Lecrae X 106 & Park X Freestyle Friday Judge
Today Lecrae will be appearing as a guest judge on 106 & Park’s Freestyle Friday segment. So if you’re in New York City, come out and support as part of the 106 & Park studio audience today at 530 W. 57th street (CBS Building), between 10th and 11th Ave., NYC 10019. It’s FREE to attend the taping, so be sure to get there by 4:30 pm (with your favorite Gravity gear on).
If your not in NYC you can catch the live show at 6pm EST on BET.
All Comments 30
I am so proud of my big bro Lecrae in the lord. I look forward to working with the Reach Family and Lecrae in the future. Keep being a light in the darkness and spreading hope to the hopeless im rocking with you and im praying for you!!!! www.leaderoftheyouth.com @ybsodmusic
Young Beezy Son of David
– Oct 26 2012
I'll be working at 6... someone please upload this to YouTube haha
Isaac Harrell
– Oct 26 2012
Keep it real Creezy! It is awesome that so many doors are opening for you secular and kingdom...I think it's all kingdom tho...God has called you to be a light in the world...the light shines brightest in the darkest places! I pray the Lord fills you with His awesome strength and gives you wisdom and discretion to know which doors to walk through. Be blessed bro
Nathan Maskery
– Oct 26 2012
I comment on instagram but I want to comment again lol. Broooooo, I respect you a whole lot for what you do and what you stand for & I know for a fact God is going to give me the opportunity to meet you one day but in his timing(the best timing). God bless you once again man. The same way God is moving your life and doing it big for HIM!!! is the same way he is going to do for me when I make HIM FAMOUS!
Jeremiah Aviles
– Oct 27 2012
will this be uploaded to youtube any time soon?
kyle hubbard
– Oct 30 2012
I am actually surprised about the rudeness this man above has just let his hamds type. I don't wanna say anything offending but you gotta let Lecrae Moore a grown man. Make his own decisions and let the Lord follow thorugh with him. Remmember the Lord is always with you. So this can't be anything bad. C'mon Man
– Oct 31 2012
I agree with infinite on this one. I am a little disappointed with
Lecrae judging 106 and park, and a little suprised. But, the best thing we can do is pray for him not judge him. Aks God to open his eyes and help him stay focused on what really matters. Im still a big fan, though! Be blessed Lecrae!
– Oct 31 2012
We will be judged by the word of God..... so if u cant provide scripture to back up your points in supporting Lecrea this please keep your mouth closed.. The Lord doesnt care about our opinions or suggestions when it comes to standing for compromise...... On the other hand there is PLENTY OF scripture that condems what he is doing!!! Wake up church! A LITTLE LEAVEN (COMPROMISE LEAVENS THE WHOLE LUMP Galatians 5:9......... "Its not that big of a deal right?".....Gods word replies "Its the LITTLE FOXES THAT SPOIL THE VINE!!!" -Song of Solomn 2:15
– Oct 31 2012
Lecrae is tight! mind body and spirit! He came through the uk speaking last month and you can just tell from his humility that he is on the right path. He has a lot more wisdom than you would expect! THE ONLY PROBLEM is... he believes he is a better rapper than he is a speaker... this is untrue! Though he is 1 of the best rappers for me, he is one of thee best speakers ive heard- he had my non christian brother breaking down in his seat! Lord continue to bless this man and those around him, Jesus name we pray!
– Oct 31 2012
I would love to some of y'all lifestyles!!! Some of you guys are just a bunch of Pharisees and if Jesus was here today you guys would kill him again!Stop Fakin!
– Oct 31 2012
woooooow! These comments on here are surprising interesting and SAD. If we talked to an unbeliver like some of us are talking right now they would definitely not want anything to do with us or our Savior. Before we "lash" out rebuke or try to correct someone, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal your heart. God is so good to all of us and we need to put down our stones and look in the mirror (the bible). I am not taking anyone side on this one to be honest. I dont know what God is doing in Lacrae's life in his personal walk, but the BEST thing we can do as his BROTHERS AND SISTERS is to pray for him and encourage him. He has accountability and I pray that those around him would continue to hold him accountable. You and I are not God the Holy Spirit or Jesus. Be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath.
– Oct 31 2012
I think its great Lecrae is getting out there. He is the real deal and only goes where God leads him. He is upholded by strong men of God who i don't think would put him in any type of situation that would be unhealthy. Got to reach the masses. I always pray for the whole Reach fam to always be focused and allow God to use them wherever that platform may be. On a side note im kinda curious as to what Lecrae will say to these battle rappers.
– Oct 31 2012
We all can agree that as CHRISTians we must " Go ye therefore, and teach all nations....Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:"(Matt 28:19-20), and we know Crea is striving for that. I believe going on this show to only judge and critique secular rap artist will not prote Jesus Christ or give God the glory without comprising your faith and contradicting everything we stand for as believers/followers of Christ. I hope that our brother has truly sought the Lord on this and has applicated Proverbs 3:5-7. Lecrae still my top fav rapper of all time, and I'm praying for you bro.
PS:Rember Eph 6:12!
– Oct 31 2012
When I first saw this I was excited, I remember picking up lecrae's freshman album " Real Talk" when nobody knew about his music and ministry. Im just amazed how god has used him and now the secular world is asking for him to appear on shows it is a blessing. I support you lecrae in everything you do, You are an Ambassador for christ (as am I) I will be praying for you that you would shine your light and that everything that you say and do would reflect Jesus Christ and Gods love. I pray that everybody watching would be like WHO IS THIS DUDE there is this peace about him that makes him different, and I WANT THAT!! MaRk 16:15
– Oct 31 2012
Dang...you people are reading waaaaaaay too much into this! People watch the show, they think "who is this dude?", they google his name...bam, there's your influence :) I have no idea how this can not be seen as positive? We should be celebrating this opportunity for Lecrae, not slamming doors.
– Nov 1 2012
White washed tombs!!!! Isn't that what Jesus called people like this?!?
– Nov 2 2012
Boy! Some of you are so sensitive and don't understand the vision. STOP BEING SENSITIVE. Man!!
– Nov 2 2012
I post with an attitude of humility. Grace and Peace.
In Matthew 4:19 Jesus says "Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Jesus ate with tax collectors & sinners (Mark 2:13-17, Luke 19:2, 5-10), had interactions with prostitutes (John 8, various accounts of Mary Magdelene). In order to fish, one must go to the water. I my opinion Lecrae is just going to the water.
If Christ was to have taken the same attitudes of those that have posted on here, he would have never left heaven to walk with us sinners. Yes we are to separate ourselves, but to "be in the world, but not of it" (Romans 12:2)does not mean to hole up in the fortresses many of believers call churches and deny the outside world the same grace that was afforded. We are to have the same attitude of Christ (Philippians 2:5-11) which is to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10)
Pray that Lecrae's heart be guarded while encountering those he comes into contact with that he does not fall into temptation. Also, pray that the word of God is delivered clearly. Finally, pray for the hearts of those that he comes into contact with. His reach is further than mine and his audience is bigger than mine, but our mission is the same: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation..." (Mark 16:16)
My prayers are that we all lower ourselves and submit to the will of God.
Grace and Peace!!!
Fisher of Men
– Nov 3 2012
please let the dude live. He is authentically Christian, and hip hop, he didn't do anything wrong. It's a rap battle... hip hop!! Stop comparing my bro to Jesus, and say would Jesus do this... Lecrae is not Jesus, stop worshiping the dude. Crae ain't no better than any of us. he's doing his hip hop thing, and being that bridge. He wasn't on BET cussin, and wearin chains and being different than in real life. Let the dude go, some of ya'll are crazy. You can't say Jesus wouldn't do that or do this. How many of you eat fast food? Well Jesus in his time wouldn't have! Uh maybe cuz it didn't exist. Stop the comparisions with that. Back to Crae, He's hip hop as well. Everyone wants to criticize the dude, let him go.
– Nov 3 2012
Look I get the confusion but as for Jesus in the Bible, he absolutely did the same thing!! His best freind whom people question if he was ever in a real relationship with was a prostitute, all his deciples were a bunch of tax collectores and fisherman. No Jesus didnt sin, but he most definately hung out with and built relatio0nships with sinners! Lecrae aint God people, but what hes doing God will judge, and just like us all our works are like filthy rags, but we know Jesus thank God, and will share eternity in paradise together.
– Nov 4 2012
The problem with most Christians this days is, they like to criticize issues and people without testing the spirit, The bible tells us to test the spirit to ascertain whether it's of God or not.
Let's not forget, All the people Jesus dealt with were unbelievers,
His disciples only became new creations when he died and rose!
We cannot sit in our corner admiring our righteous garments and expecting the wicked to be saved!
We will have to take the gospel unto their platform if we have any plans of Changing the world!
Lecrae is not God, he makes mistakes too, just like Paul, peter and all the other disciples, he has his shortcomings too!
Instead of Criticizing anything you do not understand!Grow your spirit-man and When he is old enough, you will be able to discern all things!
Much love to Lecrae and Reach!!More grace!More Anointing!!~~
– Nov 5 2012
This is awesome, praise God! I love to see Lecrae get to do things like this, many new people will find his music this way and have the opportunity to hear the gospel. Be that light in a dark place!
Justin from MN
– Nov 6 2012
best music ever. Lecrae is all I listen to. Wish I could've gone to their concert this last time. I want to go to one for my birthday... So glad my friends introduced me to Lecrae and 116 Clique. Amazing inspiration and stories to learn from!
– Nov 9 2012
can someone plz upload to youtube and email it when you do.
– Nov 9 2012
Its not him being on a show that is bad, it that he is is being a judge to people insulting each other. No matter what anyone says there is nothing about doing this that glorifys god.
p.s Holy sprit or not, lecrae is still human and until he leaves this earth he will always have chance to make the right decision and the wrong decision.
Noah P.
– Nov 13 2012
Free Lecrae: http://soundcloud.com/christian777-1
Jason Monda
– Nov 17 2012
Come Alive Tour was awesome! Have a question though that maybe one of my sisters or brothers can help with. Does this 777 with a skull symbolize something? I have been seeing it a lot lately & in my research i found that Aleister Crowley, known Satanist, has titled his book 777. Rhiannas tour is called 777. I saw it on a tshirt of one of the 116 artists & i am simply curious
US Army Soljah Girl
– Nov 19 2012
Nice Music: https://soundcloud.com/jsr777.
Kelly Monda
– Dec 9 2012
Free Music: http://lovemyword.blogspot.com/2012/07/free-christian-music-this-is-list-of.html
Jason Johnson
– Dec 9 2012
New Flame facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/FlameChristianrapper
Jason Johnson
– Dec 10 2012