“Before You Die” Update!
Have you Read This Before You Die yet?
The Lord has brought almost 40,000 people to the “Read This Before You Die” website! Not to mention we have sold over 4 thousand tracts and are continuing to print more!
We wanted to update everyone on how the Lord has been using the tracts in peoples lives. Here are a few short testimonies we had emailed in to us:
“I just wanted to let ya’ll know i was very impacted by the booklet “Before You Die”. I’ve been a “Christian” most all of my life but this opened my eyes to a whole new view of the Lord and that I, by myself, am helpless, hopeless and left for death. But that it was only through Christ, nothing that I did, that I can be saved. There was so much more that i learned and was able to see through that simple booklet. I appreciate your music, hearts, and the way you carry yourselves sooo much. You have impacted my life, set me a modern day example, and you just added to it so much with this thing “Before You Die”. Thanks again.”
“This is mindblowing!! all new believers and young Christians should see this and tell their unsaved friends. praise God!”
“I am so proud of all of you who try to reach the youth of today with the gospel of Christ. What your doing is so, so very important. As a mother of a child who is lost and listening to rap that only uplifts money , violence and evil, I lift you and your evangalizm up to our Lord and Saviour. The words in your music touches me to my very core. Please , please continue to reach.”
Read More Testimonies
If you havent joined our Facebook group yet, visit here. You can even read more testimonies from readers there as well.
What You Can Do
Thank you to everyone that has supported this work. As we thank God for this project, here’s a couple of things you can do to as well:
1. Pray that God would open the eyes of readers of this tract across the country. A tract is just a tool to present the gospel, God changes the heart. Pray that readers will be moved to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Post the BYD banners wherever you can. Myspace, Facebook, whatever. Send an email to anyone that hasn’t read the website yet. You can get banners here.
3. Be sure to purchase paper tracts to pass out around your communities. You can purchase them at the ReachLife store here.
Thanks again for helping us with this project and please continue to pray for lives to be changed as we travel the country this summer for the ReachLife UNASHAMED tour!
All Comments 1
I thank God regularly for you guys. Keep doing things like this, finding creative ways to spread the Gospel, and don't ever let it get "routine" and become just a business. It's things like "Before You Die", just presenting the Gospel straight up, the music and personalities being secondary, that makes you guys different from almost everything else out there (unfortunately). I haven't been able to buy any tracts to pass out, but I've tried to spread the word. And I'm most definitely keeping the tracts, and the Clique, in my prayers on the regular. Grace and Peace.
Chris King
– Jun 5 2008