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lecrae in Haiti

I’ve been all around the world
and have never seen such a devastating site. Watching CNN the people in Haiti become “them” or “the people over there”. Walking through Haiti, the Haitians were no longer “them” but real people like Cedsi, Ricardo, the families I met in one of many “tent cities”. 

The babies were everywhere. They were hungry, sick, tired, naked, and crying. Malaria, typhoid, hunger, are just a few of the physical issues. Emotionally I’d fall apart if two weeks prior I’d lost my entire family, yet the strength and ability to survive was seen everywhere.

I was caught in a weird place,
I don’t grasp all I’ve seen. I’m stricken with a compassion that I never knew I had. I wanted to stay for months and help and serve. Still I was one soul in a world of disaster who couldn’t even speak the language. It was so chaotic at times that we had to have armed guards with us. I was just in the way without a translator on many occasions.

This is not about a Messiah complex,
where I think we have to save the world, this is about seeing real hurt, extreme poverty, and devastation. This is about sharing in the compassion that Jesus himself has for people like me. 
Hip hop and American urban culture was everywhere.
I saw a young man with “Hip Hop” tattooed on his forearm. We had a brief exchange, and freestyle session. It was after seeing this along with blood and crip gangs, and even a section of the city respectively nicknamed “Brooklyn”, that I realized something. I realized that myself and other believers with an affinity or understanding of urban culture can really be used by God to have a lasting impact in Haiti.

I‘m thankful for my new friend Ricardo
who was a young theology student that helped me translate the gospel and answer hard questions. I’m thankful for the ministry that I saw taking place there. I’m thankful for the chance to see outside of my little selfish world. Lord keep the world on my heart.
If you want to contribute financially to great work being done in Haiti I recommend these sites. I’ve see their work personally. All I can tell you is money and prayer are REALLY needed. Check the videos of my time there.

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All Comments 46

Thank you so much for taking your time to reach out and minister to the Haitian people. I have many close friends who are Haitian and know they are still hurting greatly. Thank you for bringing back your story to share with many who have already "forgotten" about the precious people of this devastated country. While they may be nameless to us, Christ, whom we love and serve, knows all their names. He knows all their pasts, and He especially knows all their futures.

Karen M.
– Feb 25 2010

Thanks for this I think we can all use this as a major eye opener. Thanks for letting God use you! Praying for ya and for Haiti. God Bless

Brandon Allen
– Feb 25 2010

Dang, just seeing it like that just made me realize how devastating of an event this really was. Not seeing it first hand you do get the idea that it's "them" and "those people" rather then our own brothers and sisters who are in need of help! Thanks for the update Lecrae. Opened my eyes up to it quite a bit.

Joe Mascio
– Feb 25 2010

Lecrae, what you did is very nice and of course really helpful. Im sure God is working throght your words:)

God bless you

– Feb 25 2010

Glad to see you're getting a first hand look. God bless and keep trying to bring light into people's lives. I think your music could really be an opportunity to positively impact some of the lives of the youth there. I semi wish I had a chance to actually go down there and see the destruction, although it's terrible that I would "need" something like that, I know I need to be put in my place... definitely take my blessings for granted.

Kyle Dinwiddie
– Feb 25 2010

It's amazing the opportunities God has presented you with. To be able to visit and share the Gospel. To talk of hope to a people who think it's hopeless. Praise the Lord for His Gospel and thank you for being willing to take it to the nations!

– Feb 25 2010

It's amazing the opportunities God has presented you with. To be able to visit and share the Gospel. To talk of hope to a people who think it's hopeless. Praise the Lord for His Gospel and thank you for being willing to take it to the nations!

– Feb 25 2010

I went on a mission trip there two years ago and it changed my life. I was shocked as I walked through a homeless shelter and saw children naked, and their only sustenance was a bag of smashed up crackers. And yet their smiles and eyes were full of joy. The trip taught me a lot and brought me closer to Christ. I realized just how much work needs to be done. I'm praying for you and your family and all of 116. Keep spreading Christ's message.

– Feb 25 2010

Lecrae, I would like to say thank you for all that you, Reach Records, and Reach Life have been doing not only in Haiti but for Jesus Christ as a whole. Your ministry is inspiring and the devastation is heartbreaking. The truth of the matter is we don't know how good we've got it here and we really do take our comforts for granted. Thanks be to our Father in Heaven for keeping us and giving us all the ability to help our brothers and sisters who are experiencing tragic times. I pray many blessings upon you, your family, Reach Records, and Reach Life. Once again, I say to you (and I believe our Father is saying the same) . . . Thank you.

Jonathan Pitts
– Feb 25 2010

you are my hero amen

– Feb 25 2010

Its crazy man. All that devastation. Thanks for doing what you were created to do Lecrae. Thanks for being salt and light. Thanks for the footage as well. Blessing to you and the 116

Matthew W. Cornwell
– Feb 25 2010

You are a blessing and I thank God that he made you who you are. Bringing the truth to people in Haiti; I pray, it had 0 success because the life the Word says we dont have much time left

– Feb 25 2010

Lecrae Praise Jesus Christ for you brother keep on doing mission trips and living for Jesus Christ. My prayer is that every single man, woman, boy and girl in Hati will become a Disciple of The Lord Jesus Christ. That they will pursue and seek Jesus Christ, that they are protected, provided for, Delivered by and healed by The Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ says "come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest". Praise Jesus Christ Wonderful Counsellor Almighty God in Human Flesh Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Feb 25 2010

phil wo
– Feb 25 2010

man... speaking from someone who is a native Haitian i feel so blessed that God is using you to reach my people, to reach our people after the devastating earthquake. I am very thankful that even though you didnt know the language since God told you to go you went and ministered to the people. God bless your ministry.

ketura chery
– Feb 25 2010

Lecrae, I give infinite praise to Christ in the way HE is using you and all those in Reach. Thank you for being a willing vessel. Your "Far Away" song and video along with all of your albums, have shaken me to my core recently and I'm so uneasy in my comfort. After seeing the video the Lord has put it on my heart to turn down my summer teaching and head to Haiti to hopefully volunteer with Churches Helping Churches. I've been blessed to do missions before on the Colombian coast and It's true that Hip Hop is huge in the Caribbean. I pray Christ will use us with an affinity for the culture to minister through the tragedy. If you get a chance to read this, please pray for me in this calling to serve in Haiti. I'm praying for you, your ministry, and of course the nation of Haiti. Grace and Peace from a brother striving to be a rebel

Jason Priddle
– Feb 25 2010

Thank you for sharing Lecrae, may we continue helping the Haitian people long after the Haitian earthquake comes off the news. Whatever we do for the least of these we do for Him. I praise God for the way He is using to you reach others in your ministry. I heard you minister at Big Exo Day in Sydney (Hip Hop Stage) last year and was blown away by your boldness and wisdom when you preached to the youth. God bless you, Tedashii, Trip Lee and Sho Baraka and what your doing for the Kingdom.

– Feb 26 2010

Crae, good stuff on going out there to bless them ppl, then needed it. but also want 2 tell u, is many ppl look up to u. i seen u in the ATL one day, and u need to pull ur shorts up, and turn ya hat back around, not to the back but to the front. If u going to be a man, start looking like the man Of God, Dress like the man of God. Even know ppl know that u are, people read ur life on a daily base, and if they think its still kool to sag and have they hat kocked, then u hurting the kingdom bro. dont get it wrong i love what yal do. but have some class about yal self, i know yal all big and stuff, but dont make my God little, please. thanks keep pushing for the kingdom

Ripping a Harvest
– Feb 26 2010

Thank you for being the Church.

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation, He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge.

Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Psalm 62

Winnie Opp
– Feb 26 2010

dang man that tight...that wats up. dude i can't even imagine goin over there, even though i want to...but im jus hurting for them right here inside my house...i feel the impact without even being there. ya i woiuld understand it better if i was over there, but i think i understrand it pretty good already. thats jus crazy. i wish i could go hwlp to but it might be to hard, like real emotional. haha i might feel a little guilty and selfish cuz shoot i already feel like that now...i be prayin 4 ya haiti

dekota johnson
– Feb 26 2010

Am thankful for Lecrae and his missional work... Its inspiring to see those who can actually do.. Love you

David Ray Ramos
– Feb 27 2010

May God Bless each and everyone in Haiti.

Kachavion Little
– Feb 27 2010

WOW, WOW, thats the only word i can say after reading this blog. It must be very hard to grasp what you are seeing. God Bless you with all the mission work you are doing in the Christian hip hop culture and inspiring teens like me to get involved with the church. Love ya

– Feb 28 2010

It's really amazing how much beauty can look for a second and then this happends. God has a brilliant plan though. And his (Works) Shall be praised at the end.

– Mar 1 2010

phil wo
– Mar 1 2010

Lecrae, Strong soldier for christ! Keep doing Gods given privaleges, you doing lots of great things for our lord jesus christ, Keep you in my prayers for the ministries u got going jus an incoragment u doing great! God Bless!!

Moses Amaro
– Mar 2 2010


– Mar 2 2010

Crae..thank you for showing the video footage!! It's a tremendous blessing the way God is using you! I wish i had the money to go and help but watching these videos is a total eye opener!! Prayers for Haiti and the whole Reach Fam!!

ashley alafberg
– Mar 3 2010

Hey, just need you 2 check out dis site n don't worry it's not a mixtape or anything like that. www.exministries/whyhiphop.html

– Mar 4 2010

Bro you are an awesome man of God! I love your music and im sure that the people in Haiti where blessed when you where thee. I will be going to Haiti in August for the second time and reading things like this just make me want to go more and more. Stay in the lord!

– Mar 8 2010

lecrae thanks for being such a servant of God! I leave monday to haiti I have no idea what to expect...but just do Gods will! thank you everything

– Mar 10 2010

Wow, it's great that God is showing you himself in others around the world. He's awesome in everyway. Continue Micah 6 and Matt.24:14

Star Daye
– Mar 13 2010

Thank you for being a vessel and preaching the word out there in Haiti. Its inspiring to see you guys out there and encourging to keep myself in prayer for Haiti. The same verse came to me(Matthew 24:14)before I even saw the last persons comment. The scriptures are being fulfilled = )

– Mar 18 2010

Wow. I bought the song on itunes. Far Away, it is really cool and definatly applies to what happened. Prayin for ya - Ti

– Apr 4 2010

wow, thats really amazing that you went to Haiti to speak the gospel, I bet they really loved that you went out there!!! Ill be praying for them for suree!!! Your always doing something good for people !

– May 2 2010

By you music and your actions have I been moved and shook. I could write 20 pages about the change that has been taking place in me. You've been touched and doing what you rap about, making disciples. All Glory to the King on the Throne!

– May 3 2010

It's truly a blessing to see the compassion that the body of Christ has for those who may be unsaved and in need. Lately I've been reading a book by a gentleman named Richard Stern, called A hole in the Gospel. This book is pointing out the importants of helping those in need, especiallly the poor. I'm asking God to help me to see what he sees when it comes to the needy and also do my part as a soldier for Christ. I thank God for brothers like you Lecre who are willing to help those in need. God bless you and you're in my prayers. Keep pursuing God in all that you do. okm

O'mar K Malone
– May 6 2010

Lecrae thank you for being such a great soul. I am from Haiti, and i been living here for a while now. I am touched that you took the time out of you busy life to reach someone who doesn't know where their meal is coming from and you did it with grace. I had the opportunity to see you perfore at Acquire the Fire at East lansing on May 1st. I was so moved. You even autograph a CD for my boyfriend.. Keep doing what you are God bless...

Widline Jean
– May 9 2010

Lacrea thank you for being an inspiration in my life, I thank you for this holy music. Your music has truly changed me in many ways, I no longer listen to worldly music that pollutes my mind with sinful thoughts that distact me from focusing in our savior jesus christ. Keep prasing the lord. You're truly God's Son.

Jonathan Romero
– May 25 2010

Thank you for your God given compassion for the people of Haiti. My son recently returned from a Mission Trip to Haiti with some other college students. I am listing the blog of the group he served with. I hope that you will enjoy some of the pictures. The name of the group is Blessing Hearts International and they can be found at This is a powerful ministry. Truthfully, I really want you to see the information on the tragedy that struck the mission team while they were serving. They were involved in a vehicle accident which left them and several Haitians with some serious injuries. Most everyone is recovering physically however one member has injuries severe enough that he needs to come to the U.S. to receive medical care. Please view the blog and join with us in prayer for this family and all those injured in the accident.

Brenda Anderson
– Jun 3 2010

man, i just wanna say how much ur music has helped me thru some tough times in my life, and i just crank up ur tunes on my ipod and read my bible!!! Keep using ur gift for the Holy one! u have a great gift! PS: could u do a concert in Vancouver Canada? i havent got a chance to see u and it would be AMAZING!!! thx man :D

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Ð?оллеги, вÑ?ем пÑ?ивеÑ?, наÑ?ал Ñ?вой бизнеÑ? - заÑ?егилÑ?Ñ? на Ñ?айÑ?е Ð?апаÑ?он Ñ?Ñ?, Ñ?оÑ?ел
Ñ?пÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ? - кÑ?о как наÑ?од в гÑ?Ñ?ппÑ? нагонÑ?еÑ?? Реклама или можно пÑ?оÑ?Ñ?о напÑ?иглаÑ?аÑ?Ñ??

– Jul 27 2012

Ð?Ñ?ивеÑ? вам, о Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?мÑ?ане. Ð?Ñ?биÑ?елÑ?ниÑ?Ñ? винÑ?ажнÑ?Ñ? дÑ?Ñ?ов, вÑ? не пÑ?оÑ?Ñ? обÑ?Ñ?диÑ?Ñ?
Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?ийÑ?кÑ?Ñ? коÑ?меÑ?икÑ?? Ð?а днÑ?Ñ? пÑ?ивезли из novzar ru дÑ?Ñ?и Ð?Ñ?аÑ?наÑ? Ð?оÑ?ква - аÑ?омаÑ?
Ñ?Ñ?деÑ?нÑ?й. У ваÑ? еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?о нидÑ?дÑ? Ñ?акое?

– Jul 28 2012

Ð?евÑ?онки, а кÑ?о знаеÑ? - еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? в Ð?оÑ?кве магазинÑ? Ð?оваÑ? Ð?аÑ?Ñ?, а Ñ?о мне еÑ?аÑ?Ñ? неоÑ?оÑ?а )
Ñ? по инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?Ñ? заказÑ?ваÑ? в aromatel Ñ?Ñ? а Ñ?епеÑ?Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?Ñ? вживÑ?Ñ? понÑ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ? и поÑ?моÑ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?.
Ð?ак адÑ?еÑ?а найÑ?и?

– Aug 6 2012

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