Countdown to Tedashii’s Release: May 26th
Pre-Order “Identity Crisis” Now. The first 500 customers receive a free Identity Crisis/116 Dogtag.
Tedashii’s second album drops in stores and online May 26th! You can listen to the two singles, “26’s” and “I’m a Believer”, by clicking on the player below.
Click Here to Buy “I’m A Believer ft. Trip Lee and Soye” on iTunes!
1) Identity Crisis Intro
2) Work
3) 26’s Introduction
4) 26’s ft. Lecrae
5) Hollywood ft. Rozie Turner
6) Identity 1: We Fell
7) Make War ft. Flame
8) Gotta Believe ft. Diamone
9) Identity 2: Adoption ft. Rick Trotter
10) I’m a Believer ft. Trip Lee, Soye
11) Fresh
12) Thank You
13) All I Need ft. Chris Davis
14) Identity 3: Church
15) Community ft. Stephen the Levite, Sho Baraka
And because the album had to be pushed back we wanted to give you a gift of two free b-sides that didn’t make it on the album. Transformers ft. Lecrae, Trip Lee and Concert, Classroom, Corner.
All Comments 39
I'm a lil bit confused...the picture says that all pre orders receive a dog tag...but up above it says that only the first 500 will receive one...which one is it?
– Apr 14 2009
That's hot! I love Tedashii and the group and I think this will be the best Reach CD so far. And it looks like some new cats are on the CD. Great job Tdot!
Isaac Houston
– Apr 14 2009
Yeah, can't wait for it; love you guys at Reach, but Tedashii is my favorite rapper and I've been waiting a minute for this.
Zeke makes a good point though, which one is it, preorder or first 500... and are there gonna be anymore promotions (just in case I but this and some other one pops up and I regret my first purchase)?
– Apr 14 2009
Great! I will def. COP a few:)
– Apr 14 2009
hey i gotta quick question and i hope someone can answer it for me. the song from the ddr video people said was called transformers and they said it was gonna be on this album but i didnt see it. anyone know where to find that song? appriciate any feedback. keep the faith! JC#1!
– Apr 14 2009
No transformers on the album?!
Daniel Yakovlev
– Apr 14 2009
should be dope!
transformers wasn't that tight anyway...
jay nice
– Apr 14 2009
so if u pre-order the cd, do u get it the day it comes out or do u have to wait a couple of days for shipping?
– Apr 14 2009
I think Transformers was a Sick track, it just probably didnt fit the concept of the album, but it should be put on as a bonus track or somethin, or MAYBE, the 116 clique got an album in the works! That would be FIRE!!!!
– Apr 15 2009
so how do you know if ur in the top 500 for the pre-orders? or do all pre orders come with dog tags?
please answer.
Jake Uyeda
– Apr 15 2009
the way too know if you are in the top 500 preorders is by preordering now. simple as that :)
Daniel Yakovlev
– Apr 15 2009
Jake Uyeda
– Apr 16 2009
Transformers will probably be a bonus track. I guessing it's unlisted like the song 'Hip Hop' was on Trip Lee's '20/20'. That's what I'm hoping, anyway. 'Cause, jay nice, I like that song.
Reach is reaching out to artist outsider of the Lamp Mode/Cross Movement Camp. I've never even heard of SoYe', Rozie Turner and Chris Davis.
m. immanuel
– Apr 16 2009
Bought and can't wait 4 it 2 drop May 19th baby! God is good!
– Apr 16 2009
– Apr 17 2009
i pre-ordered it a couple of days ago....i cant wait for it to come....ima be 11six down wit da keychain and ya boi finna get dis 11six tattoo......REPPIN CHRIST FOREVER
– Apr 20 2009
lol teadshii, triplee n lecrae are toooooo sik. im a belever is dope, he merked it lol. good job =).they made the chorse sound like lil wayne though. still, someone send dis track. my email a.j-gordon@hotmail.com. good job
Aaron aka kid legend
– Apr 22 2009
I was wondering if the listening party was free and open to the public.
– Apr 22 2009
116 clique yall boys are so inspiring and keep a brother motivated on Jesus Christ. I am a Believer!!! T-Dot, Identity Crisis is gonna be so cold...... Praise the Lord. all glory to God
I hope you guys make it maje it back to Milwaukee Wisconsin again this year. last year was amazing and i know with all the new albums out 20/20 Rebel Turn my life up and Identity Crisis it would be crazie
Chad Ferrell
– Apr 23 2009
I went to the Tedashii listening party last night at BBKINGS in Nashville. It had such an immense impact on my life. Hearing all of you-Tedashii, Trip, Lecrae, J.R, and Flame-got me so pumped up about the Lord and strengthened my faith. You all are Godly role-models to me, and I can't wait to meet you all in Heaven.
God Bless and I will for sure be seeing ya'll in concert again soon!
– Apr 23 2009
first god bless and i speak life into you and your situations!!! second i thank god for the musical messege and messengers. i love to hear the true gospel in the songs and the beats as well, but it is the substanance of the message that gets me. it will continue to be my prayer that all of you continue to give the truth in your music and lives as well as being accountable witnesses. ALL GLORY BE TO GOD!
p.s. grip does not stand for big money!
patrick gardner (grip)
– Apr 23 2009
Great show last night!
Farron Sutherland, Jr
– Apr 24 2009
Went to the listening party and it was off the wall. We came out of the spot drenched in sweat we were going so hard. The great thing is even though we had a great time dancing and seeing our favorite artists it was also ministry. It really is not just about concerts and music because TDOT, CREAE, TRIP, and all the others in the reach camp, crossmovemnt and Lampmode are all ministers of the Gospel and thay make it clear during the show. We were blessed not only by the music but also by the MINISTRY of the Word on Wednesday. God bless you guys and can't wait to see yall again during the DWYL tour!
Pastor E
Eric Morris
– Apr 24 2009
is T-Pain on that "i'ma believer" song???? I support you guys to the fullest but lets not sound like the world. GOS is an originator, the enemy imitates and takes what GOD created (music) and corrupts it. Let's not conform to the world or sound like them... take time when writing songs and let the LORD lead you. Peace Reach... keep CHRIST center.
– Apr 24 2009
to s, that is not T-Pain on the song, its a guy by the name of Soye, he's using auto tune, which is what T-Pain and Kanye use.....
– Apr 24 2009
these singles are fire!! im doing my best to make it in June to NH. i was extremely disappointed that the Boston date is canceled! but i put it in God's hands that I'll be able to make it!!
ashley alafberg
– Apr 24 2009
i had a quick question i clicked on the link to preorder T-dot's new cd i was looking at the title of tracks and all these songs being promoted on this site are not listed on the track list on the order site, are these songs gonna be on the cd??
ashley alafberg
– Apr 24 2009
sorry for all the questions the only song i was wondering if "Transformers" is gonna be on T-Dot's new cd? it's a kingdom banger!
ashley alafberg
– Apr 24 2009
Transformers offically is not gonna be on the CD! its all up to you to find it and download it online.
Daniel Yakovlev
– Apr 25 2009
how do you know that?
ashley alafberg
– Apr 26 2009
GLORY TO GOD FOR ALL OF THIS REVIVAL UP IN HURR!!! Hit me up if for the Transformers mp3 file! My aim is lilbigd1275 or I can send it to you through hotmail : lil_big_d12@hotmail.com
Big D
– Apr 28 2009
Awesome! I was wandering, if I order in Bulk... will I get a Dog Tag for each Album ordered?... or will I just get one dog tag for a bulk order? And yes, I realize if it's within the 500 pre-orders, but I was wandering about a bulk order. Please feel free to email me. -thanks in advance-
– May 2 2009
This Song is off da Hook.Praise God 4 u guy u really bless us with ur songs
– May 2 2009
They said that Transformers would be on the album? so why is it not? (:
– May 8 2009
Got Rozie Turners Album....Pretty Good, Also check out Nubreed from Chicago and Proof from Oklahoma City.
– May 13 2009
Both of the singles are hot. I'm deployed in Iraq right now and I'm a Believer really lifted my spirits. Keep reppin' Christ to the fullest. I do - even out here.
– May 14 2009
Glory 2 God our Father Almighty!!!!
I give God praise for you guys! You all show true humility,and brokeness before God.
Thank all of you for allowing God to use you. I pray that God continues to bless ya'll with His Holy Inspiration.
I love you guys like fam! I look forward to all the upcoming albums. I especially look forward to see'n ya'll at d concert June 21!!! God Bless and continue to let God use ya'll!!!!
B Deezy
– May 14 2009
Hey its your girl Crystal Clear saying that your cd is going to be of the hook and i just wish i was out of schoolto feature in a song with you. you are an incredible rapper. keep let'n the lord use you. im out
Crystal Clear
– May 16 2009
I was looking forward to that chopped and screwed track of 26's....mayn
– May 26 2009