Lecrae & Statik Selektah “Live & Let Live” Music Video
Lecrae recently teamed up with Statik Selektah to do song called “Live & Let Live” for his Population Control album out now on Showoff / Duck Down Music. Watch the video below. Video directed by Todd Angkasuwan.
Purchase “Live & Let Live” single at iTunes: http://bit.ly/qQgkgH
All Comments 42
Anyone who picks up that album is now gonna hear about Christ through Lecrae. Great song. Good way to shine light into darkness.
Cody Branham
– Nov 4 2011
Mannn!! What!!! Thats a great music video. God is blessing u Crae.
Frank Evans
– Nov 4 2011
That was a AWESOME song and video! Super cool Video! Were can we download this at???? AND LeCrae is always two heads taller than everyone... lol
– Nov 4 2011
This is too dope. Keep doin yo thing Crae. You know we love you in the Chi
– Nov 4 2011
Lecrae always makes hits, this was no different! LOVED IT!
– Nov 4 2011
Annointed bro!! Much love
– Nov 4 2011
Great vid!!!
Lauren F. Carter
– Nov 4 2011
hahaha! Yes! Thank you Jesus!
– Nov 4 2011
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! On Fire for God and advancin' the kingdom! More and more i see people in the secular world that are hungry for the truth, I applaude you for being an obedient and Humble servant of Our Heavenly Father. Keep being His vessle allowing Him to lead as you play the background. Servanthood is so underated. God Bless the entire REACH FAM. #TEAMUNASHAMED.
– Nov 4 2011
What an incredible role model! My kids are toddlers, but I hope they listen to you when they get older!! I know I do! God is using you in a powerful way.
– Nov 4 2011
Great job Crae! Loved it!
Jasmine Davis
– Nov 4 2011
Camp Lo flow.....3 thumbs up 2 God, Statik, Lecrae! By any means necessary!
– Nov 4 2011
Great Video n even a Greater Message. All Glory to God Kepp Rocking Out Brother.
– Nov 4 2011
oh, i do love the oldskool motown feel to this - with the usual Craezy flair :) i'll be sharin it...
Mellie M
– Nov 4 2011
The video is unique and sends a wonderful message. Well done. Lacrae always holds it down! God bless!!
Tracey kelley
– Nov 4 2011
Nicely done Lecrae! Keep serving the Lord with your talents.
– Nov 4 2011
Awesome song Lecrae, Glory be to God!
Mikal Douglas
– Nov 4 2011
i'm impressed! all the video effects look great! and of course the message is awesome! i love the simplicity of this video!
– Nov 4 2011
Dope Beat! Dope Rhymes! Awesome Message! Love this track brother!
– Nov 5 2011
Lecrae, Gods hands is all over you, what a power massage. The lord is positioning you to reach millions of people that don't know Him. Bless You :)
– Nov 5 2011
Keith W
– Nov 5 2011
Well on the other hand he could have left the album completely void of truth... This album is most likley not promoting Lecrae's status at all. i think that we can all agree that he's pretty well established. Jesus never teamed up with the darkness but he did go into it.
Yung Elekt
– Nov 5 2011
Woop! I was a little hasty on the post button. sorry! Yeah, Jesus was Jesus... not quite the same, but we know Lecrae is a humble man who serves the Lord with integrity. I think we can trust him and his intentions on this one!
Yung Elekt
– Nov 5 2011
wow this song is awesome!!!!!!!!! Lecrae has been doing a lot of great things God Bless crayola and statik selektah
Huge Reach Records Fan
– Nov 6 2011
Since this is kind of on the same subject, how are men supposed to fight against lust and sexual temptations? Should men completely avoid scantily dressed women or is there some way to learn to overcome the temptation? I've been on this question for soooooooooo long and I was someone might know...
A Bro in need
– Nov 6 2011
Awesome job! This is a dope song.
MyCaila McRath
– Nov 6 2011
Hey Crea Bro, Like you said in one of your songs "not here to impress but to impact." I pray evaryday that this right here opens ears and more importantly opens blinded eyes and impacts souls.
James M-M
– Nov 7 2011
Keep being a reflection of Jesus through the lost souls Lecrae! Great message and music video! Praise God. By the way, for those who feel that Lecrae teaming with a worldly rapper, I encourage y'all to read this scripture: Luke 5:30-33
– Nov 7 2011
Ok, First off, the track is sick, the beat is sick, and the video is amazing. HOWEVER, this is not the most fourthright evangilistic track that I am used to hearing form Lecrae. No I am all for reaching the masses but my confusion lies with the reason Sho Baraka left reach. My understanding is that he wanted to do similar tracks like these where the message would reach sould but not necessarily have to be preaching. I love Jesus, I love music, and I love people. I am not trying to take a legalistic approach. most Christians are shocked when they see what I have on my iPod. I just feel that this track is all together different then what we usually hear from Lecrae. if you whatch his promo for the video as well, it is all about Lecrae very little about reach and nothing about Jesus. Thats not the norm from Creazy!
Virgil SugarFREE Wadman
– Nov 8 2011
I have a new christian hip-hop song called, Xposed by Light. Go check it out on my page @ www.youtube.com/ceorecordz Leave a comment or something.. Thanks in advance and be blessed.!
Bee Hughes
– Nov 8 2011
First off I'd like to thank God for being alpha and omega and my Creator.. i'd also like to thank all of reach records for allowing God to use them... this is great music that i've been promoting on my facebook page! I'd like to extend my hand to everyone that looks over these comments in this blog post and invite you to come be blessed by ministry thru music. I have a new christian hip-hop song called, Xposed by Light. Go check it out on my page @ www.youtube.com/ceorecordz Leave a comment or something.. Thanks in advance and be blessed.!
Bee Hughes
– Nov 8 2011
yo what up dog that song was so dope i like the beat it rocks i went to lecare concert it was off tha hook i have lecare cds i am a big fan of reach records keep shine the love of jesus christ in you brother i love it
– Nov 11 2011
This is a great video.I am only 13 and the Lord has given me rappers like Lecrae to witness to teens like me.I know alot of dudes like some of the ones he was talking about.I am praying for them.God bless.
Jordan T. Patton
– Nov 11 2011
LECRAE & Co. I'm new to your music...all praise to Jesus. I'm speechless...I know God is using you and Reach Records for the furtherance of the gospel and I'm so excited the Lord led me to discover the talent he has CLEARLY gifted you with. God bless you and those with you at REACH and I will continue to thank Jesus upon every remembrance of you and the crew at REACH. I have long wondered just what an inner city disciple of Jesus Christ would look like...I wonder no more
– Nov 14 2011
Great job; im feelin the lyrics, video, effects, #unashamed
– Nov 16 2011
That wus cool Crae. Keep it up man. It reminded me of Sesame Street a lil bit. :D
Big Nate
Big Nate
– Nov 18 2011
missional living...
– Nov 18 2011
I had never heard of Statik Selektah before tonight. I played the first video listed for him on YouTube and heart three curse words including M.F. I couldn't in good conscience work with someone who presents themselves like that. To me, doing a song with someone implies approval of that artist's work. It's not the same as saying you like one song by them or you respect their talent. When Lecrae's fans see this song, they are going to check out Statik's music. Will they see and hear something edifying? Will it lead them astray? Discourage them? Give them an excuse to listen to profane music?
When Jesus was with sinners, JESUS was doing the talking about the kingdom of God. He did not let sinners team up with him and speak alongside him. The same with Paul and the other apostles. They reached out by going to the synagogues or public places and preaching. They did not do joint presentations with unsaved people. I am concerned and surprised to see this from Lecrae. Hopefully his heart is in the right place, but I really don't think this is prudent. I love and respect him. May God guide him correctly.
– Nov 19 2011
I agree with Michelle. Reach (and all other christian hip hop and rap singers that I love to listen to), PLEASE DO NOT give even the slightest hint of approval to secular, non-christian people. Lecrae, I absolutely LOVE your music, but please do not do this. The world may look upon you as yet another hypocrite and christianity will be put down even more. Thank you guys, though, for all your music. I hope and pray that God will guide your steps, because MANY MANY people look up to you!
Rebel in Rehab
– Dec 2 2011
Lecrae, I know you meant well with this video. It seems like an opportunity to reach the lost through music in more mainstream music, but this is partnership with the world. Read 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. We are called not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Michelle hit the nail on the head. While your song may be filled with lyrics that point to the Gospel, the rest of Statik Selektah's music is of this world. By partnering with Static Selektah, it implies that you approve of his music. Now, do not take my words wrong. I am not saying that we should not eat or meet unbelievers. We are called to preach the Gospel to the lost (2 Tim. 4:2) and to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19). Jesus ate with sinners (Luke 5:30-33) in order to tell them truth, but He did not partner with them in their sin. Lecrae, God has truly pour out His grace upon you. Your lyrics are filled with the Gospel. But I think you need to prayfully consider your decision in situations similar to this in the future.
a Brother in Christ
– Dec 3 2011
I agree with Brother in Christ. I love you Lecrae and the song was great but it peaked my interest in who statik selctah is as I've never heard him before. I clicked on other songs of his and they were your typical secular rap artist swearing and talking nonesense again. I don't know man I know you meant well but like our brother in Christ laid it out above, we're not supposed to be unequally yolked. Instead of bending into their music continue doing your music purely and let that attract THEM to Christ instead of doing it the other way around. Christ said "if I be high and lifted up then I will draw men" All you have to do is continue to lift Christ up through your music and He'LL be the one that draws men. I agree the beat is amazing but I don't think its worth compromising to reach out to unbelievers. Keep up the good work regardless. Take care man. BTW you should come to Toronto more often!!!
– Dec 26 2011
Bro, I dot agree with this idea. The ong is nice, but the idea of having to tell kids that they cannot by the cd that the song is on, due the the graphic nature of it aw something I thought I would never have to sy about one of your songs. Also the interview you did with him, sounded less faith more fear. Romans 1:16, it is not just a label. I understand that you are in a position to reach a culture that I might not ever be ble to reach, but don't become just another part of the culture. Love your work and your minister, just don't loss the vision of the great Comission. God bless.
– Jan 3 2012