Andy Mineo X New Video X Wild Things
In his new video, Andy Mineo takes us where the Wild Things are. Check out this Halloween treat!
Click here to get Andy’s album Heroes For Sale on iTunes today!
In his new video, Andy Mineo takes us where the Wild Things are. Check out this Halloween treat!
Click here to get Andy’s album Heroes For Sale on iTunes today!
All Comments 14
Quite Epic!
David Mandziara
– Oct 30 2013
– Oct 30 2013
dude andy your talented. one day hopefully ill be as talented. beast video tho.
– Oct 30 2013
– Oct 31 2013
I really enjoyed this video.... the message was whats been on my heart.... I've spent my entire life getting out the hood, to go live in the suburbs and now I struggle to go back to the hood to rescue some...
– Oct 31 2013
This video demonic and this sound is vexing. God bless all of you I pray that he opens your blind eyes on what is really going on in the Spirit realm. The Lord Jesus said His people perish for a lack of knowledge. In order to save and deliver people from the enemies lies and power is by using the WORD of God not the world's tactics, methods, ideas, religions and beliefs. That's why the scripture Romans 12:1-2 exists. I just pray folks wake up and stop calling this the gospel!!!! Ya boy gone keep telling the truth of GOD like it is!!!!!!!
(TYP) Jovan Stone
– Nov 1 2013
That's why I keep saying Romans 12:1-2, but folks won't listen or stop supporting this mess now look at what ReachRecords is doing they following in your foot steps Lecrae!!!! Yall boy Andy Mineo let the devil use him when they made this video. Yall we better than this, we have to use God's Word to win souls and draw people to Christ not with the flesh and being carnal!!!!! Go to www.youtube.com/user/TYPJOVANSTONE0613 I have a video that weighs in on this mess!!!!
(TYP) Jovan Stone
– Nov 1 2013
For real? Aside from the lyrics.... Umm what was the message in the video? So disappointing :(
– Nov 5 2013
is that his new album cover at the top? Is that not the baphomet?
T Jeezy
– Nov 7 2013
Wow! An amazing video!! Keep up the great work Andy!
MyCaila M
– Nov 7 2013
the song wield things message is about witnessing to the lost, good stuff. but the video Andy is doing this weird dance (almost demonic by the look) round a fire with a bunch of slutty women. what??? this is not edifying to a Gody or holy attitude twords searing your faith with the lost. its put a bad taste twords Andys music and his mission.
– Nov 13 2013
music has to bring a message this just looks demonic sounds demonic......
Jesus has to be centered, we as can't be half stepping with a message real talk .....
– Nov 15 2013
Oh my gosh! im 15 and really I don't really find anything wrong with it ... if I just had 5 mins. with Andy Mineo I would die cuz we come from the same place of having a violent past ... cuz of him I have a meaning and know things will get better with the help of God <3
**Merry Christmas** - from Palmdale CA
Angela Bravo
– Dec 4 2013
Take notice that he throws the "baphomet" in the fire at the beginning of the video....
– Mar 23 2014