.

(Mom's number)
/Ask For Ben Moore

Ben Alfred Moore
– Aug 14 2010

It is great to see you put your joy in things that are eternal rather than things that are temporary Trip. God reminded me through this article to place my hope in Him always because of the love He gave me through his Holy Spirit. Thank you for your ministry whether it is through your art form or speaking the Word of God.

Brandon Amigo
– Dec 17 2010

It is great to see you put your joy in things that are eternal rather than things that are temporary Trip. God reminded me through this article to place my hope in Him always because of the love He gave me through his Holy Spirit. Thank you for your ministry whether it is through your art form or speaking the Word of God.

Brandon Amigo
– Dec 17 2010

It is great to see you put your joy in things that are eternal rather than things that are temporary Trip. God reminded me through this article to place my hope in Him always because of the love He gave me through his Holy Spirit. Thank you for your ministry whether it is through your art form or speaking the Word of God.

Brandon Amigo
– Dec 17 2010

It is great to see you put your joy in things that are eternal rather than things that are temporary Trip. God reminded me through this article to place my hope in Him always because of the love He gave me through his Holy Spirit. Thank you for your ministry whether it is through your art form or speaking the Word of God.

Brandon Amigo
– Dec 17 2010

It is great to see you put your joy in things that are eternal rather than things that are temporary Trip. God reminded me through this article to place my hope in Him always because of the love He gave me through his Holy Spirit. Thank you for your ministry whether it is through your art form or speaking the Word of God.

Brandon Amigo
– Dec 17 2010

It is great to see you put your joy in things that are eternal rather than things that are temporary Trip. God reminded me through this article to place my hope in Him always because of the love He gave me through his Holy Spirit. Thank you for your ministry whether it is through your art form or speaking the Word of God.

Brandon Amigo
– Dec 17 2010

It is great to see you put your joy in things that are eternal rather than things that are temporary Trip. God reminded me through this article to place my hope in Him always because of the love He gave me through his Holy Spirit. Thank you for your ministry whether it is through your art form or speaking the Word of God.

Brandon Amigo
– Dec 17 2010

truth and nothing but truth.Thank you Trip.God bless

– Mar 8 2011

truth and nothing but truth.Thank you Trip.God bless

– Mar 8 2011

truth and nothing but truth.Thank you Trip.God bless

– Mar 8 2011

truth and nothing but truth.Thank you Trip.God bless

– Mar 8 2011

truth and nothing but truth.Thank you Trip.God bless

– Mar 8 2011

truth and nothing but truth.Thank you Trip.God bless

– Mar 8 2011

truth and nothing but truth.Thank you Trip.God bless

– Mar 8 2011

thanks trip for sharing the truth. i know i have been good but you have given me the zeal not to settle on what i know but to always strive to measure up to God's standards of perfection.i know its going to be hard but i will take a step at a time until i get there . God bless you

milanoi mercy
– Nov 23 2011

thanks trip for sharing the truth. i know i have been good but you have given me the zeal not to settle on what i know but to always strive to measure up to God's standards of perfection.i know its going to be hard but i will take a step at a time until i get there . God bless you

milanoi mercy
– Nov 23 2011

thanks trip for sharing the truth. i know i have been good but you have given me the zeal not to settle on what i know but to always strive to measure up to God's standards of perfection.i know its going to be hard but i will take a step at a time until i get there . God bless you

milanoi mercy
– Nov 23 2011

thanks trip for sharing the truth. i know i have been good but you have given me the zeal not to settle on what i know but to always strive to measure up to God's standards of perfection.i know its going to be hard but i will take a step at a time until i get there . God bless you

milanoi mercy
– Nov 23 2011

thanks trip for sharing the truth. i know i have been good but you have given me the zeal not to settle on what i know but to always strive to measure up to God's standards of perfection.i know its going to be hard but i will take a step at a time until i get there . God bless you

milanoi mercy
– Nov 23 2011

thanks trip for sharing the truth. i know i have been good but you have given me the zeal not to settle on what i know but to always strive to measure up to God's standards of perfection.i know its going to be hard but i will take a step at a time until i get there . God bless you

milanoi mercy
– Nov 23 2011

thanks trip for sharing the truth. i know i have been good but you have given me the zeal not to settle on what i know but to always strive to measure up to God's standards of perfection.i know its going to be hard but i will take a step at a time until i get there . God bless you

milanoi mercy
– Nov 23 2011

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