New 20/20 Blog by Trip Lee
In preparation for the latest album dropping on Reach, “20/20” by Trip Lee, he will be writing some blogs to take us deeper into understanding the album, pushing us to grasp the character of God and see Him for who He is according to His word.
Click over to the Blog section and get fed!
All Comments 3
man its about time i have been waiting for your album checking reach everytime that i got on da net. man i love your sample tracks. i love dis music i love rap but i can't stand lil wyane 50 or even kynae west man all it does is tear my me apart inside when i hear notin but cuss words and just hate being preached in der songs. but dis is everything dat i need it sound so clean everything flows so perfec. but it aint about all dat its about what its reping its nothing but christ nothing else to be glorified but him. my spirit just eats it up its a blessing. man i don't even know you but i love just by the words you speak you make me wanna get in another level wid christ cuz im 20 too. but i do understand yall are just a passage way to christ not the ones to be glorfied but only christ to be glorfied. I love the lates album by 116 the 13 letters i loved it so much when i read the word and those letters i hear all yall voices and i remember dem from the verses that yall rapped man i can't say enough about not just on how amazying yall are but how much it impacts my life to see yall doing yall thing to add to the kingdom. i can't say enough just thank you for being one of the few to puerly gorify him and him alone. man Trip i would even buy your sample tracks for real lol.
Sammy Lema
– Apr 21 2008
Its me again i wanted to thank you agian and i also wanted to know if yall will have any shows at UT or in Austin cuz dat would be really tight i see all kinds of things at UT but i never really see Christian rappers der at all. are you gonna have any shows in Dallas in da summer cuz i really would love to meet you. I go to Dallas in da summer cuz dats where i really live i just go to school in austin. well thanks again.
P.S. tell Lecrea to drop another one too i love him too yall really make even more proud to be a Christian!
Sammy Lema
– Apr 21 2008
DidnÂ?t know the forum rules alwleod such brilliant posts.
– Jun 14 2011