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Lessons from Capetown


I used to be the person who would always slam American Christianity and proclaim that other countries had it together. I no longer shout that with great conviction (Now, I just whisper it). I have noticed that each country, people, sub culture, hemisphere, and tribe has a particular way of doing things that would be hard to justify in scriptures. These are things we need to handle in love and wisdom.

But I can’t help but acknowledge the challenges that slap me each time I leave the country and see how people exercise their faith.

I’ve decided to share a few things that rocked me:

  • Americans (or just me) constantly think from the perspective of “Save the Day” or “We have the answers.”

This possibly can be interpreted as a form of colonization or imperialism. It’s easy for one group of people to look at another group of people’s resources and think because of what would seem to be limitations in our paradigm means limitations in theirs. I was compelled to challenge some of our South African brothers and sisters to believe that GOD has blessed them with the same spiritual capacity (ACTS 1:17,18) that he has blessed us with. However, they can continue to import western philosophy, but they must create a South African legacy in light of the gospel. It would be easy for me to say, “Yeah, just buy my cds and pass them around,” instead of trying to train capable musicians there. I would prefer they create their own musical identity, which would translate into a more meaningful impact, and movement for Jesus.

  • We are all made in the image of GOD.

Racism, apartheid, slavery, denominations, tribalism, the Holocaust, caste systems and the Indian Removal Act were all formulated under the selfish mindset that one particular person is more superior to the other. If we saw each culture, people, and nation being established for the glory of GOD, then we would be able to appreciate the beautiful differences GOD created in us all. “When the believer begins to grow tired of celebrating our differences, then he has also grown tired of looking at the Cross”-Adam Thomason

  • There are spiritual ramifications to all things.

When a man is seen as less than a man, what makes you think that he will believe there is a GOD in heaven that cares for him? That’s a hard wrestle. I’ve experienced this. Cultures are reproducing this nihilism within themselves, because they have no hope in eternity. Therefore, they also don’t value anything on earth. The contrast can be that too many times all that they do value is on earth, which becomes idolatry. The gospel is powerful enough to destroy these lies, but first we as believers have to not only believe this but also experience this. One way to experience it is to serve in communities, cultures, or nations different from your own.

  • Make every effort to visit another country.

Blueprint Church just had a guest speaker who came through and challenged us on missions. He stated how much he hates it when people use the word “missions” flippantly to communicate some trip they are going on that really sounds more like a vacation. I don’t want to sound pretentious; however, I do agree that many people use the term missions out of context. Often times we use it to sound spiritual amongst friends and other times it’s the colloquialisms Christians have created. I just want to challenge all people to experience life outside their context. But to also experience the grace of GOD displayed in ways that are foreign to you. Whether or not it’s in the 10/40 window (the most hostile areas towards opposing religions) is not my call to place in your life. But I challenge all to die to themselves and lose their life for the sake of the Gospel and others. Then, you will truly know what it means to see GOD’s heart for the nations.

I could stay in America for the rest of my life, or I could become a missionary in a hostile country. No matter the location, God has called us to serve. He has called us to die to our selfish ways and prejudices. He has also called us all to love each other unconditionally. There is no way out of these commands.

Here is a video of our team performing “I See the Lord” at a Bible college. I hope it encourages you. (We had to make adjustments, so it’s just vocals and a guitar.)

I See The Lord (Cape Town Remix) from sho baraka on Vimeo.

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All Comments 35

When are you coming down to Johannesburg? Please let the masses know

– Jun 21 2010

When are you coming down to Johannesburg? Please let the masses know

– Jun 21 2010

When are you coming down to Johannesburg? Please let the masses know

– Jun 21 2010

When are you coming down to Johannesburg? Please let the masses know

– Jun 21 2010

When are you coming down to Johannesburg? Please let the masses know

– Jun 21 2010

When are you coming down to Johannesburg? Please let the masses know

– Jun 21 2010

When are you coming down to Johannesburg? Please let the masses know

– Jun 21 2010

wow i just watched this vid like three times, i love the whole inspiration behind it . . its a beautiful song and it was really relaxing to hear. . thank you so much for all you and your team do

– Jun 22 2010

wow i just watched this vid like three times, i love the whole inspiration behind it . . its a beautiful song and it was really relaxing to hear. . thank you so much for all you and your team do

– Jun 22 2010

wow i just watched this vid like three times, i love the whole inspiration behind it . . its a beautiful song and it was really relaxing to hear. . thank you so much for all you and your team do

– Jun 22 2010

wow i just watched this vid like three times, i love the whole inspiration behind it . . its a beautiful song and it was really relaxing to hear. . thank you so much for all you and your team do

– Jun 22 2010

wow i just watched this vid like three times, i love the whole inspiration behind it . . its a beautiful song and it was really relaxing to hear. . thank you so much for all you and your team do

– Jun 22 2010

wow i just watched this vid like three times, i love the whole inspiration behind it . . its a beautiful song and it was really relaxing to hear. . thank you so much for all you and your team do

– Jun 22 2010

wow i just watched this vid like three times, i love the whole inspiration behind it . . its a beautiful song and it was really relaxing to hear. . thank you so much for all you and your team do

– Jun 22 2010

Glory praise the name of our Lord, King, and Savior all day long. Yes one drop of his blood can save us all. You got me praising over here lol I praise your Holy name Jesus. Thank you lord for your glory, grace and mercy. Ahhh Jesus glory Father God. Woo ooh Thank you my brotha for the blog post and the video. Truly a divine blessing upon my head. I pray your strength and that you continue to grow and call upon the Lord. I pray grace,mercy,and peace rest rule and abide in you and your family and the whole Reach Record Team. Blessings to you my brotha. Amen

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

Glory praise the name of our Lord, King, and Savior all day long. Yes one drop of his blood can save us all. You got me praising over here lol I praise your Holy name Jesus. Thank you lord for your glory, grace and mercy. Ahhh Jesus glory Father God. Woo ooh Thank you my brotha for the blog post and the video. Truly a divine blessing upon my head. I pray your strength and that you continue to grow and call upon the Lord. I pray grace,mercy,and peace rest rule and abide in you and your family and the whole Reach Record Team. Blessings to you my brotha. Amen

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

Glory praise the name of our Lord, King, and Savior all day long. Yes one drop of his blood can save us all. You got me praising over here lol I praise your Holy name Jesus. Thank you lord for your glory, grace and mercy. Ahhh Jesus glory Father God. Woo ooh Thank you my brotha for the blog post and the video. Truly a divine blessing upon my head. I pray your strength and that you continue to grow and call upon the Lord. I pray grace,mercy,and peace rest rule and abide in you and your family and the whole Reach Record Team. Blessings to you my brotha. Amen

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

Glory praise the name of our Lord, King, and Savior all day long. Yes one drop of his blood can save us all. You got me praising over here lol I praise your Holy name Jesus. Thank you lord for your glory, grace and mercy. Ahhh Jesus glory Father God. Woo ooh Thank you my brotha for the blog post and the video. Truly a divine blessing upon my head. I pray your strength and that you continue to grow and call upon the Lord. I pray grace,mercy,and peace rest rule and abide in you and your family and the whole Reach Record Team. Blessings to you my brotha. Amen

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

Glory praise the name of our Lord, King, and Savior all day long. Yes one drop of his blood can save us all. You got me praising over here lol I praise your Holy name Jesus. Thank you lord for your glory, grace and mercy. Ahhh Jesus glory Father God. Woo ooh Thank you my brotha for the blog post and the video. Truly a divine blessing upon my head. I pray your strength and that you continue to grow and call upon the Lord. I pray grace,mercy,and peace rest rule and abide in you and your family and the whole Reach Record Team. Blessings to you my brotha. Amen

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

Glory praise the name of our Lord, King, and Savior all day long. Yes one drop of his blood can save us all. You got me praising over here lol I praise your Holy name Jesus. Thank you lord for your glory, grace and mercy. Ahhh Jesus glory Father God. Woo ooh Thank you my brotha for the blog post and the video. Truly a divine blessing upon my head. I pray your strength and that you continue to grow and call upon the Lord. I pray grace,mercy,and peace rest rule and abide in you and your family and the whole Reach Record Team. Blessings to you my brotha. Amen

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

Glory praise the name of our Lord, King, and Savior all day long. Yes one drop of his blood can save us all. You got me praising over here lol I praise your Holy name Jesus. Thank you lord for your glory, grace and mercy. Ahhh Jesus glory Father God. Woo ooh Thank you my brotha for the blog post and the video. Truly a divine blessing upon my head. I pray your strength and that you continue to grow and call upon the Lord. I pray grace,mercy,and peace rest rule and abide in you and your family and the whole Reach Record Team. Blessings to you my brotha. Amen

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 25 2010

In light of wanting to help South Africa create it's own musical identity you should try and get in touch with The Arrows:

They are from South Africa - maybe a potential to partner with them. Peace.

– Jul 11 2010

In light of wanting to help South Africa create it's own musical identity you should try and get in touch with The Arrows:

They are from South Africa - maybe a potential to partner with them. Peace.

– Jul 11 2010

In light of wanting to help South Africa create it's own musical identity you should try and get in touch with The Arrows:

They are from South Africa - maybe a potential to partner with them. Peace.

– Jul 11 2010

In light of wanting to help South Africa create it's own musical identity you should try and get in touch with The Arrows:

They are from South Africa - maybe a potential to partner with them. Peace.

– Jul 11 2010

In light of wanting to help South Africa create it's own musical identity you should try and get in touch with The Arrows:

They are from South Africa - maybe a potential to partner with them. Peace.

– Jul 11 2010

In light of wanting to help South Africa create it's own musical identity you should try and get in touch with The Arrows:

They are from South Africa - maybe a potential to partner with them. Peace.

– Jul 11 2010

In light of wanting to help South Africa create it's own musical identity you should try and get in touch with The Arrows:

They are from South Africa - maybe a potential to partner with them. Peace.

– Jul 11 2010

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that draems are rare. I seldom think about my draems being from God, because the ones I have had (that were from Him) had different implications that, at the time, were not obvious (to me).I believe most are from random events of the day mixed with issues that are going on in our lives.I'm glad that God can speak/communicate through draems because it may be the only way I can't mess it up. I think

– Oct 17 2012

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that draems are rare. I seldom think about my draems being from God, because the ones I have had (that were from Him) had different implications that, at the time, were not obvious (to me).I believe most are from random events of the day mixed with issues that are going on in our lives.I'm glad that God can speak/communicate through draems because it may be the only way I can't mess it up. I think

– Oct 17 2012

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that draems are rare. I seldom think about my draems being from God, because the ones I have had (that were from Him) had different implications that, at the time, were not obvious (to me).I believe most are from random events of the day mixed with issues that are going on in our lives.I'm glad that God can speak/communicate through draems because it may be the only way I can't mess it up. I think

– Oct 17 2012

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that draems are rare. I seldom think about my draems being from God, because the ones I have had (that were from Him) had different implications that, at the time, were not obvious (to me).I believe most are from random events of the day mixed with issues that are going on in our lives.I'm glad that God can speak/communicate through draems because it may be the only way I can't mess it up. I think

– Oct 17 2012

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that draems are rare. I seldom think about my draems being from God, because the ones I have had (that were from Him) had different implications that, at the time, were not obvious (to me).I believe most are from random events of the day mixed with issues that are going on in our lives.I'm glad that God can speak/communicate through draems because it may be the only way I can't mess it up. I think

– Oct 17 2012

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that draems are rare. I seldom think about my draems being from God, because the ones I have had (that were from Him) had different implications that, at the time, were not obvious (to me).I believe most are from random events of the day mixed with issues that are going on in our lives.I'm glad that God can speak/communicate through draems because it may be the only way I can't mess it up. I think

– Oct 17 2012

Jim Randall:In my experience, I agree that draems are rare. I seldom think about my draems being from God, because the ones I have had (that were from Him) had different implications that, at the time, were not obvious (to me).I believe most are from random events of the day mixed with issues that are going on in our lives.I'm glad that God can speak/communicate through draems because it may be the only way I can't mess it up. I think

– Oct 17 2012

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