KB x Today We Rebel x Out Now
Today KB releases his latest effort, Today We Rebel. In 2017— with the world in a social and political frenzy—KB is redefining what that rebellion truly means and providing ammunition to help us confront the anxiety of the times, “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
Sonically, Today We Rebel is a mixture of emotion and aggression, which KB describes as “cinematic trap” and throughout the 14-track album you can feel the urgency in KB’s tone. “It’s a lot more introspective,” he explains. “The older you get, the more aware you become of the human struggle, and the struggle in your own heart.” This kind of clarity is what makes KB such a necessary voice for today’s generation, “I’m just a man being honest about the world as he sees it.”
Find Today We Rebel here at iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon and Google Play.
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