KB X 100 ft. Andy Mineo X Devo
Alongside of KB’s new EP “100”, he has teamed up with the TheOverflow.com and the YouVersion Bible App and written a free 21 day devotional. In it, KB unpacks what it means to give 100% in all that you do. You can participate by signing up for the plan here.
At the end of day two of the devo, there will be a free download available of the song “100 feat. Andy Mineo” off the new EP! Check it out below.
All Comments 8
Dude... I feel like a tornado picked me up and dropped me by the very end of that. That song moves kb. It's been a while since a song made me want to drop what I was doing and feel an urgency to fill up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions.
– Feb 18 2014
Just how God cares for that one lost sheep, giving our everything in everything we do can lead us to help find that lost sheep.
"In the same way, there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and havenâ??t strayed away."
Thanks for sharing your heart KB.
– Feb 18 2014
Thank you for accepting your ministry, it is a blessing to countless believers!
Kevin Lyon
– Feb 18 2014
Loving the devotional, music is just insane. Thank you for answering God's call and seeing His will come through in your life. It is a blessing.
Luis L. Gonzalez
– Feb 19 2014
But dat beat tho...can't wait
116 Lover named Austin
– Feb 23 2014
God speaks to me through your music and message, along with the work of the rest of the Reach Records artists. It's been a huge part of my falling in love with God again in the last several months, stronger than EVER. I've never listened so intently and learned so much all of your song lyrics! So much power in them. His grace is so amazing. I will continue to pray for you guys as you reach out into the world and spread the GOOD NEWS of His salvation.
Your brother in Christ,
– Feb 25 2014
Thank you KB and Andy Mineo because of you guys I am able to turn to God. I have been living a double life for so long. Since both of you came out with the song "Young" from Formerly Known I became aware of my gift and this song is just an addition to my playlist of you guys. I am 16 years old and have been fully committed to God since I was 10 and because of that God allow me to become fluent with my gift in playing the saxophone for about 6 years. I would love you to put an impact on my youth at my church NVIM in Bridgeport ,Connecticut.
God Bless you in the whole Reach Record family,
Tamir A. Hye
– Feb 25 2014
My approach is sipmle- if you see it on my vids then i recommend it. If you see me using it then it is becuase I feel it is of quality. I dont want to have 500 BS vids. Anyone can say something bad over the internet. i would rather have 500 positive vids and let people take the hint on the brands and products that do not make the cut.If I get something bad for a review then I send it back or dont do the review. That is me. I try to take the high road.
– Sep 17 2014