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It’s been a long time coming

Lately, I’ve been getting asked the same questions no matter where I go.

“Where you been?”
“What you been up too?”
“Got any new music coming out?”

I’m not big on blogging, but I felt, in this case, it had to be done.

“Where you been?”

Recently, I began traveling from city to city and state-to-state to share the good news of the gospel outside my local context.  However, I did take a short break from fall 2009 to spring of this year due to the joyous addition to my family. 


In November, my wife gave birth to our handsome baby boy Jaden.  When he came into the world I vowed to my wife that I would take some time off and serve her at home—and that’s just what I did.

As soon as he was born I was at home—home for her, home for him, and truthfully home for me.  I am big on family, so having a baby was huge for me.  I didn’t care if it was a boy or a girl, just a healthy baby was all we wanted and till this day what we got. 

So where have I been? I’ve been where I needed to be—home.  And it’s been great! The wisdom I got from older saints who have been where I am right now encouraged me to be there to serve my wife and love on my son.  I appreciate that advice, because I believe taking a break was one of the smartest and godliest things I’ve ever done.

Taking a break isn’t doing nothing necessarily, but for the Christian, it’s putting life on pause, in some way, to make sure Christ is the center and focus of all. 

Is there something that is demanding most of the time in your life that you have not taken a Sabbath from? 

I encourage you to take a moment and consider that even the Lord took a Sabbath.  This was not a vacation or a way to show myself spiritual. It was a time were I served the Lord and did good while taking time away from the thing I thought should get all of me.  I had it backwards; the Lord should get all of me, not activity, no matter how holy it is.  In Mark 2, Christ makes it clear that a time of rest, a time of focus on Him was given for man, not God.  God has no need of rest, but man does.  God is never distracted from His glory, but man is.  God gave me the conviction to be home because it was to my benefit and my sanctification.

“What you been up to?”

I have been fighting for holiness in all areas of my life.  I was recently convicted that holiness will only happen because of a renewed and continual focus on the gospel.

It’s become more and more apparent that the gospel of God is not seen in the right light with a correct understanding.  Most of us, if we are honest, see the gospel as this one time prayer or incantation that we recited or repeated that told how God loved us.  Sadly, because of this low view of the gospel, we lack the fullness of what the gospel provides.

In Romans 1, the gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe.  That means the gospel contains the power to be saved from sin.  Yes, you were saved one time for all eternity, but the truth and power in the gospel is everlasting, and that’s what carries the believer on into eternity.  Why? Because in the gospel, the righteousness of God is revealed to us.  The fact that God’s wrath is no longer coming for you is because of the gospel and due to you having faith in Christ, his work on the cross and being raised from the dead.  The fact that God’s wrath will be coming for some is because they reject the gospel and who Christ is.  This truth is the foundation we build off of as believers and not just the one time activity I did and no longer need.  No! The day we leave the life and work of Christ in the dust is the day we live in our own power and authority and therefore, possibly, serve another god…may it never be!

So what have I been up to? Fighting to flesh out the gospel in all I do.  It was once said to me the cross of Christ should not be a distant memory. It should constantly be in our view and getting larger and larger, because as we live we see our need of the cross more and more, and we run to it and cling to it.  It’s the pagan or wayward person who runs from the cross and thus grace and spiritual maturity.  While the mature saint clings to His grace seen in the cross and seeks daily the righteousness of God made available through the gospel.

“Got any new music coming out?”

Yes I do! I say this with excitement, because I recently did a song with Sho Baraka on his current project Lions and Liars called I.T.W.N.O.I. (In This World but Not Of It).  The song focuses on how there are saints all over this planet who live lives of distinction unto the Lord.  If you haven’t heard it…go get it! The project as a whole is life changing!

Secondly, I worked on a song with Trip Lee for his upcoming album, Between Two Worlds. A great project focused on the thin line of darkness and light and our fight to resist one and embrace the other—to fight for holiness.  One aspect of being holy is to build and maintain godly relationships with those in our life.  You must consider others higher than yourself so that you may serve them with the gospel, and that’s what our song is all about.  Many are anticipating this album, and they should be. This album is amazing!

And lastly, I am working on a few new songs that will be released later this summer.  I got a few other features in the works and possibly a mixtape for the fall.  I know what it’s like to want music to be released as soon as it can be but not to worry, we are going to bring it to you!  But lets not forget the awesome works already out that never stop encouraging us, like my sophomore project Identity Crisis!

I definitely plan on writing more in the future, but this will have to do for now.  I share this all in hopes that you will be encouraged in your walk with God and also to ask that you keep us in prayer.  We are called to do a lot and I pray we serve well with excellence.  God bless and love you all.

Until the nets are full,


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All Comments 161

That's what's up bro! Question for you: How do you see the Gospel more and more? Is it the lifestyle added that you see it more or do you discover more about it in the word?



– Jun 8 2010

That's what's up bro! Question for you: How do you see the Gospel more and more? Is it the lifestyle added that you see it more or do you discover more about it in the word?



– Jun 8 2010

That's what's up bro! Question for you: How do you see the Gospel more and more? Is it the lifestyle added that you see it more or do you discover more about it in the word?



– Jun 8 2010

That's what's up bro! Question for you: How do you see the Gospel more and more? Is it the lifestyle added that you see it more or do you discover more about it in the word?



– Jun 8 2010

That's what's up bro! Question for you: How do you see the Gospel more and more? Is it the lifestyle added that you see it more or do you discover more about it in the word?



– Jun 8 2010

That's what's up bro! Question for you: How do you see the Gospel more and more? Is it the lifestyle added that you see it more or do you discover more about it in the word?



– Jun 8 2010

That's what's up bro! Question for you: How do you see the Gospel more and more? Is it the lifestyle added that you see it more or do you discover more about it in the word?



– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii! Its great to see your blog! We're still playing your music here at FBC Pensacola. I went to church with Jourdan a few weeks ago when I was in Dallas for a mother/daughter weekend and looked for you because she said you had been to the Dallas campus lately. Maybe I'll see you next time and we'll bring Jake with us so that y'all can hang out (We thought about you when we went to Outback recently for his birthday - ha)! We will check out your new stuff asap. Your family is beautiful!

Barbara Burks
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii! Its great to see your blog! We're still playing your music here at FBC Pensacola. I went to church with Jourdan a few weeks ago when I was in Dallas for a mother/daughter weekend and looked for you because she said you had been to the Dallas campus lately. Maybe I'll see you next time and we'll bring Jake with us so that y'all can hang out (We thought about you when we went to Outback recently for his birthday - ha)! We will check out your new stuff asap. Your family is beautiful!

Barbara Burks
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii! Its great to see your blog! We're still playing your music here at FBC Pensacola. I went to church with Jourdan a few weeks ago when I was in Dallas for a mother/daughter weekend and looked for you because she said you had been to the Dallas campus lately. Maybe I'll see you next time and we'll bring Jake with us so that y'all can hang out (We thought about you when we went to Outback recently for his birthday - ha)! We will check out your new stuff asap. Your family is beautiful!

Barbara Burks
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii! Its great to see your blog! We're still playing your music here at FBC Pensacola. I went to church with Jourdan a few weeks ago when I was in Dallas for a mother/daughter weekend and looked for you because she said you had been to the Dallas campus lately. Maybe I'll see you next time and we'll bring Jake with us so that y'all can hang out (We thought about you when we went to Outback recently for his birthday - ha)! We will check out your new stuff asap. Your family is beautiful!

Barbara Burks
– Jun 8 2010

very encouraging fam, we fans appreciate it so much wen u guys gives updates like that and ur family's well being. we keep u and ur family in prayers bro,stay encouraged. God bless

kervin a.k.a accountsmaster
– Jun 8 2010

very encouraging fam, we fans appreciate it so much wen u guys gives updates like that and ur family's well being. we keep u and ur family in prayers bro,stay encouraged. God bless

kervin a.k.a accountsmaster
– Jun 8 2010

very encouraging fam, we fans appreciate it so much wen u guys gives updates like that and ur family's well being. we keep u and ur family in prayers bro,stay encouraged. God bless

kervin a.k.a accountsmaster
– Jun 8 2010

very encouraging fam, we fans appreciate it so much wen u guys gives updates like that and ur family's well being. we keep u and ur family in prayers bro,stay encouraged. God bless

kervin a.k.a accountsmaster
– Jun 8 2010

very encouraging fam, we fans appreciate it so much wen u guys gives updates like that and ur family's well being. we keep u and ur family in prayers bro,stay encouraged. God bless

kervin a.k.a accountsmaster
– Jun 8 2010

very encouraging fam, we fans appreciate it so much wen u guys gives updates like that and ur family's well being. we keep u and ur family in prayers bro,stay encouraged. God bless

kervin a.k.a accountsmaster
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii! Its great to see your blog! We're still playing your music here at FBC Pensacola. I went to church with Jourdan a few weeks ago when I was in Dallas for a mother/daughter weekend and looked for you because she said you had been to the Dallas campus lately. Maybe I'll see you next time and we'll bring Jake with us so that y'all can hang out (We thought about you when we went to Outback recently for his birthday - ha)! We will check out your new stuff asap. Your family is beautiful!

Barbara Burks
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii! Its great to see your blog! We're still playing your music here at FBC Pensacola. I went to church with Jourdan a few weeks ago when I was in Dallas for a mother/daughter weekend and looked for you because she said you had been to the Dallas campus lately. Maybe I'll see you next time and we'll bring Jake with us so that y'all can hang out (We thought about you when we went to Outback recently for his birthday - ha)! We will check out your new stuff asap. Your family is beautiful!

Barbara Burks
– Jun 8 2010

very encouraging fam, we fans appreciate it so much wen u guys gives updates like that and ur family's well being. we keep u and ur family in prayers bro,stay encouraged. God bless

kervin a.k.a accountsmaster
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii! Its great to see your blog! We're still playing your music here at FBC Pensacola. I went to church with Jourdan a few weeks ago when I was in Dallas for a mother/daughter weekend and looked for you because she said you had been to the Dallas campus lately. Maybe I'll see you next time and we'll bring Jake with us so that y'all can hang out (We thought about you when we went to Outback recently for his birthday - ha)! We will check out your new stuff asap. Your family is beautiful!

Barbara Burks
– Jun 8 2010


– Jun 8 2010


– Jun 8 2010


– Jun 8 2010


– Jun 8 2010


– Jun 8 2010


– Jun 8 2010


– Jun 8 2010

Man Identity Crisis was such a blessed album bruh, I really really enjoyed every wife is expecting and in september I too will have a new addition to my family. Be blessed bro, I'll keep you in prayer, and enjoy your time with family!

– Jun 8 2010

Man Identity Crisis was such a blessed album bruh, I really really enjoyed every wife is expecting and in september I too will have a new addition to my family. Be blessed bro, I'll keep you in prayer, and enjoy your time with family!

– Jun 8 2010

Man Identity Crisis was such a blessed album bruh, I really really enjoyed every wife is expecting and in september I too will have a new addition to my family. Be blessed bro, I'll keep you in prayer, and enjoy your time with family!

– Jun 8 2010

Man Identity Crisis was such a blessed album bruh, I really really enjoyed every wife is expecting and in september I too will have a new addition to my family. Be blessed bro, I'll keep you in prayer, and enjoy your time with family!

– Jun 8 2010

Man Identity Crisis was such a blessed album bruh, I really really enjoyed every wife is expecting and in september I too will have a new addition to my family. Be blessed bro, I'll keep you in prayer, and enjoy your time with family!

– Jun 8 2010

Man Identity Crisis was such a blessed album bruh, I really really enjoyed every wife is expecting and in september I too will have a new addition to my family. Be blessed bro, I'll keep you in prayer, and enjoy your time with family!

– Jun 8 2010

Man Identity Crisis was such a blessed album bruh, I really really enjoyed every wife is expecting and in september I too will have a new addition to my family. Be blessed bro, I'll keep you in prayer, and enjoy your time with family!

– Jun 8 2010

Congrats homie! Dawg I'm happy for you GOD BLESS and keep doing what you do. ON MY 1*1*6!

Nathaniel Collier
– Jun 8 2010

Congrats homie! Dawg I'm happy for you GOD BLESS and keep doing what you do. ON MY 1*1*6!

Nathaniel Collier
– Jun 8 2010

Congrats homie! Dawg I'm happy for you GOD BLESS and keep doing what you do. ON MY 1*1*6!

Nathaniel Collier
– Jun 8 2010

Congrats homie! Dawg I'm happy for you GOD BLESS and keep doing what you do. ON MY 1*1*6!

Nathaniel Collier
– Jun 8 2010

Congrats homie! Dawg I'm happy for you GOD BLESS and keep doing what you do. ON MY 1*1*6!

Nathaniel Collier
– Jun 8 2010

Congrats homie! Dawg I'm happy for you GOD BLESS and keep doing what you do. ON MY 1*1*6!

Nathaniel Collier
– Jun 8 2010

Congrats homie! Dawg I'm happy for you GOD BLESS and keep doing what you do. ON MY 1*1*6!

Nathaniel Collier
– Jun 8 2010

Good Evening Tedashii my brother in Christ Jesus "When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing and obtains favor with the Lord." "A Good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." Congradulations Tedashii I look at you and your wife, Trip Lee and his wife, Sho Baraka and his wife, Lecrae and his wife, Shai Linne is about to get married to Blair Wingo and B-Morr is about to get married to Jewel. I guess that The Lord Jesus Christ is trying to tell me something as a single man practicing thr mindset of celibacy until marriage. I am 32 years old though and I have lived long enough and experienced enough to know that I must approach every choice that I make in life with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and discretion. I do ask for your prayers as I am Seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and having faith that all these things will be added unto me. As I am Delighting my way in the Law of The Lord and having Faith that HE will give me the desires of my heart. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh forever and ever Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Jun 8 2010

Good Evening Tedashii my brother in Christ Jesus "When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing and obtains favor with the Lord." "A Good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." Congradulations Tedashii I look at you and your wife, Trip Lee and his wife, Sho Baraka and his wife, Lecrae and his wife, Shai Linne is about to get married to Blair Wingo and B-Morr is about to get married to Jewel. I guess that The Lord Jesus Christ is trying to tell me something as a single man practicing thr mindset of celibacy until marriage. I am 32 years old though and I have lived long enough and experienced enough to know that I must approach every choice that I make in life with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and discretion. I do ask for your prayers as I am Seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and having faith that all these things will be added unto me. As I am Delighting my way in the Law of The Lord and having Faith that HE will give me the desires of my heart. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh forever and ever Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Jun 8 2010

Good Evening Tedashii my brother in Christ Jesus "When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing and obtains favor with the Lord." "A Good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." Congradulations Tedashii I look at you and your wife, Trip Lee and his wife, Sho Baraka and his wife, Lecrae and his wife, Shai Linne is about to get married to Blair Wingo and B-Morr is about to get married to Jewel. I guess that The Lord Jesus Christ is trying to tell me something as a single man practicing thr mindset of celibacy until marriage. I am 32 years old though and I have lived long enough and experienced enough to know that I must approach every choice that I make in life with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and discretion. I do ask for your prayers as I am Seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and having faith that all these things will be added unto me. As I am Delighting my way in the Law of The Lord and having Faith that HE will give me the desires of my heart. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh forever and ever Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Jun 8 2010

Good Evening Tedashii my brother in Christ Jesus "When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing and obtains favor with the Lord." "A Good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." Congradulations Tedashii I look at you and your wife, Trip Lee and his wife, Sho Baraka and his wife, Lecrae and his wife, Shai Linne is about to get married to Blair Wingo and B-Morr is about to get married to Jewel. I guess that The Lord Jesus Christ is trying to tell me something as a single man practicing thr mindset of celibacy until marriage. I am 32 years old though and I have lived long enough and experienced enough to know that I must approach every choice that I make in life with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and discretion. I do ask for your prayers as I am Seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and having faith that all these things will be added unto me. As I am Delighting my way in the Law of The Lord and having Faith that HE will give me the desires of my heart. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh forever and ever Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Jun 8 2010

Good Evening Tedashii my brother in Christ Jesus "When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing and obtains favor with the Lord." "A Good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." Congradulations Tedashii I look at you and your wife, Trip Lee and his wife, Sho Baraka and his wife, Lecrae and his wife, Shai Linne is about to get married to Blair Wingo and B-Morr is about to get married to Jewel. I guess that The Lord Jesus Christ is trying to tell me something as a single man practicing thr mindset of celibacy until marriage. I am 32 years old though and I have lived long enough and experienced enough to know that I must approach every choice that I make in life with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and discretion. I do ask for your prayers as I am Seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and having faith that all these things will be added unto me. As I am Delighting my way in the Law of The Lord and having Faith that HE will give me the desires of my heart. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh forever and ever Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Jun 8 2010

Good Evening Tedashii my brother in Christ Jesus "When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing and obtains favor with the Lord." "A Good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." Congradulations Tedashii I look at you and your wife, Trip Lee and his wife, Sho Baraka and his wife, Lecrae and his wife, Shai Linne is about to get married to Blair Wingo and B-Morr is about to get married to Jewel. I guess that The Lord Jesus Christ is trying to tell me something as a single man practicing thr mindset of celibacy until marriage. I am 32 years old though and I have lived long enough and experienced enough to know that I must approach every choice that I make in life with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and discretion. I do ask for your prayers as I am Seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and having faith that all these things will be added unto me. As I am Delighting my way in the Law of The Lord and having Faith that HE will give me the desires of my heart. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh forever and ever Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Jun 8 2010

Good Evening Tedashii my brother in Christ Jesus "When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing and obtains favor with the Lord." "A Good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." Congradulations Tedashii I look at you and your wife, Trip Lee and his wife, Sho Baraka and his wife, Lecrae and his wife, Shai Linne is about to get married to Blair Wingo and B-Morr is about to get married to Jewel. I guess that The Lord Jesus Christ is trying to tell me something as a single man practicing thr mindset of celibacy until marriage. I am 32 years old though and I have lived long enough and experienced enough to know that I must approach every choice that I make in life with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, discernment and discretion. I do ask for your prayers as I am Seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and having faith that all these things will be added unto me. As I am Delighting my way in the Law of The Lord and having Faith that HE will give me the desires of my heart. Jesus Christ is God in The Flesh forever and ever Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii from one father to another is very true what u say, when something as big and blessed as having a kid, time is really needed to show support to ur family. May GOD continue to bless u and ur ministry. U have been chosen to be a role model for many.

Joseph A.
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii from one father to another is very true what u say, when something as big and blessed as having a kid, time is really needed to show support to ur family. May GOD continue to bless u and ur ministry. U have been chosen to be a role model for many.

Joseph A.
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii from one father to another is very true what u say, when something as big and blessed as having a kid, time is really needed to show support to ur family. May GOD continue to bless u and ur ministry. U have been chosen to be a role model for many.

Joseph A.
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii from one father to another is very true what u say, when something as big and blessed as having a kid, time is really needed to show support to ur family. May GOD continue to bless u and ur ministry. U have been chosen to be a role model for many.

Joseph A.
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii from one father to another is very true what u say, when something as big and blessed as having a kid, time is really needed to show support to ur family. May GOD continue to bless u and ur ministry. U have been chosen to be a role model for many.

Joseph A.
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii from one father to another is very true what u say, when something as big and blessed as having a kid, time is really needed to show support to ur family. May GOD continue to bless u and ur ministry. U have been chosen to be a role model for many.

Joseph A.
– Jun 8 2010

Tedashii from one father to another is very true what u say, when something as big and blessed as having a kid, time is really needed to show support to ur family. May GOD continue to bless u and ur ministry. U have been chosen to be a role model for many.

Joseph A.
– Jun 8 2010

it brings me great joy to see where your at dude. make it happen at home bro'. that first year can be interesting to say the least. ours was as many different challenges and tests came with our daughter. God bless you and yours. hope all goes good and look forward to future joints.

– Jun 8 2010

it brings me great joy to see where your at dude. make it happen at home bro'. that first year can be interesting to say the least. ours was as many different challenges and tests came with our daughter. God bless you and yours. hope all goes good and look forward to future joints.

– Jun 8 2010

it brings me great joy to see where your at dude. make it happen at home bro'. that first year can be interesting to say the least. ours was as many different challenges and tests came with our daughter. God bless you and yours. hope all goes good and look forward to future joints.

– Jun 8 2010

it brings me great joy to see where your at dude. make it happen at home bro'. that first year can be interesting to say the least. ours was as many different challenges and tests came with our daughter. God bless you and yours. hope all goes good and look forward to future joints.

– Jun 8 2010

it brings me great joy to see where your at dude. make it happen at home bro'. that first year can be interesting to say the least. ours was as many different challenges and tests came with our daughter. God bless you and yours. hope all goes good and look forward to future joints.

– Jun 8 2010

it brings me great joy to see where your at dude. make it happen at home bro'. that first year can be interesting to say the least. ours was as many different challenges and tests came with our daughter. God bless you and yours. hope all goes good and look forward to future joints.

– Jun 8 2010

it brings me great joy to see where your at dude. make it happen at home bro'. that first year can be interesting to say the least. ours was as many different challenges and tests came with our daughter. God bless you and yours. hope all goes good and look forward to future joints.

– Jun 8 2010

The idea that Tedashii might do a mixtape this fall makes me so excited. I have both of your albums and have been greatly blessed and encouraged by them! Thank's for your humility and keep serving the Church with your gift!

Tony Comer
– Jun 9 2010

The idea that Tedashii might do a mixtape this fall makes me so excited. I have both of your albums and have been greatly blessed and encouraged by them! Thank's for your humility and keep serving the Church with your gift!

Tony Comer
– Jun 9 2010

The idea that Tedashii might do a mixtape this fall makes me so excited. I have both of your albums and have been greatly blessed and encouraged by them! Thank's for your humility and keep serving the Church with your gift!

Tony Comer
– Jun 9 2010

The idea that Tedashii might do a mixtape this fall makes me so excited. I have both of your albums and have been greatly blessed and encouraged by them! Thank's for your humility and keep serving the Church with your gift!

Tony Comer
– Jun 9 2010

The idea that Tedashii might do a mixtape this fall makes me so excited. I have both of your albums and have been greatly blessed and encouraged by them! Thank's for your humility and keep serving the Church with your gift!

Tony Comer
– Jun 9 2010

The idea that Tedashii might do a mixtape this fall makes me so excited. I have both of your albums and have been greatly blessed and encouraged by them! Thank's for your humility and keep serving the Church with your gift!

Tony Comer
– Jun 9 2010

The idea that Tedashii might do a mixtape this fall makes me so excited. I have both of your albums and have been greatly blessed and encouraged by them! Thank's for your humility and keep serving the Church with your gift!

Tony Comer
– Jun 9 2010

As with all your works bro the message is beautiful. You deserved that break for you for wife and your little tedashii junior. Sometimes, like I think you outlined it takes more strength to take time for yourself then to just keep on working. And as you said, by taking that break you not only served your wife's, son's and yourself needs, but truly in the end god even more. Through cultivating those special relationships that he has given you. Peace to you and your family and thank you for all your music has helped me through and pushed me towards.

– Jun 9 2010

As with all your works bro the message is beautiful. You deserved that break for you for wife and your little tedashii junior. Sometimes, like I think you outlined it takes more strength to take time for yourself then to just keep on working. And as you said, by taking that break you not only served your wife's, son's and yourself needs, but truly in the end god even more. Through cultivating those special relationships that he has given you. Peace to you and your family and thank you for all your music has helped me through and pushed me towards.

– Jun 9 2010

As with all your works bro the message is beautiful. You deserved that break for you for wife and your little tedashii junior. Sometimes, like I think you outlined it takes more strength to take time for yourself then to just keep on working. And as you said, by taking that break you not only served your wife's, son's and yourself needs, but truly in the end god even more. Through cultivating those special relationships that he has given you. Peace to you and your family and thank you for all your music has helped me through and pushed me towards.

– Jun 9 2010

As with all your works bro the message is beautiful. You deserved that break for you for wife and your little tedashii junior. Sometimes, like I think you outlined it takes more strength to take time for yourself then to just keep on working. And as you said, by taking that break you not only served your wife's, son's and yourself needs, but truly in the end god even more. Through cultivating those special relationships that he has given you. Peace to you and your family and thank you for all your music has helped me through and pushed me towards.

– Jun 9 2010

As with all your works bro the message is beautiful. You deserved that break for you for wife and your little tedashii junior. Sometimes, like I think you outlined it takes more strength to take time for yourself then to just keep on working. And as you said, by taking that break you not only served your wife's, son's and yourself needs, but truly in the end god even more. Through cultivating those special relationships that he has given you. Peace to you and your family and thank you for all your music has helped me through and pushed me towards.

– Jun 9 2010

As with all your works bro the message is beautiful. You deserved that break for you for wife and your little tedashii junior. Sometimes, like I think you outlined it takes more strength to take time for yourself then to just keep on working. And as you said, by taking that break you not only served your wife's, son's and yourself needs, but truly in the end god even more. Through cultivating those special relationships that he has given you. Peace to you and your family and thank you for all your music has helped me through and pushed me towards.

– Jun 9 2010

As with all your works bro the message is beautiful. You deserved that break for you for wife and your little tedashii junior. Sometimes, like I think you outlined it takes more strength to take time for yourself then to just keep on working. And as you said, by taking that break you not only served your wife's, son's and yourself needs, but truly in the end god even more. Through cultivating those special relationships that he has given you. Peace to you and your family and thank you for all your music has helped me through and pushed me towards.

– Jun 9 2010

Glad to see you acting out the gospel by putting faith and family first. We can gain some patience and just wait for you to bless us with a third project eventually, but for now continue to lead your family as Christ has commanded us to do. Take care and be blessed.

Jeremy Fain
– Jun 9 2010

Glad to see you acting out the gospel by putting faith and family first. We can gain some patience and just wait for you to bless us with a third project eventually, but for now continue to lead your family as Christ has commanded us to do. Take care and be blessed.

Jeremy Fain
– Jun 9 2010

Glad to see you acting out the gospel by putting faith and family first. We can gain some patience and just wait for you to bless us with a third project eventually, but for now continue to lead your family as Christ has commanded us to do. Take care and be blessed.

Jeremy Fain
– Jun 9 2010

Glad to see you acting out the gospel by putting faith and family first. We can gain some patience and just wait for you to bless us with a third project eventually, but for now continue to lead your family as Christ has commanded us to do. Take care and be blessed.

Jeremy Fain
– Jun 9 2010

Glad to see you acting out the gospel by putting faith and family first. We can gain some patience and just wait for you to bless us with a third project eventually, but for now continue to lead your family as Christ has commanded us to do. Take care and be blessed.

Jeremy Fain
– Jun 9 2010

Glad to see you acting out the gospel by putting faith and family first. We can gain some patience and just wait for you to bless us with a third project eventually, but for now continue to lead your family as Christ has commanded us to do. Take care and be blessed.

Jeremy Fain
– Jun 9 2010

Glad to see you acting out the gospel by putting faith and family first. We can gain some patience and just wait for you to bless us with a third project eventually, but for now continue to lead your family as Christ has commanded us to do. Take care and be blessed.

Jeremy Fain
– Jun 9 2010

Congrats Tedashii and family and thanks for the reflections of the Gospel and Romans 1. You guys are in our prayers. God Bless

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

Congrats Tedashii and family and thanks for the reflections of the Gospel and Romans 1. You guys are in our prayers. God Bless

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

Congrats Tedashii and family and thanks for the reflections of the Gospel and Romans 1. You guys are in our prayers. God Bless

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

Congrats Tedashii and family and thanks for the reflections of the Gospel and Romans 1. You guys are in our prayers. God Bless

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

Congrats Tedashii and family and thanks for the reflections of the Gospel and Romans 1. You guys are in our prayers. God Bless

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

Congrats Tedashii and family and thanks for the reflections of the Gospel and Romans 1. You guys are in our prayers. God Bless

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

Congrats Tedashii and family and thanks for the reflections of the Gospel and Romans 1. You guys are in our prayers. God Bless

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

and Gilbert , your in our prayers too bro

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

and Gilbert , your in our prayers too bro

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

and Gilbert , your in our prayers too bro

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

and Gilbert , your in our prayers too bro

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

and Gilbert , your in our prayers too bro

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

and Gilbert , your in our prayers too bro

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

and Gilbert , your in our prayers too bro

Tim H.
– Jun 9 2010

This was so encouraging and challenging Tedashii.
God bless and keep you and yours! Jaden and your wife are sooo beautiful :)
Big love x

– Jun 9 2010

This was so encouraging and challenging Tedashii.
God bless and keep you and yours! Jaden and your wife are sooo beautiful :)
Big love x

– Jun 9 2010

This was so encouraging and challenging Tedashii.
God bless and keep you and yours! Jaden and your wife are sooo beautiful :)
Big love x

– Jun 9 2010

This was so encouraging and challenging Tedashii.
God bless and keep you and yours! Jaden and your wife are sooo beautiful :)
Big love x

– Jun 9 2010

This was so encouraging and challenging Tedashii.
God bless and keep you and yours! Jaden and your wife are sooo beautiful :)
Big love x

– Jun 9 2010

This was so encouraging and challenging Tedashii.
God bless and keep you and yours! Jaden and your wife are sooo beautiful :)
Big love x

– Jun 9 2010

This was so encouraging and challenging Tedashii.
God bless and keep you and yours! Jaden and your wife are sooo beautiful :)
Big love x

– Jun 9 2010

Aw cute kid Tedot!! Stayin home n bein a dad is NEVER a bad decision to make and i respect you highly for it! Raise him up to serve God just like you and you'll be the best dad he could ever want. GOD BLESS!

Larry G
– Jun 9 2010

Aw cute kid Tedot!! Stayin home n bein a dad is NEVER a bad decision to make and i respect you highly for it! Raise him up to serve God just like you and you'll be the best dad he could ever want. GOD BLESS!

Larry G
– Jun 9 2010

Aw cute kid Tedot!! Stayin home n bein a dad is NEVER a bad decision to make and i respect you highly for it! Raise him up to serve God just like you and you'll be the best dad he could ever want. GOD BLESS!

Larry G
– Jun 9 2010

Aw cute kid Tedot!! Stayin home n bein a dad is NEVER a bad decision to make and i respect you highly for it! Raise him up to serve God just like you and you'll be the best dad he could ever want. GOD BLESS!

Larry G
– Jun 9 2010

Aw cute kid Tedot!! Stayin home n bein a dad is NEVER a bad decision to make and i respect you highly for it! Raise him up to serve God just like you and you'll be the best dad he could ever want. GOD BLESS!

Larry G
– Jun 9 2010

Aw cute kid Tedot!! Stayin home n bein a dad is NEVER a bad decision to make and i respect you highly for it! Raise him up to serve God just like you and you'll be the best dad he could ever want. GOD BLESS!

Larry G
– Jun 9 2010

Aw cute kid Tedot!! Stayin home n bein a dad is NEVER a bad decision to make and i respect you highly for it! Raise him up to serve God just like you and you'll be the best dad he could ever want. GOD BLESS!

Larry G
– Jun 9 2010

Beautiful Tedashii... very beautiful...
I'm encouraged... you are a blessed man in the music ministry, your talent is amazing as it's God given, plus you're a family man... you are a role model as well...
Keep up the faith and good work...
One thing that caught my attention in your article was about considering others higher than yourself to serve them with the gospel... that's wisdom from Christ there...

God bless.

Tonye Brown
– Jun 18 2010

Beautiful Tedashii... very beautiful...
I'm encouraged... you are a blessed man in the music ministry, your talent is amazing as it's God given, plus you're a family man... you are a role model as well...
Keep up the faith and good work...
One thing that caught my attention in your article was about considering others higher than yourself to serve them with the gospel... that's wisdom from Christ there...

God bless.

Tonye Brown
– Jun 18 2010

Beautiful Tedashii... very beautiful...
I'm encouraged... you are a blessed man in the music ministry, your talent is amazing as it's God given, plus you're a family man... you are a role model as well...
Keep up the faith and good work...
One thing that caught my attention in your article was about considering others higher than yourself to serve them with the gospel... that's wisdom from Christ there...

God bless.

Tonye Brown
– Jun 18 2010

Beautiful Tedashii... very beautiful...
I'm encouraged... you are a blessed man in the music ministry, your talent is amazing as it's God given, plus you're a family man... you are a role model as well...
Keep up the faith and good work...
One thing that caught my attention in your article was about considering others higher than yourself to serve them with the gospel... that's wisdom from Christ there...

God bless.

Tonye Brown
– Jun 18 2010

Beautiful Tedashii... very beautiful...
I'm encouraged... you are a blessed man in the music ministry, your talent is amazing as it's God given, plus you're a family man... you are a role model as well...
Keep up the faith and good work...
One thing that caught my attention in your article was about considering others higher than yourself to serve them with the gospel... that's wisdom from Christ there...

God bless.

Tonye Brown
– Jun 18 2010

Beautiful Tedashii... very beautiful...
I'm encouraged... you are a blessed man in the music ministry, your talent is amazing as it's God given, plus you're a family man... you are a role model as well...
Keep up the faith and good work...
One thing that caught my attention in your article was about considering others higher than yourself to serve them with the gospel... that's wisdom from Christ there...

God bless.

Tonye Brown
– Jun 18 2010

Beautiful Tedashii... very beautiful...
I'm encouraged... you are a blessed man in the music ministry, your talent is amazing as it's God given, plus you're a family man... you are a role model as well...
Keep up the faith and good work...
One thing that caught my attention in your article was about considering others higher than yourself to serve them with the gospel... that's wisdom from Christ there...

God bless.

Tonye Brown
– Jun 18 2010

Praise God the Father of us all. My husband did the same thing. That is a blessing. I always see older saints that walk the walk, but to able to see brotha's and sista's my age walk the walk truly is a blessing.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

Praise God the Father of us all. My husband did the same thing. That is a blessing. I always see older saints that walk the walk, but to able to see brotha's and sista's my age walk the walk truly is a blessing.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

Praise God the Father of us all. My husband did the same thing. That is a blessing. I always see older saints that walk the walk, but to able to see brotha's and sista's my age walk the walk truly is a blessing.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

Praise God the Father of us all. My husband did the same thing. That is a blessing. I always see older saints that walk the walk, but to able to see brotha's and sista's my age walk the walk truly is a blessing.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

Praise God the Father of us all. My husband did the same thing. That is a blessing. I always see older saints that walk the walk, but to able to see brotha's and sista's my age walk the walk truly is a blessing.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

Praise God the Father of us all. My husband did the same thing. That is a blessing. I always see older saints that walk the walk, but to able to see brotha's and sista's my age walk the walk truly is a blessing.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

Praise God the Father of us all. My husband did the same thing. That is a blessing. I always see older saints that walk the walk, but to able to see brotha's and sista's my age walk the walk truly is a blessing.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

P.S lol You have a beautiful family. I pray grace, peace, and mercy rest rule and abide in you and your family life.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

P.S lol You have a beautiful family. I pray grace, peace, and mercy rest rule and abide in you and your family life.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

P.S lol You have a beautiful family. I pray grace, peace, and mercy rest rule and abide in you and your family life.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

P.S lol You have a beautiful family. I pray grace, peace, and mercy rest rule and abide in you and your family life.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

P.S lol You have a beautiful family. I pray grace, peace, and mercy rest rule and abide in you and your family life.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

P.S lol You have a beautiful family. I pray grace, peace, and mercy rest rule and abide in you and your family life.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

P.S lol You have a beautiful family. I pray grace, peace, and mercy rest rule and abide in you and your family life.

Shalonda Edwards
– Jun 24 2010

aye what it do, u met my bro at the gym, i couldnt find how to send the music here.... GOD BLESS

– Jul 8 2010

aye what it do, u met my bro at the gym, i couldnt find how to send the music here.... GOD BLESS

– Jul 8 2010

aye what it do, u met my bro at the gym, i couldnt find how to send the music here.... GOD BLESS

– Jul 8 2010

aye what it do, u met my bro at the gym, i couldnt find how to send the music here.... GOD BLESS

– Jul 8 2010

aye what it do, u met my bro at the gym, i couldnt find how to send the music here.... GOD BLESS

– Jul 8 2010

aye what it do, u met my bro at the gym, i couldnt find how to send the music here.... GOD BLESS

– Jul 8 2010

aye what it do, u met my bro at the gym, i couldnt find how to send the music here.... GOD BLESS

– Jul 8 2010

Ñ?анÑ? пÑ?Ñ?ана

занÑ?Ñ?иÑ? на доÑ?Ñ?ге

<a href=>пÑ?Ñ?анÑ? гоÑ?ода моÑ?квÑ?</a>

Ñ?алавÑ? моÑ?квÑ?

– Jun 2 2011

Ñ?анÑ? пÑ?Ñ?ана

занÑ?Ñ?иÑ? на доÑ?Ñ?ге

<a href=>пÑ?Ñ?анÑ? гоÑ?ода моÑ?квÑ?</a>

Ñ?алавÑ? моÑ?квÑ?

– Jun 2 2011

Ñ?анÑ? пÑ?Ñ?ана

занÑ?Ñ?иÑ? на доÑ?Ñ?ге

<a href=>пÑ?Ñ?анÑ? гоÑ?ода моÑ?квÑ?</a>

Ñ?алавÑ? моÑ?квÑ?

– Jun 2 2011

Ñ?анÑ? пÑ?Ñ?ана

занÑ?Ñ?иÑ? на доÑ?Ñ?ге

<a href=>пÑ?Ñ?анÑ? гоÑ?ода моÑ?квÑ?</a>

Ñ?алавÑ? моÑ?квÑ?

– Jun 2 2011

Ñ?анÑ? пÑ?Ñ?ана

занÑ?Ñ?иÑ? на доÑ?Ñ?ге

<a href=>пÑ?Ñ?анÑ? гоÑ?ода моÑ?квÑ?</a>

Ñ?алавÑ? моÑ?квÑ?

– Jun 2 2011

Ñ?анÑ? пÑ?Ñ?ана

занÑ?Ñ?иÑ? на доÑ?Ñ?ге

<a href=>пÑ?Ñ?анÑ? гоÑ?ода моÑ?квÑ?</a>

Ñ?алавÑ? моÑ?квÑ?

– Jun 2 2011

Ñ?анÑ? пÑ?Ñ?ана

занÑ?Ñ?иÑ? на доÑ?Ñ?ге

<a href=>пÑ?Ñ?анÑ? гоÑ?ода моÑ?квÑ?</a>

Ñ?алавÑ? моÑ?квÑ?

– Jun 2 2011

You have a lovely family t-dot

Sis tiawana
– Mar 15 2012

You have a lovely family t-dot

Sis tiawana
– Mar 15 2012

You have a lovely family t-dot

Sis tiawana
– Mar 15 2012

You have a lovely family t-dot

Sis tiawana
– Mar 15 2012

You have a lovely family t-dot

Sis tiawana
– Mar 15 2012

You have a lovely family t-dot

Sis tiawana
– Mar 15 2012

You have a lovely family t-dot

Sis tiawana
– Mar 15 2012

I love this so much. I'm so late at responding; but this is simply beautiful. God is moving, and your fam is extremely a beautiful godly image. I'm proud of you bro; keep up your work; God's taking you places. Always. Peace in Christ â?  Praying always.

Enane †
– Mar 29 2014

I love this so much. I'm so late at responding; but this is simply beautiful. God is moving, and your fam is extremely a beautiful godly image. I'm proud of you bro; keep up your work; God's taking you places. Always. Peace in Christ â?  Praying always.

Enane †
– Mar 29 2014

I love this so much. I'm so late at responding; but this is simply beautiful. God is moving, and your fam is extremely a beautiful godly image. I'm proud of you bro; keep up your work; God's taking you places. Always. Peace in Christ â?  Praying always.

Enane †
– Mar 29 2014

I love this so much. I'm so late at responding; but this is simply beautiful. God is moving, and your fam is extremely a beautiful godly image. I'm proud of you bro; keep up your work; God's taking you places. Always. Peace in Christ â?  Praying always.

Enane †
– Mar 29 2014

I love this so much. I'm so late at responding; but this is simply beautiful. God is moving, and your fam is extremely a beautiful godly image. I'm proud of you bro; keep up your work; God's taking you places. Always. Peace in Christ â?  Praying always.

Enane †
– Mar 29 2014

I love this so much. I'm so late at responding; but this is simply beautiful. God is moving, and your fam is extremely a beautiful godly image. I'm proud of you bro; keep up your work; God's taking you places. Always. Peace in Christ â?  Praying always.

Enane †
– Mar 29 2014

I love this so much. I'm so late at responding; but this is simply beautiful. God is moving, and your fam is extremely a beautiful godly image. I'm proud of you bro; keep up your work; God's taking you places. Always. Peace in Christ â?  Praying always.

Enane †
– Mar 29 2014

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