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Hip Hop for Haiti Concert footage

Hip Hop for Haiti Concert footage

Through our 116 family we have raised over $30,000 for Haiti relief through the concert, video, and single thanks to partnership with Desiring God and Lampmode.

If you didn’t make it to the show in Minneapolis, now you can watch a huge chunk of the concert in crispy HD video.

Having trouble seeing the video click here

If you want to purchase the Far Away single on iTunes click here

or click here to purchase the Far Away music video + mp3 bundle

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All Comments 10

Lecrae, Tedashii, Trip Lee and Sho Baraka you guys have been ushering me into the Throne Room to worship Jesus Christ since 2005 now you have done at least two missin trips. I respect and admire you guys a lot and I praise Jesus Christ for your Ministry. I am a firm believer in being a Bible reader, a Bible believer a Bible applier and a Bible practicer. The single man and woman, male and female is married to Jesus Christ. Yo 116 Reach let us teach Americans, Hatians and the whole world to become Disciples of Jesus Christ and go to sleep under oceans of Bible. Yes Christian Music only and Sermons on Cd. Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh who was, is and is to come. We will meet The Lord Jesus Christ in the air and go to Heaven and worship him as God The Son Forever. Even so come Lord Jesus Christ Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Mar 1 2010

phil wo
– Mar 1 2010

I love what you guys are doing i am going to continue to support in pray and finance...I already coped far away and will pray for Hati and the church...

Will Horne
– Mar 1 2010

Hey, that concert looked great! Praise God! But I what was that last song Json was singing? Never heard it before?

Zach Schmidt
– Mar 2 2010

That is an awsom video ! But what was that last song by Json. IT was BANGEN !!!! I tryed to seach it on itunes but dident find anyting . Has it even come out yet ? Well let us know and keep up the great work rappin Lord ! ! !

Jonathan Slayton
– Mar 7 2010

Yeah..the concert was a blessing...I'm wondering too..does anybody know the last song by Json? I googled/youtubed it but no luck..pls if anyone knows!

– Mar 12 2010

Is there a way to donate

– Mar 18 2010

Is there a way to purchase the hip-hop for Haiti album on cd?

– Mar 18 2010

that last song he is singing has pro in the background so it must be pro's song. his mixtape PSA is nasty i hope lecrae or trip lee does something with him real soon. ever since pro's song "murder swag" his lyrics have been a lot more Christ and a lot less pride. He is awesome. download "PSA" by Pro for free its the best mixtape i have ever heard.

– Mar 23 2010

Christmas is a collection of pagan favitsels that the church tried to hijack and failed!! They therefore celebrate a pagan festival and surely if Jesus existed he would be repelled by that!!But what of Jesus himself?There is not one single mention of Jesus in the entire Roman record that is right not one!!! At the same time as he was supposed to have been around there were a number of Jews claiming to be the messiah all of whom are well recorded!!He was supposed to have been a huge problem to the Romans and produced wonderful miracles but still not one contemporary record?Even the bible mentions of him like all other references were not written until many years after his supposed death!!At best he was an amalgam of those others!!

– Sep 19 2012

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