Let’s Make History
Unashamed Fam,
Its been a crazy journey from selling CDs out of the trunks of cars to stadiums filled with the unashamed and lives impacted worldwide. With the release of Anomaly this week, the response and support has been overwhelming.
Many of you have walked with us since the beginning and many just heard about the music, but the mission of Reach has always been to change the way people see the world. With the release of Anomaly, we’re excited to see the potential within culture and the music industry for something different. What if we spark a change in the way music is done? What if we alter the standard of what’s played?
We have until Sunday at midnight to take Anomaly to #1 on the Billboard Top 200 charts. If we do, this will show the industry that people support music that promotes life and hope. If we can do this, as a huge thank you to fans everywhere, we’ll release a brand new song from Lecrae for free on Wednesday at 1:16 PM. If you haven’t purchased Anomaly, don’t miss it. If you have, consider gifting to a friend and tell somebody! 3 Days Left!
From the beginning to the end, lets aim to change the way people see the world.
All Comments 7
If you want the instrumentals along with the songs, I recommend getting the deluxe download from Merchline.
Joe Wright
– Sep 11 2014
lets do this let us show the world who we are and what we do!!yes we are Anomalies cuz we differ from the world in multiple ways, we are Gods children and we are the light into the world!!lets go!!so pumped!To reach records i will be praying for yall and for the impact of Anomaly.please pray for me as well as i pesue my dream of being one of the crew at reach lol i kno its a long shot but with God anything is possible #Anomaly!
Joseph Hemmen
– Sep 11 2014
A few years ago I heard a message at a youth retreat that was targeted against the idea of christian rap. The preacher made the argument that the hip hop culture is dominated by darkness and sin. He then made a statement, that went something along the lines of, "Ok, ok. If, perhaps by some amazing miracle, gospel empowered hip hip SOMEHOW made it to top charts, to public conversation, if it really started to make an impact and reverse the darkness of the hip hop culture at large, then maybe it would be appropriate for the church." NEVER would I have predicted that this could have happened so fast. Jesus is alive and working in ways that go beyond our comprehension. Lets continue to fuel that fire!!
Andrey Bulanov
– Sep 12 2014
I just did a search on ALL the retail stores selling 'Anomaly' and found the album is under the "RAP" genre. I don't like this fact! Sales of this album under "RAP" will give credit to RAP/HipHop as apposed to CHRISTIAN HIP-HOP & CHRISTIAN RAP. HOW CAN YOU CHANGE THIS? Why 'Anomaly' is NOT under the CHRISTIAN GENRE??? Christian Rap? Christian Hip-Hop? ANYONE CAN ANSWERE ME PLS? GB!
– Sep 12 2014
This is not a Christian Rap album because Lecrae said he is not a "Christian Rapper".
– Sep 14 2014
How do you vote?
– Sep 15 2014
It's called anomaly.... DUUUUH!
– Sep 17 2014