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Looking Back and Pressing Forward

Looking Back and Pressing Forward

When I recorded my first album, “Real Talk,” I was just throwing my voice out into the wilderness hoping someone, somewhere, heard basic biblical theology wrapped in common language. I wanted to see people commit their lives to Jesus Christ.

 I ended up on a whirlwind of travels across the nation as a missionary to urban culture and anyone influenced by Hip-Hop. I was hurt by some of what I saw. Many were excited about hearing Christ proclaimed in music, but when it was over, there were few solid biblical communities to become a part of to encourage fellowship, prayer, disciple-making, and biblical literacy.  So I recorded “After The Music Stops,” a battle cry for believers to devote themselves to an unashamed gospel-centered life.

 My platform grew and so did I as a Christian. I was dedicated to serve the body of Christ and see people come to know the Lord. I knew from my daily interactions with people from all walks of life that the way people saw the world needed to be changed, as well as the way people viewed God and themselves.  I felt the weight of people saying to conform to living the way most of the world did. This view was unbiblical and only hindered people from truly experiencing the grace and goodness of God, so I challenged them to REBEL.

 Now I’m a little older and a little wiser. I can see the mistakes people will make before they make them. I can see not only the fruit of their mistakes, but also the root of their mistakes. Many times we want to attack the behaviors or the external problems in our lives and never realize the cause of those problems are internal and spiritual.  Anger, depression, addiction, discontentment are all ills that plague us. Many times, we not only try to fix the effects of these things instead of tackling the cause, but we also don’t think God and His Word have any hope or solutions for them.

 Out of a burden to help and also confess my own struggles in this area, I am releasing “REHAB” on September 28, 2010.

 The work has been a process, and the title almost didn’t make it once I heard another artist was releasing an album called “Recovery,” but it made too much sense to not move forward with it.  My prayer is that people will not just gain practical insight for their lives, but they would find real sympathy from myself and mostly in the High Priest who sympathizes with us–Jesus.  He is more than our healer. He IS our healing.  He doesn’t just offer us peace. He IS our peace. And He IS our rehabilitation. So find rest for your weary soul and Joy in the midst of life’s ups and downs, with my offering of music. God bless and I hope you like it, but mostly, I hope it points people to JESUS.

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All Comments 350

Cannot wait for the album and to hear your heart poured out into it.

– Jul 7 2010

Cannot wait for the album and to hear your heart poured out into it.

– Jul 7 2010

Cannot wait for the album and to hear your heart poured out into it.

– Jul 7 2010

Cannot wait for the album and to hear your heart poured out into it.

– Jul 7 2010

Cannot wait for the album and to hear your heart poured out into it.

– Jul 7 2010

Cannot wait for the album and to hear your heart poured out into it.

– Jul 7 2010

Cannot wait for the album and to hear your heart poured out into it.

– Jul 7 2010

God bless..What a powerful message.I hope Jesus will be lifted higher through this album.

– Jul 7 2010

God bless..What a powerful message.I hope Jesus will be lifted higher through this album.

– Jul 7 2010

God bless..What a powerful message.I hope Jesus will be lifted higher through this album.

– Jul 7 2010

God bless..What a powerful message.I hope Jesus will be lifted higher through this album.

– Jul 7 2010

God bless..What a powerful message.I hope Jesus will be lifted higher through this album.

– Jul 7 2010

God bless..What a powerful message.I hope Jesus will be lifted higher through this album.

– Jul 7 2010

God bless..What a powerful message.I hope Jesus will be lifted higher through this album.

– Jul 7 2010

Great testimony from a great man. I have had the pleasure of meeting Lecrae in person when he came to Ft. Lauderdale a few months back and he definitely left a major impact on me from that day!

Cannot wait for the new album brother. You know you are blessed by God, and as a disciple, teaching many others to disciple as you stated in After the Music Stops. Next time you are in Florida my band of Holy Rollers will definitely be there!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Great testimony from a great man. I have had the pleasure of meeting Lecrae in person when he came to Ft. Lauderdale a few months back and he definitely left a major impact on me from that day!

Cannot wait for the new album brother. You know you are blessed by God, and as a disciple, teaching many others to disciple as you stated in After the Music Stops. Next time you are in Florida my band of Holy Rollers will definitely be there!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Great testimony from a great man. I have had the pleasure of meeting Lecrae in person when he came to Ft. Lauderdale a few months back and he definitely left a major impact on me from that day!

Cannot wait for the new album brother. You know you are blessed by God, and as a disciple, teaching many others to disciple as you stated in After the Music Stops. Next time you are in Florida my band of Holy Rollers will definitely be there!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Great testimony from a great man. I have had the pleasure of meeting Lecrae in person when he came to Ft. Lauderdale a few months back and he definitely left a major impact on me from that day!

Cannot wait for the new album brother. You know you are blessed by God, and as a disciple, teaching many others to disciple as you stated in After the Music Stops. Next time you are in Florida my band of Holy Rollers will definitely be there!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Great testimony from a great man. I have had the pleasure of meeting Lecrae in person when he came to Ft. Lauderdale a few months back and he definitely left a major impact on me from that day!

Cannot wait for the new album brother. You know you are blessed by God, and as a disciple, teaching many others to disciple as you stated in After the Music Stops. Next time you are in Florida my band of Holy Rollers will definitely be there!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Great testimony from a great man. I have had the pleasure of meeting Lecrae in person when he came to Ft. Lauderdale a few months back and he definitely left a major impact on me from that day!

Cannot wait for the new album brother. You know you are blessed by God, and as a disciple, teaching many others to disciple as you stated in After the Music Stops. Next time you are in Florida my band of Holy Rollers will definitely be there!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Great testimony from a great man. I have had the pleasure of meeting Lecrae in person when he came to Ft. Lauderdale a few months back and he definitely left a major impact on me from that day!

Cannot wait for the new album brother. You know you are blessed by God, and as a disciple, teaching many others to disciple as you stated in After the Music Stops. Next time you are in Florida my band of Holy Rollers will definitely be there!!!

– Jul 7 2010

I think its going to be a great album. Not because Lecrae is my favorite rapper period but alot of times our re-occuring sins that we commit that only the our because we just hide them not really giving them up

– Jul 7 2010

I think its going to be a great album. Not because Lecrae is my favorite rapper period but alot of times our re-occuring sins that we commit that only the our because we just hide them not really giving them up

– Jul 7 2010

I think its going to be a great album. Not because Lecrae is my favorite rapper period but alot of times our re-occuring sins that we commit that only the our because we just hide them not really giving them up

– Jul 7 2010

I think its going to be a great album. Not because Lecrae is my favorite rapper period but alot of times our re-occuring sins that we commit that only the our because we just hide them not really giving them up

– Jul 7 2010

I think its going to be a great album. Not because Lecrae is my favorite rapper period but alot of times our re-occuring sins that we commit that only the our because we just hide them not really giving them up

– Jul 7 2010

I think its going to be a great album. Not because Lecrae is my favorite rapper period but alot of times our re-occuring sins that we commit that only the our because we just hide them not really giving them up

– Jul 7 2010

I think its going to be a great album. Not because Lecrae is my favorite rapper period but alot of times our re-occuring sins that we commit that only the our because we just hide them not really giving them up

– Jul 7 2010

yes i love the title and the concept, i know this album will touch me and aid me in my work for the Lord, keep pressing on Lecrae, God is working wonders through you

– Jul 7 2010

yes i love the title and the concept, i know this album will touch me and aid me in my work for the Lord, keep pressing on Lecrae, God is working wonders through you

– Jul 7 2010

yes i love the title and the concept, i know this album will touch me and aid me in my work for the Lord, keep pressing on Lecrae, God is working wonders through you

– Jul 7 2010

yes i love the title and the concept, i know this album will touch me and aid me in my work for the Lord, keep pressing on Lecrae, God is working wonders through you

– Jul 7 2010

yes i love the title and the concept, i know this album will touch me and aid me in my work for the Lord, keep pressing on Lecrae, God is working wonders through you

– Jul 7 2010

yes i love the title and the concept, i know this album will touch me and aid me in my work for the Lord, keep pressing on Lecrae, God is working wonders through you

– Jul 7 2010

yes i love the title and the concept, i know this album will touch me and aid me in my work for the Lord, keep pressing on Lecrae, God is working wonders through you

– Jul 7 2010

Lyk most of my boiz,al also say it..ur deep!!! You cn c nt only the fruit but also the root of their mistake!wow!jus wow!!!...all glory 2 Jesus....u r blesd i telya!!

– Jul 7 2010

Lyk most of my boiz,al also say it..ur deep!!! You cn c nt only the fruit but also the root of their mistake!wow!jus wow!!!...all glory 2 Jesus....u r blesd i telya!!

– Jul 7 2010

Lyk most of my boiz,al also say it..ur deep!!! You cn c nt only the fruit but also the root of their mistake!wow!jus wow!!!...all glory 2 Jesus....u r blesd i telya!!

– Jul 7 2010

Lyk most of my boiz,al also say it..ur deep!!! You cn c nt only the fruit but also the root of their mistake!wow!jus wow!!!...all glory 2 Jesus....u r blesd i telya!!

– Jul 7 2010

Lyk most of my boiz,al also say it..ur deep!!! You cn c nt only the fruit but also the root of their mistake!wow!jus wow!!!...all glory 2 Jesus....u r blesd i telya!!

– Jul 7 2010

Lyk most of my boiz,al also say it..ur deep!!! You cn c nt only the fruit but also the root of their mistake!wow!jus wow!!!...all glory 2 Jesus....u r blesd i telya!!

– Jul 7 2010

Lyk most of my boiz,al also say it..ur deep!!! You cn c nt only the fruit but also the root of their mistake!wow!jus wow!!!...all glory 2 Jesus....u r blesd i telya!!

– Jul 7 2010

Cant wait either, God bless u

– Jul 7 2010

Cant wait either, God bless u

– Jul 7 2010

Cant wait either, God bless u

– Jul 7 2010

Cant wait either, God bless u

– Jul 7 2010

Cant wait either, God bless u

– Jul 7 2010

Cant wait either, God bless u

– Jul 7 2010

Cant wait either, God bless u

– Jul 7 2010

I'll admit, I flinched when I saw (via twitter) the album was gonna be titled "Rehab." Be prepared for the aftermath (pun noted, but unintended) of that. Rest assured the Body will be blessed by the album and will stand by your side every step of the way.

I'm excited for it, Lecrae.

God Bless, and always On My 1-1-6,

(*Whyte Lyte*)

Whyte Lyte
– Jul 7 2010

I'll admit, I flinched when I saw (via twitter) the album was gonna be titled "Rehab." Be prepared for the aftermath (pun noted, but unintended) of that. Rest assured the Body will be blessed by the album and will stand by your side every step of the way.

I'm excited for it, Lecrae.

God Bless, and always On My 1-1-6,

(*Whyte Lyte*)

Whyte Lyte
– Jul 7 2010

I'll admit, I flinched when I saw (via twitter) the album was gonna be titled "Rehab." Be prepared for the aftermath (pun noted, but unintended) of that. Rest assured the Body will be blessed by the album and will stand by your side every step of the way.

I'm excited for it, Lecrae.

God Bless, and always On My 1-1-6,

(*Whyte Lyte*)

Whyte Lyte
– Jul 7 2010

I'll admit, I flinched when I saw (via twitter) the album was gonna be titled "Rehab." Be prepared for the aftermath (pun noted, but unintended) of that. Rest assured the Body will be blessed by the album and will stand by your side every step of the way.

I'm excited for it, Lecrae.

God Bless, and always On My 1-1-6,

(*Whyte Lyte*)

Whyte Lyte
– Jul 7 2010

I'll admit, I flinched when I saw (via twitter) the album was gonna be titled "Rehab." Be prepared for the aftermath (pun noted, but unintended) of that. Rest assured the Body will be blessed by the album and will stand by your side every step of the way.

I'm excited for it, Lecrae.

God Bless, and always On My 1-1-6,

(*Whyte Lyte*)

Whyte Lyte
– Jul 7 2010

I'll admit, I flinched when I saw (via twitter) the album was gonna be titled "Rehab." Be prepared for the aftermath (pun noted, but unintended) of that. Rest assured the Body will be blessed by the album and will stand by your side every step of the way.

I'm excited for it, Lecrae.

God Bless, and always On My 1-1-6,

(*Whyte Lyte*)

Whyte Lyte
– Jul 7 2010

I'll admit, I flinched when I saw (via twitter) the album was gonna be titled "Rehab." Be prepared for the aftermath (pun noted, but unintended) of that. Rest assured the Body will be blessed by the album and will stand by your side every step of the way.

I'm excited for it, Lecrae.

God Bless, and always On My 1-1-6,

(*Whyte Lyte*)

Whyte Lyte
– Jul 7 2010

Praise Jesus, for these words of truth... Keep preaching through hip hop music!

– Jul 7 2010

Praise Jesus, for these words of truth... Keep preaching through hip hop music!

– Jul 7 2010

Praise Jesus, for these words of truth... Keep preaching through hip hop music!

– Jul 7 2010

Praise Jesus, for these words of truth... Keep preaching through hip hop music!

– Jul 7 2010

Praise Jesus, for these words of truth... Keep preaching through hip hop music!

– Jul 7 2010

Praise Jesus, for these words of truth... Keep preaching through hip hop music!

– Jul 7 2010

Praise Jesus, for these words of truth... Keep preaching through hip hop music!

– Jul 7 2010

It is great to understand the thought process behind your albums and the Christology that you are pressing to illustrate. We at SVR will most certainly be praying for you, the album, and those who may listen to it and be influenced to pursue a relationship or more fulfilling one with Christ. Keep up the awesome work brother.

– Jul 7 2010

It is great to understand the thought process behind your albums and the Christology that you are pressing to illustrate. We at SVR will most certainly be praying for you, the album, and those who may listen to it and be influenced to pursue a relationship or more fulfilling one with Christ. Keep up the awesome work brother.

– Jul 7 2010

It is great to understand the thought process behind your albums and the Christology that you are pressing to illustrate. We at SVR will most certainly be praying for you, the album, and those who may listen to it and be influenced to pursue a relationship or more fulfilling one with Christ. Keep up the awesome work brother.

– Jul 7 2010

It is great to understand the thought process behind your albums and the Christology that you are pressing to illustrate. We at SVR will most certainly be praying for you, the album, and those who may listen to it and be influenced to pursue a relationship or more fulfilling one with Christ. Keep up the awesome work brother.

– Jul 7 2010

It is great to understand the thought process behind your albums and the Christology that you are pressing to illustrate. We at SVR will most certainly be praying for you, the album, and those who may listen to it and be influenced to pursue a relationship or more fulfilling one with Christ. Keep up the awesome work brother.

– Jul 7 2010

It is great to understand the thought process behind your albums and the Christology that you are pressing to illustrate. We at SVR will most certainly be praying for you, the album, and those who may listen to it and be influenced to pursue a relationship or more fulfilling one with Christ. Keep up the awesome work brother.

– Jul 7 2010

It is great to understand the thought process behind your albums and the Christology that you are pressing to illustrate. We at SVR will most certainly be praying for you, the album, and those who may listen to it and be influenced to pursue a relationship or more fulfilling one with Christ. Keep up the awesome work brother.

– Jul 7 2010

Speaking of your past albums, i'm curious as to why you named one of your albums Rebel. Jesus didn't rebel against the wickedness of the world but the world, starting with Adam & Eve, in the Garden of Eden, rebelled against God. Other then my confusion on the choosing of that particular title, I am encouraged by your music to grow closer to God. From one brother to another in the Body of Christ, God bless u Lecrae

– Jul 7 2010

Speaking of your past albums, i'm curious as to why you named one of your albums Rebel. Jesus didn't rebel against the wickedness of the world but the world, starting with Adam & Eve, in the Garden of Eden, rebelled against God. Other then my confusion on the choosing of that particular title, I am encouraged by your music to grow closer to God. From one brother to another in the Body of Christ, God bless u Lecrae

– Jul 7 2010

Speaking of your past albums, i'm curious as to why you named one of your albums Rebel. Jesus didn't rebel against the wickedness of the world but the world, starting with Adam & Eve, in the Garden of Eden, rebelled against God. Other then my confusion on the choosing of that particular title, I am encouraged by your music to grow closer to God. From one brother to another in the Body of Christ, God bless u Lecrae

– Jul 7 2010

Speaking of your past albums, i'm curious as to why you named one of your albums Rebel. Jesus didn't rebel against the wickedness of the world but the world, starting with Adam & Eve, in the Garden of Eden, rebelled against God. Other then my confusion on the choosing of that particular title, I am encouraged by your music to grow closer to God. From one brother to another in the Body of Christ, God bless u Lecrae

– Jul 7 2010

Speaking of your past albums, i'm curious as to why you named one of your albums Rebel. Jesus didn't rebel against the wickedness of the world but the world, starting with Adam & Eve, in the Garden of Eden, rebelled against God. Other then my confusion on the choosing of that particular title, I am encouraged by your music to grow closer to God. From one brother to another in the Body of Christ, God bless u Lecrae

– Jul 7 2010

Speaking of your past albums, i'm curious as to why you named one of your albums Rebel. Jesus didn't rebel against the wickedness of the world but the world, starting with Adam & Eve, in the Garden of Eden, rebelled against God. Other then my confusion on the choosing of that particular title, I am encouraged by your music to grow closer to God. From one brother to another in the Body of Christ, God bless u Lecrae

– Jul 7 2010

Speaking of your past albums, i'm curious as to why you named one of your albums Rebel. Jesus didn't rebel against the wickedness of the world but the world, starting with Adam & Eve, in the Garden of Eden, rebelled against God. Other then my confusion on the choosing of that particular title, I am encouraged by your music to grow closer to God. From one brother to another in the Body of Christ, God bless u Lecrae

– Jul 7 2010

This is exciting to hear! It makes a lot of since. I have really been appreciating how transparent you guys have been.

Dwayne Lacy
– Jul 7 2010

This is exciting to hear! It makes a lot of since. I have really been appreciating how transparent you guys have been.

Dwayne Lacy
– Jul 7 2010

This is exciting to hear! It makes a lot of since. I have really been appreciating how transparent you guys have been.

Dwayne Lacy
– Jul 7 2010

This is exciting to hear! It makes a lot of since. I have really been appreciating how transparent you guys have been.

Dwayne Lacy
– Jul 7 2010

This is exciting to hear! It makes a lot of since. I have really been appreciating how transparent you guys have been.

Dwayne Lacy
– Jul 7 2010

This is exciting to hear! It makes a lot of since. I have really been appreciating how transparent you guys have been.

Dwayne Lacy
– Jul 7 2010

This is exciting to hear! It makes a lot of since. I have really been appreciating how transparent you guys have been.

Dwayne Lacy
– Jul 7 2010

AYEEEEE!!!! I know this album is gonna be straight fire! Coppin that ASAP!

Abenezer Abebe
– Jul 7 2010

AYEEEEE!!!! I know this album is gonna be straight fire! Coppin that ASAP!

Abenezer Abebe
– Jul 7 2010

AYEEEEE!!!! I know this album is gonna be straight fire! Coppin that ASAP!

Abenezer Abebe
– Jul 7 2010

AYEEEEE!!!! I know this album is gonna be straight fire! Coppin that ASAP!

Abenezer Abebe
– Jul 7 2010

AYEEEEE!!!! I know this album is gonna be straight fire! Coppin that ASAP!

Abenezer Abebe
– Jul 7 2010

AYEEEEE!!!! I know this album is gonna be straight fire! Coppin that ASAP!

Abenezer Abebe
– Jul 7 2010

AYEEEEE!!!! I know this album is gonna be straight fire! Coppin that ASAP!

Abenezer Abebe
– Jul 7 2010

Can't wait!!!!!!!!! Just got Trip Lee's new album, I LOVED it!!!!!! I know this one is going to b equal to or greater than that one!!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Can't wait!!!!!!!!! Just got Trip Lee's new album, I LOVED it!!!!!! I know this one is going to b equal to or greater than that one!!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Can't wait!!!!!!!!! Just got Trip Lee's new album, I LOVED it!!!!!! I know this one is going to b equal to or greater than that one!!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Can't wait!!!!!!!!! Just got Trip Lee's new album, I LOVED it!!!!!! I know this one is going to b equal to or greater than that one!!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Can't wait!!!!!!!!! Just got Trip Lee's new album, I LOVED it!!!!!! I know this one is going to b equal to or greater than that one!!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Can't wait!!!!!!!!! Just got Trip Lee's new album, I LOVED it!!!!!! I know this one is going to b equal to or greater than that one!!!!

– Jul 7 2010

Can't wait!!!!!!!!! Just got Trip Lee's new album, I LOVED it!!!!!! I know this one is going to b equal to or greater than that one!!!!

– Jul 7 2010

awesome I'm excited! :)

– Jul 7 2010

awesome I'm excited! :)

– Jul 7 2010

awesome I'm excited! :)

– Jul 7 2010

awesome I'm excited! :)

– Jul 7 2010

awesome I'm excited! :)

– Jul 7 2010

awesome I'm excited! :)

– Jul 7 2010

awesome I'm excited! :)

– Jul 7 2010

Long time coming!!! I'm so looking forward to it. We enjoyed you at ATF Houston 2010 & we've been anticipating your next release!

Pastor D
– Jul 7 2010

Long time coming!!! I'm so looking forward to it. We enjoyed you at ATF Houston 2010 & we've been anticipating your next release!

Pastor D
– Jul 7 2010

Long time coming!!! I'm so looking forward to it. We enjoyed you at ATF Houston 2010 & we've been anticipating your next release!

Pastor D
– Jul 7 2010

Long time coming!!! I'm so looking forward to it. We enjoyed you at ATF Houston 2010 & we've been anticipating your next release!

Pastor D
– Jul 7 2010

Long time coming!!! I'm so looking forward to it. We enjoyed you at ATF Houston 2010 & we've been anticipating your next release!

Pastor D
– Jul 7 2010

Long time coming!!! I'm so looking forward to it. We enjoyed you at ATF Houston 2010 & we've been anticipating your next release!

Pastor D
– Jul 7 2010

Long time coming!!! I'm so looking forward to it. We enjoyed you at ATF Houston 2010 & we've been anticipating your next release!

Pastor D
– Jul 7 2010

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SSSSSSNNNNNAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP. it gonna be EPIC. God bless lecrae and his miistries, his Jesus inspired muzik has helped me on my spiritual journey

– Jul 7 2010

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SSSSSSNNNNNAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP. it gonna be EPIC. God bless lecrae and his miistries, his Jesus inspired muzik has helped me on my spiritual journey

– Jul 7 2010

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SSSSSSNNNNNAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP. it gonna be EPIC. God bless lecrae and his miistries, his Jesus inspired muzik has helped me on my spiritual journey

– Jul 7 2010

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SSSSSSNNNNNAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP. it gonna be EPIC. God bless lecrae and his miistries, his Jesus inspired muzik has helped me on my spiritual journey

– Jul 7 2010

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SSSSSSNNNNNAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP. it gonna be EPIC. God bless lecrae and his miistries, his Jesus inspired muzik has helped me on my spiritual journey

– Jul 7 2010

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SSSSSSNNNNNAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP. it gonna be EPIC. God bless lecrae and his miistries, his Jesus inspired muzik has helped me on my spiritual journey

– Jul 7 2010

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SSSSSSNNNNNAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP. it gonna be EPIC. God bless lecrae and his miistries, his Jesus inspired muzik has helped me on my spiritual journey

– Jul 7 2010

Does anyone else thinks its funny, look..
REal Talk
REhab, after the music stops feels left out!

– Jul 7 2010

Does anyone else thinks its funny, look..
REal Talk
REhab, after the music stops feels left out!

– Jul 7 2010

Does anyone else thinks its funny, look..
REal Talk
REhab, after the music stops feels left out!

– Jul 7 2010

Does anyone else thinks its funny, look..
REal Talk
REhab, after the music stops feels left out!

– Jul 7 2010

Does anyone else thinks its funny, look..
REal Talk
REhab, after the music stops feels left out!

– Jul 7 2010

Does anyone else thinks its funny, look..
REal Talk
REhab, after the music stops feels left out!

– Jul 7 2010

Does anyone else thinks its funny, look..
REal Talk
REhab, after the music stops feels left out!

– Jul 7 2010

That must be a great one..God Bless you LECRAE....Anxious to Listen to it!!

– Jul 8 2010

That must be a great one..God Bless you LECRAE....Anxious to Listen to it!!

– Jul 8 2010

That must be a great one..God Bless you LECRAE....Anxious to Listen to it!!

– Jul 8 2010

That must be a great one..God Bless you LECRAE....Anxious to Listen to it!!

– Jul 8 2010

That must be a great one..God Bless you LECRAE....Anxious to Listen to it!!

– Jul 8 2010

That must be a great one..God Bless you LECRAE....Anxious to Listen to it!!

– Jul 8 2010

That must be a great one..God Bless you LECRAE....Anxious to Listen to it!!

– Jul 8 2010

God bless you man!!! The title is so fitting! I cannot wait for this album to drop! You have not only affected my life but countless athletes here at Ohio State! Keep doing what you are doing!

– Jul 8 2010

God bless you man!!! The title is so fitting! I cannot wait for this album to drop! You have not only affected my life but countless athletes here at Ohio State! Keep doing what you are doing!

– Jul 8 2010

God bless you man!!! The title is so fitting! I cannot wait for this album to drop! You have not only affected my life but countless athletes here at Ohio State! Keep doing what you are doing!

– Jul 8 2010

God bless you man!!! The title is so fitting! I cannot wait for this album to drop! You have not only affected my life but countless athletes here at Ohio State! Keep doing what you are doing!

– Jul 8 2010

God bless you man!!! The title is so fitting! I cannot wait for this album to drop! You have not only affected my life but countless athletes here at Ohio State! Keep doing what you are doing!

– Jul 8 2010

God bless you man!!! The title is so fitting! I cannot wait for this album to drop! You have not only affected my life but countless athletes here at Ohio State! Keep doing what you are doing!

– Jul 8 2010

God bless you man!!! The title is so fitting! I cannot wait for this album to drop! You have not only affected my life but countless athletes here at Ohio State! Keep doing what you are doing!

– Jul 8 2010

Keep em coming fam, as you continue to stay at the feet of JESUS, grace and peace

– Jul 9 2010

Keep em coming fam, as you continue to stay at the feet of JESUS, grace and peace

– Jul 9 2010

Keep em coming fam, as you continue to stay at the feet of JESUS, grace and peace

– Jul 9 2010

Keep em coming fam, as you continue to stay at the feet of JESUS, grace and peace

– Jul 9 2010

Keep em coming fam, as you continue to stay at the feet of JESUS, grace and peace

– Jul 9 2010

Keep em coming fam, as you continue to stay at the feet of JESUS, grace and peace

– Jul 9 2010

Keep em coming fam, as you continue to stay at the feet of JESUS, grace and peace

– Jul 9 2010

Lecrae is back and he'll be better than ever!!!!!!!!!!

– Jul 9 2010

Lecrae is back and he'll be better than ever!!!!!!!!!!

– Jul 9 2010

Lecrae is back and he'll be better than ever!!!!!!!!!!

– Jul 9 2010

Lecrae is back and he'll be better than ever!!!!!!!!!!

– Jul 9 2010

Lecrae is back and he'll be better than ever!!!!!!!!!!

– Jul 9 2010

Lecrae is back and he'll be better than ever!!!!!!!!!!

– Jul 9 2010

Lecrae is back and he'll be better than ever!!!!!!!!!!

– Jul 9 2010

ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! sooooooooo excited!!!!!!! :) The Lord used the album Rebel to change my life, in such a crazy way.. especially with "Dont waste your life" and when I read this article about this new album I got chills! ahhhhhhhhh :) can't waitttt!!! Praise the Lord...can't wait to tell my sister..ohhh and this means that for FLAVORFEST 2010...he will preform some of the new songs!! ahhh sooo exicteddddddddddddddddd. Thank God for a true man of God like Lecrae.

S0fia :)
– Jul 9 2010

ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! sooooooooo excited!!!!!!! :) The Lord used the album Rebel to change my life, in such a crazy way.. especially with "Dont waste your life" and when I read this article about this new album I got chills! ahhhhhhhhh :) can't waitttt!!! Praise the Lord...can't wait to tell my sister..ohhh and this means that for FLAVORFEST 2010...he will preform some of the new songs!! ahhh sooo exicteddddddddddddddddd. Thank God for a true man of God like Lecrae.

S0fia :)
– Jul 9 2010

ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! sooooooooo excited!!!!!!! :) The Lord used the album Rebel to change my life, in such a crazy way.. especially with "Dont waste your life" and when I read this article about this new album I got chills! ahhhhhhhhh :) can't waitttt!!! Praise the Lord...can't wait to tell my sister..ohhh and this means that for FLAVORFEST 2010...he will preform some of the new songs!! ahhh sooo exicteddddddddddddddddd. Thank God for a true man of God like Lecrae.

S0fia :)
– Jul 9 2010

ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! sooooooooo excited!!!!!!! :) The Lord used the album Rebel to change my life, in such a crazy way.. especially with "Dont waste your life" and when I read this article about this new album I got chills! ahhhhhhhhh :) can't waitttt!!! Praise the Lord...can't wait to tell my sister..ohhh and this means that for FLAVORFEST 2010...he will preform some of the new songs!! ahhh sooo exicteddddddddddddddddd. Thank God for a true man of God like Lecrae.

S0fia :)
– Jul 9 2010

ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! sooooooooo excited!!!!!!! :) The Lord used the album Rebel to change my life, in such a crazy way.. especially with "Dont waste your life" and when I read this article about this new album I got chills! ahhhhhhhhh :) can't waitttt!!! Praise the Lord...can't wait to tell my sister..ohhh and this means that for FLAVORFEST 2010...he will preform some of the new songs!! ahhh sooo exicteddddddddddddddddd. Thank God for a true man of God like Lecrae.

S0fia :)
– Jul 9 2010

ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! sooooooooo excited!!!!!!! :) The Lord used the album Rebel to change my life, in such a crazy way.. especially with "Dont waste your life" and when I read this article about this new album I got chills! ahhhhhhhhh :) can't waitttt!!! Praise the Lord...can't wait to tell my sister..ohhh and this means that for FLAVORFEST 2010...he will preform some of the new songs!! ahhh sooo exicteddddddddddddddddd. Thank God for a true man of God like Lecrae.

S0fia :)
– Jul 9 2010

ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! sooooooooo excited!!!!!!! :) The Lord used the album Rebel to change my life, in such a crazy way.. especially with "Dont waste your life" and when I read this article about this new album I got chills! ahhhhhhhhh :) can't waitttt!!! Praise the Lord...can't wait to tell my sister..ohhh and this means that for FLAVORFEST 2010...he will preform some of the new songs!! ahhh sooo exicteddddddddddddddddd. Thank God for a true man of God like Lecrae.

S0fia :)
– Jul 9 2010


ashley alafberg
– Jul 9 2010


ashley alafberg
– Jul 9 2010


ashley alafberg
– Jul 9 2010


ashley alafberg
– Jul 9 2010


ashley alafberg
– Jul 9 2010


ashley alafberg
– Jul 9 2010


ashley alafberg
– Jul 9 2010

I am so excited to hear another chapter is comin from you Crae. The illustrations God has blessed u wit are life reflecting and altering. I'm Loving the Order of album releases for this year. They are alone for us to stand for Christ. Sho's "Lions and Liars" shows us to look at ourselves to see where we stand in Christ. Trip's "Between Two Worlds" shows us how to view and handle being pilgrims awaiting New Jerusalem. Now Crae dropping Rehab.... The Illustrations of all these is, to me, aid for strengthenin and preparin for the events to come and to be ready for Christ return....

– Jul 9 2010

I am so excited to hear another chapter is comin from you Crae. The illustrations God has blessed u wit are life reflecting and altering. I'm Loving the Order of album releases for this year. They are alone for us to stand for Christ. Sho's "Lions and Liars" shows us to look at ourselves to see where we stand in Christ. Trip's "Between Two Worlds" shows us how to view and handle being pilgrims awaiting New Jerusalem. Now Crae dropping Rehab.... The Illustrations of all these is, to me, aid for strengthenin and preparin for the events to come and to be ready for Christ return....

– Jul 9 2010

I am so excited to hear another chapter is comin from you Crae. The illustrations God has blessed u wit are life reflecting and altering. I'm Loving the Order of album releases for this year. They are alone for us to stand for Christ. Sho's "Lions and Liars" shows us to look at ourselves to see where we stand in Christ. Trip's "Between Two Worlds" shows us how to view and handle being pilgrims awaiting New Jerusalem. Now Crae dropping Rehab.... The Illustrations of all these is, to me, aid for strengthenin and preparin for the events to come and to be ready for Christ return....

– Jul 9 2010

I am so excited to hear another chapter is comin from you Crae. The illustrations God has blessed u wit are life reflecting and altering. I'm Loving the Order of album releases for this year. They are alone for us to stand for Christ. Sho's "Lions and Liars" shows us to look at ourselves to see where we stand in Christ. Trip's "Between Two Worlds" shows us how to view and handle being pilgrims awaiting New Jerusalem. Now Crae dropping Rehab.... The Illustrations of all these is, to me, aid for strengthenin and preparin for the events to come and to be ready for Christ return....

– Jul 9 2010

I am so excited to hear another chapter is comin from you Crae. The illustrations God has blessed u wit are life reflecting and altering. I'm Loving the Order of album releases for this year. They are alone for us to stand for Christ. Sho's "Lions and Liars" shows us to look at ourselves to see where we stand in Christ. Trip's "Between Two Worlds" shows us how to view and handle being pilgrims awaiting New Jerusalem. Now Crae dropping Rehab.... The Illustrations of all these is, to me, aid for strengthenin and preparin for the events to come and to be ready for Christ return....

– Jul 9 2010

I am so excited to hear another chapter is comin from you Crae. The illustrations God has blessed u wit are life reflecting and altering. I'm Loving the Order of album releases for this year. They are alone for us to stand for Christ. Sho's "Lions and Liars" shows us to look at ourselves to see where we stand in Christ. Trip's "Between Two Worlds" shows us how to view and handle being pilgrims awaiting New Jerusalem. Now Crae dropping Rehab.... The Illustrations of all these is, to me, aid for strengthenin and preparin for the events to come and to be ready for Christ return....

– Jul 9 2010

I am so excited to hear another chapter is comin from you Crae. The illustrations God has blessed u wit are life reflecting and altering. I'm Loving the Order of album releases for this year. They are alone for us to stand for Christ. Sho's "Lions and Liars" shows us to look at ourselves to see where we stand in Christ. Trip's "Between Two Worlds" shows us how to view and handle being pilgrims awaiting New Jerusalem. Now Crae dropping Rehab.... The Illustrations of all these is, to me, aid for strengthenin and preparin for the events to come and to be ready for Christ return....

– Jul 9 2010

I can't wait for the album.Rebel has been a great album for me.Always making me to dig more into the word.

From Kenya,

– Jul 10 2010

I can't wait for the album.Rebel has been a great album for me.Always making me to dig more into the word.

From Kenya,

– Jul 10 2010

I can't wait for the album.Rebel has been a great album for me.Always making me to dig more into the word.

From Kenya,

– Jul 10 2010

I can't wait for the album.Rebel has been a great album for me.Always making me to dig more into the word.

From Kenya,

– Jul 10 2010

I can't wait for the album.Rebel has been a great album for me.Always making me to dig more into the word.

From Kenya,

– Jul 10 2010

I can't wait for the album.Rebel has been a great album for me.Always making me to dig more into the word.

From Kenya,

– Jul 10 2010

I can't wait for the album.Rebel has been a great album for me.Always making me to dig more into the word.

From Kenya,

– Jul 10 2010

116 rocks!

mumbi kashimilo
– Jul 11 2010

116 rocks!

mumbi kashimilo
– Jul 11 2010

116 rocks!

mumbi kashimilo
– Jul 11 2010

116 rocks!

mumbi kashimilo
– Jul 11 2010

116 rocks!

mumbi kashimilo
– Jul 11 2010

116 rocks!

mumbi kashimilo
– Jul 11 2010

116 rocks!

mumbi kashimilo
– Jul 11 2010

I woke up this morning with the LORD on my mind. I prayed & the LORD sent me here. I must say I have read & understood what you wrote. Words can't begin to describe how much I agree. I'll be praying that your release is successful!

In Christ Service,

– Jul 11 2010

I woke up this morning with the LORD on my mind. I prayed & the LORD sent me here. I must say I have read & understood what you wrote. Words can't begin to describe how much I agree. I'll be praying that your release is successful!

In Christ Service,

– Jul 11 2010

I woke up this morning with the LORD on my mind. I prayed & the LORD sent me here. I must say I have read & understood what you wrote. Words can't begin to describe how much I agree. I'll be praying that your release is successful!

In Christ Service,

– Jul 11 2010

I woke up this morning with the LORD on my mind. I prayed & the LORD sent me here. I must say I have read & understood what you wrote. Words can't begin to describe how much I agree. I'll be praying that your release is successful!

In Christ Service,

– Jul 11 2010

I woke up this morning with the LORD on my mind. I prayed & the LORD sent me here. I must say I have read & understood what you wrote. Words can't begin to describe how much I agree. I'll be praying that your release is successful!

In Christ Service,

– Jul 11 2010

I woke up this morning with the LORD on my mind. I prayed & the LORD sent me here. I must say I have read & understood what you wrote. Words can't begin to describe how much I agree. I'll be praying that your release is successful!

In Christ Service,

– Jul 11 2010

I woke up this morning with the LORD on my mind. I prayed & the LORD sent me here. I must say I have read & understood what you wrote. Words can't begin to describe how much I agree. I'll be praying that your release is successful!

In Christ Service,

– Jul 11 2010

dude i cant wait ....your music always helps me in my walk with God

– Jul 12 2010

dude i cant wait ....your music always helps me in my walk with God

– Jul 12 2010

dude i cant wait ....your music always helps me in my walk with God

– Jul 12 2010

dude i cant wait ....your music always helps me in my walk with God

– Jul 12 2010

dude i cant wait ....your music always helps me in my walk with God

– Jul 12 2010

dude i cant wait ....your music always helps me in my walk with God

– Jul 12 2010

dude i cant wait ....your music always helps me in my walk with God

– Jul 12 2010

I really do thank God for the fantastic work he has done through you guys at Reach. You really do present the truth! you glorify God! your music is such a great blessing to me.

Looking forward to this album.

God bless

Craig (Just C)
– Jul 12 2010

I really do thank God for the fantastic work he has done through you guys at Reach. You really do present the truth! you glorify God! your music is such a great blessing to me.

Looking forward to this album.

God bless

Craig (Just C)
– Jul 12 2010

I really do thank God for the fantastic work he has done through you guys at Reach. You really do present the truth! you glorify God! your music is such a great blessing to me.

Looking forward to this album.

God bless

Craig (Just C)
– Jul 12 2010

I really do thank God for the fantastic work he has done through you guys at Reach. You really do present the truth! you glorify God! your music is such a great blessing to me.

Looking forward to this album.

God bless

Craig (Just C)
– Jul 12 2010

I really do thank God for the fantastic work he has done through you guys at Reach. You really do present the truth! you glorify God! your music is such a great blessing to me.

Looking forward to this album.

God bless

Craig (Just C)
– Jul 12 2010

I really do thank God for the fantastic work he has done through you guys at Reach. You really do present the truth! you glorify God! your music is such a great blessing to me.

Looking forward to this album.

God bless

Craig (Just C)
– Jul 12 2010

I really do thank God for the fantastic work he has done through you guys at Reach. You really do present the truth! you glorify God! your music is such a great blessing to me.

Looking forward to this album.

God bless

Craig (Just C)
– Jul 12 2010

2HYP3, what Lecrae meant with the Rebel title is that people today are rebelling against the norm if they have faith/love in Christ. People thinking rebelling is going against God, but how is it rebelling when everybody is NOT following Christ. So if you want to rebel against the norms of this sinful world, believe in HIM!

Hopefully this provides a little insight into the title. At least that is what I got from Lecrae's lyrics...

God bless, bro!

– Jul 12 2010

2HYP3, what Lecrae meant with the Rebel title is that people today are rebelling against the norm if they have faith/love in Christ. People thinking rebelling is going against God, but how is it rebelling when everybody is NOT following Christ. So if you want to rebel against the norms of this sinful world, believe in HIM!

Hopefully this provides a little insight into the title. At least that is what I got from Lecrae's lyrics...

God bless, bro!

– Jul 12 2010

2HYP3, what Lecrae meant with the Rebel title is that people today are rebelling against the norm if they have faith/love in Christ. People thinking rebelling is going against God, but how is it rebelling when everybody is NOT following Christ. So if you want to rebel against the norms of this sinful world, believe in HIM!

Hopefully this provides a little insight into the title. At least that is what I got from Lecrae's lyrics...

God bless, bro!

– Jul 12 2010

2HYP3, what Lecrae meant with the Rebel title is that people today are rebelling against the norm if they have faith/love in Christ. People thinking rebelling is going against God, but how is it rebelling when everybody is NOT following Christ. So if you want to rebel against the norms of this sinful world, believe in HIM!

Hopefully this provides a little insight into the title. At least that is what I got from Lecrae's lyrics...

God bless, bro!

– Jul 12 2010

2HYP3, what Lecrae meant with the Rebel title is that people today are rebelling against the norm if they have faith/love in Christ. People thinking rebelling is going against God, but how is it rebelling when everybody is NOT following Christ. So if you want to rebel against the norms of this sinful world, believe in HIM!

Hopefully this provides a little insight into the title. At least that is what I got from Lecrae's lyrics...

God bless, bro!

– Jul 12 2010

2HYP3, what Lecrae meant with the Rebel title is that people today are rebelling against the norm if they have faith/love in Christ. People thinking rebelling is going against God, but how is it rebelling when everybody is NOT following Christ. So if you want to rebel against the norms of this sinful world, believe in HIM!

Hopefully this provides a little insight into the title. At least that is what I got from Lecrae's lyrics...

God bless, bro!

– Jul 12 2010

2HYP3, what Lecrae meant with the Rebel title is that people today are rebelling against the norm if they have faith/love in Christ. People thinking rebelling is going against God, but how is it rebelling when everybody is NOT following Christ. So if you want to rebel against the norms of this sinful world, believe in HIM!

Hopefully this provides a little insight into the title. At least that is what I got from Lecrae's lyrics...

God bless, bro!

– Jul 12 2010

I like how you are able to look at your growth and what was a the forfront of your mind with each project. Each project is written with more depth and conviction peeling away at each layer of our lives. I've hit that stage in my life where the rubber met the robe and took a look at myself and started seeing myself become the "Christian" I didn't wanna be: a pew dweller, in fact worse, a pulpit dweller. I had "Reach" back the last week or two to say, "What did I get in this for?" and who are we trying to reach? I can't play to role anymore and right my walk in Christ needs to be repaired and REHAB'd.

Trev Williams
– Jul 12 2010

I like how you are able to look at your growth and what was a the forfront of your mind with each project. Each project is written with more depth and conviction peeling away at each layer of our lives. I've hit that stage in my life where the rubber met the robe and took a look at myself and started seeing myself become the "Christian" I didn't wanna be: a pew dweller, in fact worse, a pulpit dweller. I had "Reach" back the last week or two to say, "What did I get in this for?" and who are we trying to reach? I can't play to role anymore and right my walk in Christ needs to be repaired and REHAB'd.

Trev Williams
– Jul 12 2010

I like how you are able to look at your growth and what was a the forfront of your mind with each project. Each project is written with more depth and conviction peeling away at each layer of our lives. I've hit that stage in my life where the rubber met the robe and took a look at myself and started seeing myself become the "Christian" I didn't wanna be: a pew dweller, in fact worse, a pulpit dweller. I had "Reach" back the last week or two to say, "What did I get in this for?" and who are we trying to reach? I can't play to role anymore and right my walk in Christ needs to be repaired and REHAB'd.

Trev Williams
– Jul 12 2010

I like how you are able to look at your growth and what was a the forfront of your mind with each project. Each project is written with more depth and conviction peeling away at each layer of our lives. I've hit that stage in my life where the rubber met the robe and took a look at myself and started seeing myself become the "Christian" I didn't wanna be: a pew dweller, in fact worse, a pulpit dweller. I had "Reach" back the last week or two to say, "What did I get in this for?" and who are we trying to reach? I can't play to role anymore and right my walk in Christ needs to be repaired and REHAB'd.

Trev Williams
– Jul 12 2010

I like how you are able to look at your growth and what was a the forfront of your mind with each project. Each project is written with more depth and conviction peeling away at each layer of our lives. I've hit that stage in my life where the rubber met the robe and took a look at myself and started seeing myself become the "Christian" I didn't wanna be: a pew dweller, in fact worse, a pulpit dweller. I had "Reach" back the last week or two to say, "What did I get in this for?" and who are we trying to reach? I can't play to role anymore and right my walk in Christ needs to be repaired and REHAB'd.

Trev Williams
– Jul 12 2010

I like how you are able to look at your growth and what was a the forfront of your mind with each project. Each project is written with more depth and conviction peeling away at each layer of our lives. I've hit that stage in my life where the rubber met the robe and took a look at myself and started seeing myself become the "Christian" I didn't wanna be: a pew dweller, in fact worse, a pulpit dweller. I had "Reach" back the last week or two to say, "What did I get in this for?" and who are we trying to reach? I can't play to role anymore and right my walk in Christ needs to be repaired and REHAB'd.

Trev Williams
– Jul 12 2010

I like how you are able to look at your growth and what was a the forfront of your mind with each project. Each project is written with more depth and conviction peeling away at each layer of our lives. I've hit that stage in my life where the rubber met the robe and took a look at myself and started seeing myself become the "Christian" I didn't wanna be: a pew dweller, in fact worse, a pulpit dweller. I had "Reach" back the last week or two to say, "What did I get in this for?" and who are we trying to reach? I can't play to role anymore and right my walk in Christ needs to be repaired and REHAB'd.

Trev Williams
– Jul 12 2010

Will be praying for you Lecrae!
God bless and keep you and may He be exalted in your everything.

– Jul 12 2010

Will be praying for you Lecrae!
God bless and keep you and may He be exalted in your everything.

– Jul 12 2010

Will be praying for you Lecrae!
God bless and keep you and may He be exalted in your everything.

– Jul 12 2010

Will be praying for you Lecrae!
God bless and keep you and may He be exalted in your everything.

– Jul 12 2010

Will be praying for you Lecrae!
God bless and keep you and may He be exalted in your everything.

– Jul 12 2010

Will be praying for you Lecrae!
God bless and keep you and may He be exalted in your everything.

– Jul 12 2010

Will be praying for you Lecrae!
God bless and keep you and may He be exalted in your everything.

– Jul 12 2010

O mi goodness! You have no idea how much this just touched me. AMEN! Thanks Lecrae for what you do. I am super syked for this new album. Rehab with Jesus makes life worth living! I am going to mark the date on my calendar right now. God bless!

– Jul 12 2010

O mi goodness! You have no idea how much this just touched me. AMEN! Thanks Lecrae for what you do. I am super syked for this new album. Rehab with Jesus makes life worth living! I am going to mark the date on my calendar right now. God bless!

– Jul 12 2010

O mi goodness! You have no idea how much this just touched me. AMEN! Thanks Lecrae for what you do. I am super syked for this new album. Rehab with Jesus makes life worth living! I am going to mark the date on my calendar right now. God bless!

– Jul 12 2010

O mi goodness! You have no idea how much this just touched me. AMEN! Thanks Lecrae for what you do. I am super syked for this new album. Rehab with Jesus makes life worth living! I am going to mark the date on my calendar right now. God bless!

– Jul 12 2010

O mi goodness! You have no idea how much this just touched me. AMEN! Thanks Lecrae for what you do. I am super syked for this new album. Rehab with Jesus makes life worth living! I am going to mark the date on my calendar right now. God bless!

– Jul 12 2010

O mi goodness! You have no idea how much this just touched me. AMEN! Thanks Lecrae for what you do. I am super syked for this new album. Rehab with Jesus makes life worth living! I am going to mark the date on my calendar right now. God bless!

– Jul 12 2010

O mi goodness! You have no idea how much this just touched me. AMEN! Thanks Lecrae for what you do. I am super syked for this new album. Rehab with Jesus makes life worth living! I am going to mark the date on my calendar right now. God bless!

– Jul 12 2010

Will definitely show my support in prayer and in purchase, glad to have music I can sow in to. Always proud to rep' 1:16!!!!

– Jul 12 2010

Will definitely show my support in prayer and in purchase, glad to have music I can sow in to. Always proud to rep' 1:16!!!!

– Jul 12 2010

Will definitely show my support in prayer and in purchase, glad to have music I can sow in to. Always proud to rep' 1:16!!!!

– Jul 12 2010

Will definitely show my support in prayer and in purchase, glad to have music I can sow in to. Always proud to rep' 1:16!!!!

– Jul 12 2010

Will definitely show my support in prayer and in purchase, glad to have music I can sow in to. Always proud to rep' 1:16!!!!

– Jul 12 2010

Will definitely show my support in prayer and in purchase, glad to have music I can sow in to. Always proud to rep' 1:16!!!!

– Jul 12 2010

Will definitely show my support in prayer and in purchase, glad to have music I can sow in to. Always proud to rep' 1:16!!!!

– Jul 12 2010

love your movement!! im tryn to get down witcha!! God Bless Homie!

– Jul 12 2010

love your movement!! im tryn to get down witcha!! God Bless Homie!

– Jul 12 2010

love your movement!! im tryn to get down witcha!! God Bless Homie!

– Jul 12 2010

love your movement!! im tryn to get down witcha!! God Bless Homie!

– Jul 12 2010

love your movement!! im tryn to get down witcha!! God Bless Homie!

– Jul 12 2010

love your movement!! im tryn to get down witcha!! God Bless Homie!

– Jul 12 2010

love your movement!! im tryn to get down witcha!! God Bless Homie!

– Jul 12 2010

thank Jesus 4 u.. believe me, u ar a representation of Jesus in yo music n life n u introduced me to him...i just can't wait to hear him speak to me thru tha Jesus musik that u bring! just keep em comin...

– Jul 13 2010

thank Jesus 4 u.. believe me, u ar a representation of Jesus in yo music n life n u introduced me to him...i just can't wait to hear him speak to me thru tha Jesus musik that u bring! just keep em comin...

– Jul 13 2010

thank Jesus 4 u.. believe me, u ar a representation of Jesus in yo music n life n u introduced me to him...i just can't wait to hear him speak to me thru tha Jesus musik that u bring! just keep em comin...

– Jul 13 2010

thank Jesus 4 u.. believe me, u ar a representation of Jesus in yo music n life n u introduced me to him...i just can't wait to hear him speak to me thru tha Jesus musik that u bring! just keep em comin...

– Jul 13 2010

thank Jesus 4 u.. believe me, u ar a representation of Jesus in yo music n life n u introduced me to him...i just can't wait to hear him speak to me thru tha Jesus musik that u bring! just keep em comin...

– Jul 13 2010

thank Jesus 4 u.. believe me, u ar a representation of Jesus in yo music n life n u introduced me to him...i just can't wait to hear him speak to me thru tha Jesus musik that u bring! just keep em comin...

– Jul 13 2010

thank Jesus 4 u.. believe me, u ar a representation of Jesus in yo music n life n u introduced me to him...i just can't wait to hear him speak to me thru tha Jesus musik that u bring! just keep em comin...

– Jul 13 2010

Listen to the first song on "Rebel" to get the explanation for the title.

Here's were Lecrae got the idea: (@ about 36 minutes into it)

Jesus was definitely counter-cultural, no? That's what "rebel" means.

Lecrae, can't wait for the new album! May the Lord guide your pen.

><> Brian

– Jul 14 2010

Listen to the first song on "Rebel" to get the explanation for the title.

Here's were Lecrae got the idea: (@ about 36 minutes into it)

Jesus was definitely counter-cultural, no? That's what "rebel" means.

Lecrae, can't wait for the new album! May the Lord guide your pen.

><> Brian

– Jul 14 2010

Listen to the first song on "Rebel" to get the explanation for the title.

Here's were Lecrae got the idea: (@ about 36 minutes into it)

Jesus was definitely counter-cultural, no? That's what "rebel" means.

Lecrae, can't wait for the new album! May the Lord guide your pen.

><> Brian

– Jul 14 2010

Listen to the first song on "Rebel" to get the explanation for the title.

Here's were Lecrae got the idea: (@ about 36 minutes into it)

Jesus was definitely counter-cultural, no? That's what "rebel" means.

Lecrae, can't wait for the new album! May the Lord guide your pen.

><> Brian

– Jul 14 2010

Listen to the first song on "Rebel" to get the explanation for the title.

Here's were Lecrae got the idea: (@ about 36 minutes into it)

Jesus was definitely counter-cultural, no? That's what "rebel" means.

Lecrae, can't wait for the new album! May the Lord guide your pen.

><> Brian

– Jul 14 2010

Listen to the first song on "Rebel" to get the explanation for the title.

Here's were Lecrae got the idea: (@ about 36 minutes into it)

Jesus was definitely counter-cultural, no? That's what "rebel" means.

Lecrae, can't wait for the new album! May the Lord guide your pen.

><> Brian

– Jul 14 2010

Listen to the first song on "Rebel" to get the explanation for the title.

Here's were Lecrae got the idea: (@ about 36 minutes into it)

Jesus was definitely counter-cultural, no? That's what "rebel" means.

Lecrae, can't wait for the new album! May the Lord guide your pen.

><> Brian

– Jul 14 2010

i thought the tittle for your next album would be "Counter Culture"

Peter G
– Jul 15 2010

i thought the tittle for your next album would be "Counter Culture"

Peter G
– Jul 15 2010

i thought the tittle for your next album would be "Counter Culture"

Peter G
– Jul 15 2010

i thought the tittle for your next album would be "Counter Culture"

Peter G
– Jul 15 2010

i thought the tittle for your next album would be "Counter Culture"

Peter G
– Jul 15 2010

i thought the tittle for your next album would be "Counter Culture"

Peter G
– Jul 15 2010

i thought the tittle for your next album would be "Counter Culture"

Peter G
– Jul 15 2010

awesome! when you go on tour you should come to columbia,sc

– Jul 15 2010

awesome! when you go on tour you should come to columbia,sc

– Jul 15 2010

awesome! when you go on tour you should come to columbia,sc

– Jul 15 2010

awesome! when you go on tour you should come to columbia,sc

– Jul 15 2010

awesome! when you go on tour you should come to columbia,sc

– Jul 15 2010

awesome! when you go on tour you should come to columbia,sc

– Jul 15 2010

awesome! when you go on tour you should come to columbia,sc

– Jul 15 2010

This was so encuraging! Jesus IS my Joy!!

I love how humble this man of God is! I'm really praying not only that this album comes together smoothly but also that it brings people to Jesus!

Keep up the great work for God! It really is touching lives!

– Jul 17 2010

This was so encuraging! Jesus IS my Joy!!

I love how humble this man of God is! I'm really praying not only that this album comes together smoothly but also that it brings people to Jesus!

Keep up the great work for God! It really is touching lives!

– Jul 17 2010

This was so encuraging! Jesus IS my Joy!!

I love how humble this man of God is! I'm really praying not only that this album comes together smoothly but also that it brings people to Jesus!

Keep up the great work for God! It really is touching lives!

– Jul 17 2010

This was so encuraging! Jesus IS my Joy!!

I love how humble this man of God is! I'm really praying not only that this album comes together smoothly but also that it brings people to Jesus!

Keep up the great work for God! It really is touching lives!

– Jul 17 2010

This was so encuraging! Jesus IS my Joy!!

I love how humble this man of God is! I'm really praying not only that this album comes together smoothly but also that it brings people to Jesus!

Keep up the great work for God! It really is touching lives!

– Jul 17 2010

This was so encuraging! Jesus IS my Joy!!

I love how humble this man of God is! I'm really praying not only that this album comes together smoothly but also that it brings people to Jesus!

Keep up the great work for God! It really is touching lives!

– Jul 17 2010

This was so encuraging! Jesus IS my Joy!!

I love how humble this man of God is! I'm really praying not only that this album comes together smoothly but also that it brings people to Jesus!

Keep up the great work for God! It really is touching lives!

– Jul 17 2010

our God reveals new things to us new things everyday and its evident he has been revealing himself to you anew and giving you a word for his people in each season.we bless God for you and may He continue using you a His vessel of honour. Manda..Nairobi,kenya

– Jul 18 2010

our God reveals new things to us new things everyday and its evident he has been revealing himself to you anew and giving you a word for his people in each season.we bless God for you and may He continue using you a His vessel of honour. Manda..Nairobi,kenya

– Jul 18 2010

our God reveals new things to us new things everyday and its evident he has been revealing himself to you anew and giving you a word for his people in each season.we bless God for you and may He continue using you a His vessel of honour. Manda..Nairobi,kenya

– Jul 18 2010

our God reveals new things to us new things everyday and its evident he has been revealing himself to you anew and giving you a word for his people in each season.we bless God for you and may He continue using you a His vessel of honour. Manda..Nairobi,kenya

– Jul 18 2010

our God reveals new things to us new things everyday and its evident he has been revealing himself to you anew and giving you a word for his people in each season.we bless God for you and may He continue using you a His vessel of honour. Manda..Nairobi,kenya

– Jul 18 2010

our God reveals new things to us new things everyday and its evident he has been revealing himself to you anew and giving you a word for his people in each season.we bless God for you and may He continue using you a His vessel of honour. Manda..Nairobi,kenya

– Jul 18 2010

our God reveals new things to us new things everyday and its evident he has been revealing himself to you anew and giving you a word for his people in each season.we bless God for you and may He continue using you a His vessel of honour. Manda..Nairobi,kenya

– Jul 18 2010

Yes!!!!! I have been looking forward to your next album for a while now Creezy! God bless! Anyone know if it is up for preorder yet? Btw, I have every 116 album to date and they all are fire! Every album just gets better and better as time goes on! Most importantly though, God is receiving all the glory from 116's success and passion for the lost! Can't wait!!!!!

– Jul 20 2010

Yes!!!!! I have been looking forward to your next album for a while now Creezy! God bless! Anyone know if it is up for preorder yet? Btw, I have every 116 album to date and they all are fire! Every album just gets better and better as time goes on! Most importantly though, God is receiving all the glory from 116's success and passion for the lost! Can't wait!!!!!

– Jul 20 2010

Yes!!!!! I have been looking forward to your next album for a while now Creezy! God bless! Anyone know if it is up for preorder yet? Btw, I have every 116 album to date and they all are fire! Every album just gets better and better as time goes on! Most importantly though, God is receiving all the glory from 116's success and passion for the lost! Can't wait!!!!!

– Jul 20 2010

Yes!!!!! I have been looking forward to your next album for a while now Creezy! God bless! Anyone know if it is up for preorder yet? Btw, I have every 116 album to date and they all are fire! Every album just gets better and better as time goes on! Most importantly though, God is receiving all the glory from 116's success and passion for the lost! Can't wait!!!!!

– Jul 20 2010

Yes!!!!! I have been looking forward to your next album for a while now Creezy! God bless! Anyone know if it is up for preorder yet? Btw, I have every 116 album to date and they all are fire! Every album just gets better and better as time goes on! Most importantly though, God is receiving all the glory from 116's success and passion for the lost! Can't wait!!!!!

– Jul 20 2010

Yes!!!!! I have been looking forward to your next album for a while now Creezy! God bless! Anyone know if it is up for preorder yet? Btw, I have every 116 album to date and they all are fire! Every album just gets better and better as time goes on! Most importantly though, God is receiving all the glory from 116's success and passion for the lost! Can't wait!!!!!

– Jul 20 2010

Yes!!!!! I have been looking forward to your next album for a while now Creezy! God bless! Anyone know if it is up for preorder yet? Btw, I have every 116 album to date and they all are fire! Every album just gets better and better as time goes on! Most importantly though, God is receiving all the glory from 116's success and passion for the lost! Can't wait!!!!!

– Jul 20 2010

I can't wait 'til then, if there is going to have a deluve version, I will buy it for sure. You know you and trip lee are two of all the things that inspires me to finish writting my first hip hop song.

god bless you

adam côté
– Jul 23 2010

I can't wait 'til then, if there is going to have a deluve version, I will buy it for sure. You know you and trip lee are two of all the things that inspires me to finish writting my first hip hop song.

god bless you

adam côté
– Jul 23 2010

I can't wait 'til then, if there is going to have a deluve version, I will buy it for sure. You know you and trip lee are two of all the things that inspires me to finish writting my first hip hop song.

god bless you

adam côté
– Jul 23 2010

I can't wait 'til then, if there is going to have a deluve version, I will buy it for sure. You know you and trip lee are two of all the things that inspires me to finish writting my first hip hop song.

god bless you

adam côté
– Jul 23 2010

I can't wait 'til then, if there is going to have a deluve version, I will buy it for sure. You know you and trip lee are two of all the things that inspires me to finish writting my first hip hop song.

god bless you

adam côté
– Jul 23 2010

I can't wait 'til then, if there is going to have a deluve version, I will buy it for sure. You know you and trip lee are two of all the things that inspires me to finish writting my first hip hop song.

god bless you

adam côté
– Jul 23 2010

I can't wait 'til then, if there is going to have a deluve version, I will buy it for sure. You know you and trip lee are two of all the things that inspires me to finish writting my first hip hop song.

god bless you

adam côté
– Jul 23 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 24 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 24 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 24 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 24 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 24 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 24 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 24 2010

I'm truly in awe and inspired very much with your ability to encourage those faith and strong at faith. Brother I know God is with you at every step, and one day we will meet and that day i will know it was all because of the glory of God.

I'm a director/writer of a Theater and spoken word mixed plays called The Truth Inc we present a reflection of society and so far we have touched hundreds of hearts all over New York.

I do hope to work with Reach Records very soon.

– Jul 26 2010

I'm truly in awe and inspired very much with your ability to encourage those faith and strong at faith. Brother I know God is with you at every step, and one day we will meet and that day i will know it was all because of the glory of God.

I'm a director/writer of a Theater and spoken word mixed plays called The Truth Inc we present a reflection of society and so far we have touched hundreds of hearts all over New York.

I do hope to work with Reach Records very soon.

– Jul 26 2010

I'm truly in awe and inspired very much with your ability to encourage those faith and strong at faith. Brother I know God is with you at every step, and one day we will meet and that day i will know it was all because of the glory of God.

I'm a director/writer of a Theater and spoken word mixed plays called The Truth Inc we present a reflection of society and so far we have touched hundreds of hearts all over New York.

I do hope to work with Reach Records very soon.

– Jul 26 2010

I'm truly in awe and inspired very much with your ability to encourage those faith and strong at faith. Brother I know God is with you at every step, and one day we will meet and that day i will know it was all because of the glory of God.

I'm a director/writer of a Theater and spoken word mixed plays called The Truth Inc we present a reflection of society and so far we have touched hundreds of hearts all over New York.

I do hope to work with Reach Records very soon.

– Jul 26 2010

I'm truly in awe and inspired very much with your ability to encourage those faith and strong at faith. Brother I know God is with you at every step, and one day we will meet and that day i will know it was all because of the glory of God.

I'm a director/writer of a Theater and spoken word mixed plays called The Truth Inc we present a reflection of society and so far we have touched hundreds of hearts all over New York.

I do hope to work with Reach Records very soon.

– Jul 26 2010

I'm truly in awe and inspired very much with your ability to encourage those faith and strong at faith. Brother I know God is with you at every step, and one day we will meet and that day i will know it was all because of the glory of God.

I'm a director/writer of a Theater and spoken word mixed plays called The Truth Inc we present a reflection of society and so far we have touched hundreds of hearts all over New York.

I do hope to work with Reach Records very soon.

– Jul 26 2010

I'm truly in awe and inspired very much with your ability to encourage those faith and strong at faith. Brother I know God is with you at every step, and one day we will meet and that day i will know it was all because of the glory of God.

I'm a director/writer of a Theater and spoken word mixed plays called The Truth Inc we present a reflection of society and so far we have touched hundreds of hearts all over New York.

I do hope to work with Reach Records very soon.

– Jul 26 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

Much love mayne. Just wanted 2 let you know how excited I am about the new album. If you go on tour please hit Denver, CO. We would love to see you. Just another brother tryin to glorify God through music Matt 22:14. If you get the chance, stop by my myspace at

Slick ReBorn
– Jul 27 2010

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