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Lions & Liars Video Blog #2

Check out Sho Baraka’s latest video blog, where he discusses his first single “We Can Ben More ft. J.R” and explores the definition of love.

Get the single here and celebrate authentic love this weekend!

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All Comments 16

Thats good. Cause Love gets so distorted all the time. But the only Pure Love we get is from God.

– Feb 13 2010

"We Can Ben More ft. J.R" and explores the definition of love.

David Graciano
– Feb 13 2010

Sho- lovin' the Avatar shades man! Love is a commitment for sure. Love is an action. Without love, what are we as Christians? "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." -1 Corinthians 13:1-2

Rusty Shelangoski
– Feb 13 2010

Awesome video nd editing. I kept thinking on the "we could be more" track and this vid kinda cleared my mind. it seems to be addressing christians that are friends trying to get into marriage? and that married christians should celebrate the love they have and aspire to be more? but the chrous seems to suggest that we could be more than friends and nd should lust (even though the song itself strongly speaks against it) but the chorus is quite catchy nd any worldly person hearing it or ppl who cant understand rap will assume thats what you mean. simply bcos there are so many songs that say the same thing and mean just that, lust. but i dont question ur heart bruh i jus hope you brush up on message clarity in other songs cause promoting christ is the reason ur doing this yea? so its a bit confusing singing "i know we're just freinds, but we could be more..." sounds very...chris brown or sumfin 2 ppl lol shalom bruh

Lord's Servant
– Feb 14 2010

Love, what is Love? The Lord Jesus Christ said no greater love hath a man that he lay down his life for his friends. John writes in John chapter 3 verse 16 that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever will believe in him will never perish but have everlasting life. Love is he who knew no sin became sin for us. Love is while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Love is he was pierced for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with everyone of his stripes we were healed. Love is Jesus Christ is The Resurrection and The Life any person who believes in him will live even though they die. Jesus Christ is my valentine and until he gives me one wife a proverbs 31 woman by me first being properly transformed into an Ephesians chapter 5 man Jesus Christ will be the only one for me. I am and will forever be Falling in love with Jesus Christ.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Feb 14 2010

Sho, that song in background is another single on Lions

Hedley Cayasso
– Feb 15 2010

how can I take you seriously in those glasses?!
Na, just kiddin'.
That was a good point you made in that video, especially with the interviews.
Pretty much 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 says it all.
Peace bro, see ya around.

Phillip Modin (Philmaker)
– Feb 16 2010

can wait for this album Mr. Baraka hahaha
people really need the def. of love. the bible states it clearly with a one word definition: "God is Love"

Jared Brown
– Feb 21 2010

Wise words from a cat in Avatar shades!

nah, Praise God, that background track is so banging too.

– Feb 22 2010

can't wait to get the new album, have been waiting a while.
I love how so many no believers think rap is set apart and its a barrier that cant be crossed by evangelist, it amazing how God can use people gifts to speak to the unbelieving world.
when i started listening to 116 i thought it was just music, but its so much deeper its a way to learn more about Christ and how we should stride towards him.
i neva thought i could learn much bout God from music but it helps,
so i praise God, that he has given u such an amazing gift to evangelise through music
god bless!

mark byers
– Feb 24 2010

Concerning the Lord's Servant's comment:

"but the chrous seems to suggest that we could be more than friends and nd should lust (even though the song itself strongly speaks against it) but the chorus is quite catchy nd any worldly person hearing it or ppl who cant understand rap will assume thats what you mean. simply bcos there are so many songs that say the same thing and mean just that, lust. but i dont question ur heart bruh i jus hope you brush up on message clarity in other songs cause promoting christ is the reason ur doing this yea? so its a bit confusing singing "i know we're just freinds, but we could be more..." sounds very...chris brown or sumfin 2 ppl lol shalom bruh"

I think if you heard the rest of the song it would clear up alot of the confusion for you, but only taking the hook out of the context of the song is like saying Kanye West is a Christian after just hearing his hook "Jesus Walks." I think the hook fits good in delivering a clear message. I encourage you bruh to go and hear the rest of the song, its good for real, and it might help ya.

As for SHO, keep engaging the culture for Christ.

Much Love.

Joel Libramento
– Feb 24 2010

I'm extremely hyped for the new album, I hope that with the drop of Lions to Liars it will be used to impact the world and bring alot more people to Christ. I know that the music is just a start but I pray it will be a valuable tool that can deeply help us Christians as we go on our missions. I've accepted Chirst in my life since i was in the 4th grade and have been listening to artist from Reach Records since I was in the 9th grade. And I must say the impact you guys have had on helping me in my life through your guys music is truly amazing and a blessing. I just wanna say thanx and i will be praying for the album to have success not just to be used as a rythmic tune to our generation, but more so as a rock cast into a pond to send out over hundreds and thousands of ripples and those ripples in time being hardcore disciples for God
God Bless.

Anthony Meray
– Feb 25 2010

What is that background track? Its definitely off the chain. I hope it will be on your album can't wait for that to come out. I really appreciate what you are doing, you are creating music that truly means something. God is love. Peace

– Mar 16 2010

God loves us! 1 John 4: 19-21

Thank you Jesus! 1 Chronicles 16: 8

– Mar 22 2010

oh and most definitely can't wait for L

– Mar 22 2010

Where can I get that background track* I got Lions n Liars already but it wasnt on the album.. Does anybody know?

Joshua Nunez
– Mar 27 2010

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