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DJ Official’s Streets of New York Video

DJ Official’s Streets of New York Video

Check out the Streets of New York video featuring J.A.Z & Magellan. If you haven’t got EnterMission yet get it here.  You can also get it at your local Walmart

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All Comments 16

That song is sick!! Keep it up!

– Mar 2 2010

I had the opportunity to hear J.A.Z. and Magellan perform this song live with DJ Official in January at the Bars of Life concert for the Bizarro World youth conference at Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn, NY. It was the one of the best hip hop concerts that I've ever been too. The artists represented well for NYC and Philly. R-Swift, Everyday Process, B-Luv, Urban D., and TWyse were in the building, just to name a few. I wish they could have a lineup that strong perform every month in New York. I was well worth the drive from the lower hudson valley to be there.

– Mar 2 2010

...but do you see the small children? What about the afterlife? LOVE it!

– Mar 2 2010

Dem my dudez ayo magellan thanx for that free cd you gave me on the day you was gonna have that album release party but if rained like in the dayz of noah (lol) I appreciated that ayo Jaz you and magellan hit the nail on the head wit this one people think ny is poppin because of all the tall buildings and bright lights but for a city that never sleeps it sure is dead. Let's light up diz Joint for Jesus ya feel meh? 1 Agape

Angelica Stewart
– Mar 2 2010

I love DJ officials album...and i love how in the video DJ Official is just chillin...keep it up 116

Will Horne
– Mar 2 2010

Love it, great to see my peeps on a Official Track!! This Track is straight NY, gutter and grime! The song is fresh! And the Black and White twist is perfect, cinematography was tight too!

Visit my Blog:

Lester Diaz
– Mar 2 2010

men. so nice video, bro God bless you, men.

– Mar 2 2010

Beast of a song! Great video! Prolly one of my fav tracks off the Entermission joint!

– Mar 2 2010

Dj Official your album is awesome I love all of the different collaborations on there. Maybe you and Phanatik, Flame, R-Swift, Everyday Process, Shachah, Tonic and Tru Life can sign to Reach Records. That would be a Jesus Christ blessing. Then we could go even further in journeying towards Master Jesus Christ's Commission towards us to make Dusciples of every nation, language, tongue and creed. Be encouraged Dj official congradulations on such an awesome album. Jesus Christ is God The Son Forever and ever Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Mar 3 2010

Yo this is hot. This video brings a whole new perspective to the song. Love what Jesus is doin through you dudes. Keep reppin that 116!

– Mar 3 2010



– Mar 3 2010

Lovely video! One of my favorite songs on the album!

– Mar 3 2010

Great video...Nasty beats This is the New York I remember...Thank you

Randy Merced
– Mar 9 2010

ilove this its real...its one of the best put together songs i've heard..God is blowing up the industry..Praise him and he will build it...much love...

– Apr 7 2010

I Love This Song and Love what God has raise you brothers up to do

– Apr 17 2010

This is why I like this site.

<a href=""></a>

– May 16 2011

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