Get Below Paradise at Walmart!
Tedashii’s fourth studio album “Below Paradise” will be available at Walmart for $10! Find it on May 27th at a Walmart near you, by using the list below or purchase it online at Walmart.com.
To find a Walmart with “Below Paradise” near you, download this list.
To use the list: 1. Find your state (they are in alphabetical order) 2. Then find the city/suburb you recognize closest to you 3. After that, plug the store number into Google and it will bring up a link on the store site (i.e. search for “Walmart store #2070”) to get the location of the Walmart in Anchorage, AK.
All Comments 3
Really well put together album, Tadashi is a great artist. Really sorry for the loss he had to face, but it's really inspiring to see and listen to how he is dealing with the pain and suffering.
– Jun 7 2014
Thanks for linking up in my oginnog giveaways linky!I have liked you on facebook, tweeted about the giveaway and followed you by email!I see a lot of confused entries doing one comment for each thing
– Sep 18 2014
No <a href="http://oorcnkcfek.com">conmtaipls</a> on this end, simply a good piece.
– Sep 19 2014