Man Up/Rehab Deluxe Target UPDATE
First off we would like to thank everyone who got up early this morning to get the Man Up and/or Rehab Deluxe albums! There was a discrepancy with Target which caused the pricing issue, however they do have them in stock and will be getting them on the shelves throughout the day. In keeping with our $9.99 promotion, starting Thursday, September 29th, Rehab Deluxe will be priced at $9.99 permanently. Man Up will also be $9.99 but for a limited time only in select Target stores. A list will be provided in the near future.
For those of you who have already purchased either Man Up or Rehab Deluxe today at full retail price, please send a picture of your receipt to reach@reachrecords.com with the subject line TARGETREACHPROMO and receive 20% off your next purchase from the Reach Storefront.
Thanks again to everyone for your patience and support of the movement.
All Comments 50
It's all good! Thanks for supplying the tracks! I'm thankful enough to have gotten them when I did, three other stores were already sold out by the time I got there! #GodIsGreat
– Sep 27 2011
I was so excited today to pick it up. So i looked for it @ target and lifeway but they didn't have it. But i am sure, that God will do an amazing work as usual in this new album/movie/movement that yall have made! I thank God for all of you in Reach Records that are great examples of Godly men.
– Sep 27 2011
October 29 is a Saturday over a month from now... Do you mean this Thursday, September 29?
– Sep 27 2011
How can I just sing background on one song? I know we would have AWESOME chemistry with the music...
– Sep 27 2011
Man Up just in time to go with the Courageous movie! I'm looking forward to getting both Man Up and Rehab Deluxe albums...
– Sep 27 2011
Went to Target today and no CDs. Only one copy of Rehab deluxe in Spokane,WA and its one the other side of town. I am just gonna order them from merchline directly with some other albums to complete my collection. Thank to the 116. God bless.
– Sep 27 2011
I only found lecrae at target, i had to go to the Christian bookstore to get the Man Up cd cause no where else had it.
Jay Ferno
– Sep 27 2011
I just picked up the rehab deluxe from target and showed them the app where it said at target for $9.99 and they gave it to me for that price! That was before I saw this post of course. They didn't have the Man Up album :(
– Sep 27 2011
Target no longer carries gospel music, I just recently found this out, so to everyone not being able to find the music, lets write in to Target Corporate offices and demand that they place Gospel music back in their stores, then we wouldn't have issues like this one!
– Sep 27 2011
Sweet, Thanks for clearing that up guys. Preciate it.
– Sep 27 2011
I am so excited that I was not able to find the CD at Target or Online. To me...that means that more people are starting to find out about The Reach Camp and the "Good News" being spread through your ministry. I will continue my search to ensure that I support literal good music. May God Continue to Bless Your Ministry!
– Sep 27 2011
Target stores in Colorado no longer carry Christian music. Why would reach do a promo with stores that reject gospel music? We need to protest against Target!
– Sep 27 2011
Target had no CDs at all for Rehab Deluxe or Man Up. After going to 4 stores I finally found Rehab Deluxe at Lifeway, but Man Up nowhere to be found. I will wait and either get Man Up at the Rehab Tour or on iTunes.
– Sep 27 2011
I'm trying to reach the Chad in Spokane who searched out the cd today. Am looking for fellow 116 supporters in Spokane. I know this ain't a social network but it's hard finding fellow hip hop heads in my town. God bless the 116!
– Sep 27 2011
These CD's are hard to find at Target. Maybe w/Rehab Deluxe being $9.99 permanently I (and my friends who were trying to get it) will be able to get it in the next few wks. Can pick up Man Up @ local Christian store. Will have to wait Target out on Deluxe and keep our fingers crossed. They were sold out earlier today in my area...
– Sep 27 2011
@chad i checked the valley target and went all the way out in CDA and they didn't have it either ahhh! im going to wait for a bit and call them again prob on thursday
– Sep 27 2011
Man I found them @ target but the were $13.99 and $10.99 and they refused to come down on the price at all. Lakewood WA.
– Sep 27 2011
To Rick and Cameron in Spokane. I am so pleased to know there are more fans in my area. I was kinda let down earlier not being able to find the albums. It lifts my heart to know this music is making a difference in lives other than mine. Cameron the only copy in Spokane is @ the Y Target. God bless.
– Sep 27 2011
I was in Target...me & this other guy were looking high & low for the Man UP & Rehab Deluxe. After like 20mins we found both cds/dvds...Rehab Deluxe was 13.99 & Man Up 10.99. I didnt want to go thru the hassle of asking the Target people why it wasnt 9.99 when I knew they would have no clue what I was talking about & I didnt know if showing them the flick w/ the target sign would help or not..So I was going to bite the bullet & just pay the $5 diff but while searching on my phone to see if there was some kind of explanation as to why I was seeing pricing other than 9.99 I came across this post! haha I will go back thurs to get both, so excited!
– Sep 27 2011
To Chad and Cameron in Spokane, would love to connect somehow with you guys!
– Sep 27 2011
YO! Just watched the Man Up movie! CRAZY GOOD! I would buy that movie 34872394872 times just to watch it again, it is sooo good! can't wait to show it to other people! Def. Gunna do big things! Great production, acting, everything was tight!
– Sep 28 2011
Yeah I went to Target today to get the ManUp Cd and they didn't have it, but they did have the Rehab Deluxe but for $13.99. It was still worth every penny and more. I work at a Treatment center for troubled youth mainly teenage boys and I am definitely going to get the ManUP cd/dvd for them when it is available at my Target.
– Sep 28 2011
Hey Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
If case your local Target does not carry the Man Up CD and DVD Combo, Amazon has it for $11.21. I checked to make sure it comes with the DVD and if you scroll down to "product details" it says "number of discs: 2" and a little bit further under, "Editorial Review", it has "CD and DVD Combo". I know... it's not $9.99... it's $1.22 more...but I believe it is another way The Father has provided for us to fulfill His promise of giving us the desires of our hearts! Thank you Reach for you're ministry and serving The Lord with your gifts.
– Sep 28 2011
Can anyone tell me what teh 2 extra tracks are that are on the target release and not the release from merchline?
– Sep 28 2011
hey, so i went to the three Targets in my area and only two of them where gonna get the delivery :( but the Targets are saying that they had the CDs earlier but were sold out....and then i called later and they said that they never carried it....but so grateful for 116 and Crae, God be Wit Chu fellow rapper
– Sep 28 2011
Not at my local store in Tampa, FL and not listed on Target.com. Can you guys put Rehab Deluxe on your storefront?
– Sep 28 2011
They don't have Rehab Deluxe or Man Up at any local Targets in my area either. I don't care about the price being lower, but I want the two exclusive Target songs on Rehab Deluxe, so I'm waiting to try to get it there. I already got Man Up elsewhere.
– Sep 28 2011
I'm going to go have Target fix the price, but I've had issues trying to get some of my cd players recognize both cds. Some won't play it either one, others won't play the bonus songs (Rehab: Overdose only shows 11 songs on the cd in those players). It will work on my computer, so I burned it to a different cd, but that's a little disappointing.
– Sep 28 2011
Ay, preciate that Reach, I'mma do that!
– Sep 28 2011
i searched 3 targets and none of them havent even heard of a 116 clique and a man up CD? what's up with that?!??!
– Sep 28 2011
I purchased mine today here in St. Louis, MO from Lifeway Christian Store I didn't find it in Target at all and of course their Gospel/Christian section is small. I paid $13.99 for both the Man Up and Lecrae Delux I didn't care about the price we pay more than that on gas, food, clothing-shoes, haircuts and everything else. I just finished watching and listening to the DVD's and I love them I believe that a lot of people will be challenged like myself and it is my prayer that we continue to make YHVH Name big on this earth while we have breath. G-d is so awesome...be encouraged bro/sis don't waste your life. Shalom
– Sep 28 2011
Well my target in my city Cincinnati did not have them eitherso I energy to family Christian and they gave me a price adjustment.
– Sep 28 2011
All the Man up albums in my area are all sold out by the first day!
– Sep 28 2011
What about the Target specific tracks??? For those of us who can't get to Target how do they get those tracks? Why would that be limited to buying it at Target?
Ward Nohavitza
– Sep 29 2011
After Awana at church we drove to get a copy far away from where we live, the system said they had two copies but when we got there they only had one Man up and the Lecrae Delux either way we bought both and decided to tell the target associate if he take a pic with us.. My husband used the time to share with him who 116 six was as he in returned tried to sell us Taylor swift CD. We smiled and told him we like 116 and he should give it a try.. all said in done we where out of there happy we got them both.. Da'Barrera's
Jesse and Gabriela Barrera
– Sep 29 2011
I live in Canada and we dont have any Target stores until 2013.. I will have to drive down to Washington sometime and try seeing if they have these cd's in stock. Is there any other way to get a hold of the deluxe cd? What are the 2 exclusive Target songs?
– Sep 29 2011
Just picked up the Man Up. They had plenty of copies at Target (Torrance, CA). They weren't $10, but it's all good. Excellent movie & CD!
– Sep 29 2011
why does lecrae have to be so popular? they were already sold out when i went to get a copy right after school. hopefully they get some more quickly cuz i listened to them on youtube and they are great extra songs.
john doe
– Sep 29 2011
It sucks, cuz I dont have any Christian Book store by me, and the Targets around my way dont have Man Up, the only other option I have is to get it from MerchLine and they kill it with the shipping charges, sucks! Oh, well...Sorry Reach, I'd love to support but I am mad frugal, and I hate paying for shipping!
The Real Pae
– Sep 29 2011
Target in Murreita, Ca had both in stock, and price matched $9.99 with no questions asked.
Michael Ancheta
– Sep 29 2011
Had a two day saga tying to get both of these albums for the advertised price...went on Tuesday and Target had Lecrae but not the Man Up n Lecrae wasn't listed at 9.99...so I came go the site showed the guy and came across the details of the blog...so thursday it is...today I went back, same issue and I showed the guy the new blog post and pressed him to search for the man up CD in the area found them bought...probably raised his awareness of both artists and travelled to another store to get both and showed guest services he post and got it for the listed price of 9.99...the Lord is amazing! I pray that this music is getting into the right hands all over
– Sep 29 2011
All of that happened in Columbus, OH where Lecrae and Trip Lee with be on the 6th!
– Sep 29 2011
Hi! Quick question... Are the Man Up and Rehab Deluxe going to be available on the Rehab tour? Ima be at the Cincinnati event and might just pick them up there. Thanks!
– Sep 30 2011
I bought the Man Up DVD from the local Family Christian bookstore for $11. The Target (by Pittsburgh) had a few Rehab Deluxe CDs, but were $13.99 and said they usually don't start sales on Thursday...
– Sep 30 2011
Greetings from Columbus, OH.
Kashmiere, at which Target did you actually buy Man Up?
– Sep 30 2011
Went to local store and both albums still wrong price and speaking with corporate now and they tell me what it says on the sticker is what it is. Let your company know by e-mail about the issue also. Personally if something is supposed to be a certain price than it should be and as much problems as Target is giving you with the price I wouldn't choose to use their store to promote your album again. They are not helpful at least in the Houston area. The store tells me to call corporate and corporate is telling me to speak to the leader of the store. As most people have budgets, I don't normally spend $14 on a CD, I wait until it is $10 or less, either CD or on iTunes, etc.
– Sep 30 2011
My friend has went to the local Target 5 times and has left empty handed each time. This is in Chattanooga, TN.
– Oct 1 2011
If I recall reading this somewhere, you can also get the physical albums at Amazon, some Walmarts, Lifeway, and the rest of the Christian bookstores. I don't know if the CDs will have the exclusive songs though. Maybe you could order it off Target's website?
– Oct 1 2011
Went to Target in AUstin Texas this morning,,, NO Christian music,,, only mainstream... No Lecrae, No Man Up, nothing... I wanted to watch the DVD this weekend and enter into the Contest to see him in Houston or Dallas... Ill keep up my Prayers... Thanks
– Oct 5 2011
Thursday, there were a few Deluxe CDs. When I bought mine Monday morning, there was only one left. Hope Target puts the albums in all of the stores...
– Oct 5 2011