BBC Interview with the Unashamed Tour
Right now Sho, Tedashii, Lecrae, and Trip Lee are in the UK finishing the last leg of the Unashamed Tour and the BBC caught up with them for quick chat about hip hop, testimonies, and the current problems of violence in the UK streets.
“Hip-hop in itself is not the evil that we are fighting it’s the bad nature within individuals. We use hip hop to promote our Christian faith and biblical principles.” – Sho Baraka
All Comments 3
It's amazing how even in another country that hip hop has influence on the youth...thanks for clarifying that it's not hip hop that evil or is the problem, but our hearts that's the problem...and thank you for answering the call to go out to teach the truth not just about hip hop itself, but the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who don't have hope...
– Aug 10 2008
I thank God for the 116 clique members...My life has changed and i have grown in my faith in God by listining to ur music.i am from Botswana ut studing in Dublin Ireland.
– Aug 11 2008
Hi there,
I saw the article for 116 Clique on your website. Here are three photo's and a little blog...
I was at the Unashamed Tour in Birmingham, I travelled from Selkirk in the Scottish Borders. It was absolutely awesome - definitely worth the flight down.
I just want to say 116 Clique are awesome and I really mean that from my heart. It's unfortunate that their music can't be played on mainstream radio. Reason number one: it's just as good, if not better than hip-hop in the charts. Reason two: the lyrical content is edifying - when you listen to it it builds you up (and it's clean).
When I used to listen to Eminem, Dr Dre, Tupac and other similar rappers I just wanted to smoke weed and drink; because that's what they are glorifying. But 116 Clique glorify Jesus which is awesome, because when I became a Christian in 2003 I was still listening to mainstream rap music, then I discovered 116 Clique who rapped about this truth I had found - it was awesome!
Ryan Knowles
Selkirk, Scotland
Ryan Knowles
– Aug 14 2008