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Haiti Benefit Single “Far Away” by Lecrae

Haiti Benefit Single “Far Away” by Lecrae

Last Friday, we teamed up with ReachLife Ministries, Lampmode, and Desiring God to put on a concert raising money for Haiti.  At the end of the night $20,000 was given!

But that was just the beginning.  We can’t stop there, let’s keep it going.

Today we are releasing the song from the event called Far Away.  It’s available from iTunes right now and all the proceeds from the sale of the track will go to Haiti relief, specifically Churches helping Churches which aims to empower the local churches in Haiti to be centers of relief and hope in Jesus for their community.

Click here to get it on iTunes

Please buy it, share it, tweet it, status it, email it, and whatever else you can think of.  Let’s see how much we can raise!

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All Comments 11

God Bless ReachRecords. Will be praying that God will use ye greatly with this and more. Btw, thanks for the sweet in my package. :P

Josh O'Regan
– Feb 8 2010

Definitely God Bless Reach Records and Lamp Mode Records. Crae you've done it. Your right God is never far away. The bible says he's with us at all time. We still need a reminder every once in awhile after a tragedy. 1 Kings 8:57 May the Lord our God be with us as he was with our fathers; may he never leave us nor forsake us.

Nathaniel Collier
– Feb 8 2010

Love the song...Reach Records is truly a blessing.

Vernon Walker
– Feb 8 2010

YES!! thank you for puttin this on itunes...this is such a good song...keep grindin for the kingdom...stay blessed...

– Feb 8 2010

Great song! It really touches home..unfortunatly i lost a couple family over in haiti, but this song has truly been a blessing. Praise God

Jude Pierre
– Feb 8 2010

Thank you, Lecrae. Your music encourages me to live for Christ and share the Gospel. The Church of God will rise, and we will speak the Words of Truth to a lost and dying world. God is not far away.

– Feb 9 2010

Thanks for the song Creezy! I felt like I was listening to a Hatian brother in Christ... we can't forget, even in the midst of the noble task of raising money for the physical buildings (the "church") in Haiti that the church is not just buildings, but the people of God. That is what your song reminds me of.

Rusty Shelangoski
– Feb 10 2010

dude this song was breath taking crae you have such an anointing from God man. dont ever stop hombre. like paul we keep on running towards the goal. all of us as the church, blessed by the Holy spirt who lives in me and you shoot in all of us that have accepted jesus as Lord. and crae i pray that there be so many people in haiti that proclaim one God one life and only one way!

– Feb 11 2010

Lecrae I pray to Jesus that Reach Records could gain world wide distribution can you imagine cats all around the world ridin wit dey tops down listenin to dat Jesus music. Yeah thats the aim! That when cats roll down the street in Flint and everywhere else they are banging Jesus Christ Rap that would be an awesome world to live in. Little kids could walk down the street playing and catch the Gospel of the Lords Jesus Christ in Hip Hop format. I want to be apart of creating a world like that to live in I am a part of it. Be encouraged Lecrae my brother in Christ Jesus. Keep doing what you are doing. Jesus Christ is God in the Flesh now and forevermore Amen.

Gilbert Eastlan
– Feb 12 2010

I first saw u in concert @ ATF in San Antonio Texas. Your music is powerful and the word of Jesus Christ is spoken through everyone of those lyrics you sing. Jesus Christ is my rock and salvation it is only but him who continues to shape and mold me into the woman he has created me to become, Im going further than I ever imagined and I give Jesus Christ all the honor, all the praise, and all the glory for the salvation of my soul and forgiveness of my many sins. I really enjoyed Far Away, really touched my heart therefore I have decided to take a step of faith and be a part of global expeditions. I pray all goes well with you and Jesus give a sense of direction and boldness all for the Glory of God...

sarah mendoza
– Feb 28 2010


Thanks for using Gods gifts in such a powerful way. I first heard your music as I was preparing to bring our church youth to ATF in Minneapolis. I knew Thousand Foot Krutch, but had not heard of "Lecrae"...
To prep myself, and our youth, I began viewing some of your videos on YouTube. Then, I bought "After the Music Stops". I love Hip Hop, but yours is clean, truthful, and it speaks from your heart of your struggles and successes to the glory of Christ. I'm a public school teacher in an inner city, where so many of our youth are lost and so many adults are nonbelievers. I think you provide a way to share Jesus' truth, hope, love (and an awesome beat) with our students. I've shared some of your music with my 7th and 8th graders-they love it. Like me, they're moved by your lyrics too. I'm hoping you have plans to return to Minneapolis and St. Paul again, soon. It would be an honor to meet you.

( I actually missed you at ATF-first they asked all adults to go to a mini seminar during your performance. Then, after, when I went to your table for meet and purchase, you'd already gone...I was SO disappointed!)

Your name did not appear on the list of performers at the Wilmar Minnesota Sonshine Festival 2010. That was a let down...

I'll be buying a package of your 'Before You Die" tracts to give to some of my students.
If you have time, I'd really appreciate a personal response. More than that, I'd love for you to meet my students. Thank you for doing what your doing. May God continue to bless you and your family.


Jack Jorgensen
– Mar 21 2010

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