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Highlights from the Legacy Institute with Trip Lee

Recently Trip Lee had the opportunity to teach at the Legacy Institute in Houston on May 22nd. The inaugural Institute lunched by the Legacy Conference, consisted of four hours of teaching by Trip Lee on the topic of “Christlikeness” followed by a concert in the evening. Below are two videos provided by Sketch the Journalist , which highlights Trip’s teaching series during the institute and a short interview about Trip’s new album “Between Two Worlds”.


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i remember when he was at legacy (or was it heavyweights back then) several years ago. he was still a kid then, so his articulation and wisdom were different.

it's a blessing to see growth in folks. God is faithful.

big ups to trip, the man!

– Jun 14 2010


i remember when he was at legacy (or was it heavyweights back then) several years ago. he was still a kid then, so his articulation and wisdom were different.

it's a blessing to see growth in folks. God is faithful.

big ups to trip, the man!

– Jun 14 2010


i remember when he was at legacy (or was it heavyweights back then) several years ago. he was still a kid then, so his articulation and wisdom were different.

it's a blessing to see growth in folks. God is faithful.

big ups to trip, the man!

– Jun 14 2010


i remember when he was at legacy (or was it heavyweights back then) several years ago. he was still a kid then, so his articulation and wisdom were different.

it's a blessing to see growth in folks. God is faithful.

big ups to trip, the man!

– Jun 14 2010


i remember when he was at legacy (or was it heavyweights back then) several years ago. he was still a kid then, so his articulation and wisdom were different.

it's a blessing to see growth in folks. God is faithful.

big ups to trip, the man!

– Jun 14 2010


i remember when he was at legacy (or was it heavyweights back then) several years ago. he was still a kid then, so his articulation and wisdom were different.

it's a blessing to see growth in folks. God is faithful.

big ups to trip, the man!

– Jun 14 2010


i remember when he was at legacy (or was it heavyweights back then) several years ago. he was still a kid then, so his articulation and wisdom were different.

it's a blessing to see growth in folks. God is faithful.

big ups to trip, the man!

– Jun 14 2010

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