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Remix Challenge Votes are in!

Remix Challenge Votes are in!

With over 300 votes casted the results are in.  The favorite “We Can Be More” remix is the Henry Ramos remix! The T-Stone remix and the Don Christi’on remix where also fan favorites. We would like to thank everyone for there votes and thank all those who put in the time and effort to submit a remix.  The remixes will stay up so you can download your favorite.

Gravity remix

Music Playlist at

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T-Stone remix

Music Playlist at

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DJ Bruce remix

Music Playlist at

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Breezy remix

Music Playlist at

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Henry Ramos remix

Music Playlist at

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Soundbreaker remix

Music Playlist at

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Don Christi’on remix

Music Playlist at

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NOTE: Due to a large amounts of submissions, we selected the top 7 remixes based on Quality, Originality, Creativity, Mix and plain old vibe. It was a very difficult decision. There were many quality remixes, and we thank everyone for participating.  In no way is this exclusively objective. We understand the time and effort put into it. We have place the best of the rest (below) to allow producers and Dj’s to encourage friends to hear their remixes. Feel free to post the song on youtube, myspace and etc as long as you do not gain a profit from the song. Thanks for your time, talent and treasure.To GOD be the glory. 

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All Comments 50

I like the Breezy mix, but...i'm really only diggin the first verse. but that's my point. i'm really diggin the first verse. why change it up?

Daniel McClendon
– Mar 23 2010

I'm voting for A Major (even though it didn't make the top 7.) Followed by breezy, Soundbreaker,Don Christi'on
Great job everyone!!
God Bless

Michae A
– Mar 23 2010

I can vote because i don't have a cell phone to text but i really like the Don Christi'on remix...

Will Horne
– Mar 23 2010

I agree, the Breezy one kind of falls apart after the first verse, starts off awesome though. Gonna have to go with Soundbreaker on this one.

– Mar 23 2010

i take that back i like the t-stone one

Will Horne
– Mar 23 2010

I'm diggin the Henry Ramos remix! I also like the T-Stone remix!
but i'm voting for henry because i like his remix better! Hopefully people judge based on which one they really like instead of who is known or not.

– Mar 23 2010

Whoa guys sorry about the multiple posts! my computer attacked the submit button! lol

– Mar 23 2010

anyway i can get all the remix into the ipod. Also t stone hands down.

duma hosea
– Mar 23 2010

I'm diggin that Henry Ramos remix man!!!!

– Mar 23 2010

I'm voting for the Henry Ramos remix, not only because he's my brother, but because I know how hard he worked on it, the originality and creativity it out of control!!!

Elsy Ramos
– Mar 23 2010

Breezy got it. Mad original and creative... Loving the instrumentation on every verse...

T-Stones was cool, too...

– Mar 23 2010

the dopest and most head noddable beat out of them out was Gravity's beat. that took me back to 90's Native Tongues, felt like Ali Shaheed Muhammed got saved. Henry Ramos was dope too, love the experimental feel. all the others sounded similar to me

Joseph Banks
– Mar 23 2010

Henry ramos hands down! Praise God for your talent! Def proud to be part of an amazing generation... Youth 180

– Mar 23 2010

Love Ramos and t-stone. Are these gonna be up for downloads??

Timothy Johnson
– Mar 23 2010

Henry Ramos beat is on point ;) I love BOO <3

– Mar 23 2010

dl my remix here word

– Mar 23 2010

IM voting for henry ramos remix not because he is my older brother but because he worked very hard for this and he doing this fot the GLORY OF GOD

– Mar 24 2010

Nice job on the entries. Impressive. My vote goes to Tony Stone-not because he's Tony Stone, but because his remix sounds better than the original song. Was that supposed to happen???? I like the Don Christi'on one too.

– Mar 24 2010

Aight fam! All these brothers did their thing for the Glory of God! I thank God for them all. This guy Henry Ramos did his thing. He gets my vote. I was loving Tony, Breezy, and Christi'on as well. But Henry changed the flow on'em!!!!!!!!! Job well done Henry. Your brothers testimonies must be accurate! I can tell you work hard on this one! I wanna hear more from you in the future! Thank God for you Sho and the rest of Reach! I love you brothers like I know you personally!

Grace to you!

Phillip Holmes
– Mar 24 2010

i second the original track notion. the mixes were nice n all, but i'm feeling the grass-roots straight original version ya feel me!

Praise the Lord!

– Mar 24 2010

T-Stone all day for the remix but the original is nicer than all these. Theres some solid efforts tho, including that A Major one in the best of the rest!

– Mar 24 2010

Don Christion remix 1st - T-Stone remix 2nd. Can't vote from o/seas!

– Mar 24 2010

Go Tony Stone!

– Mar 24 2010

Just to clarify my vote. I did think Breezy kind of went a little crazy there but he came back home. Thanks Sho for allowing these cats to do this.

Michae A
– Mar 24 2010

that boi breezy, he gets my vote man, its not only the freshest but it is as o-r-g-i-n-a-l as it gets, mans got talent

BIG scotty
– Mar 24 2010

breezy all the way

– Mar 24 2010

I really like the DJ Bruce Remix, got that real old school new jack swing feel, it fits the song good. He's got my vote for sure!

– Mar 24 2010

I am going to have to go with T-stone hands down, the way it flows wit the lyrics and the right beat and melody. I can really get into it. Don Christi'on and Soundbreaker remixes are coo, but T-stone hits when I hear it!

Tyler T
– Mar 24 2010

my vote goes for Henry Ramos. The only that is close to HEnry is T stone, but I think that T stone made the song sound as a war song more than a love song. Henry, hope you win, and like Paul say "if I boast in one thing, I boas on the Lord

– Mar 24 2010

I'm feelin the soundbreaker remix the most..T-Stone's was good but seemed too hard for this type of song and Breezy's was awesome and different but I didn't like the 2nd verse instrumentation...The soundbreaker beat had the best quality to me

– Mar 24 2010

I like the breezy one. Great video to the original song!

– Mar 24 2010

T-stone joint is HAWTTT!!!!
Breezyy mix tooo!!!
Henry Ramos's mixx as well!
are yu guys willing to put up your mixes kus they guud! :)

Abokomah Jackson
– Mar 24 2010

I am really feeling Breezy's remix. Its the hotness.

Tyshan Broden
– Mar 24 2010

I am listening to them all of course I like mine but as a producer
I will say I like Tstone

Don Christi'on
– Mar 24 2010

This was great!! Have to echo the people and say, God bless ya Sho, for allowing this to be! But to the pickings.....I have to go with that dude Breezy! It was like that mix grew on me as the song grew. It transitioned through each verse, giving you a different look each verse. After the 2nd verse and the drums, it just mellowed you out to really take in the words. HOTTTT!! I would go Henry 2nd for the chop and flow of his mix. Then that dude T-Stone 3rd. Don't get me wrong, that T-Stone beat is HOTTTT! BUT, I think it's hot because it's what you are hearing everywhere right now. So again, I'm rolling with that Breezy Mix!!! God bless and continue to support Christ lifting music and art! Grace and Peace!!

– Mar 24 2010

Breezy, is beautiful...I love it so much..brings tears...

But then there is Henery was tight...

1st choice Breezy

– Mar 24 2010

Sound Breaker!

– Mar 24 2010

im actually not sure....i like em all kinda. there are some that is better than others and then there's some that i cant choose from so i just say soundbreaker.....but i cant really choose so idk if my vote should count or is accurate

dekota johnson
– Mar 24 2010

all I can say is breezy and T-stone Broke the beast scale! Man i love this song it runs deep. All i can say is let God use you but Im deffanitly votin Them 2

Christian White
– Mar 24 2010

my vote is in son in-law, now how bout that cd by ZO for me. will check back wit u soon

– Mar 24 2010

Based on the remixes that were posted , I would say that the producer of the oringanl beat has a safe job . Meaning that the oringnal beat is hands down the best posible beat for this song. Cant wait till I can get the cd ! ! ! Sho , great song !!! And im sure the rest of the album will be just as awsom !

Jonathan Slayton
– Mar 24 2010

my vote go for henrry cause the beat goes with the song and it gives passion to the song, i like t-stone but for another song, my vote goes for henrry, i hope all this work goes for the glory of GOD who give us the talent and the opportunities to glorify him.

engels ramirez
– Mar 24 2010

I guess I'm just an old school soul (and the odd one out), but Gravity is just doing it for me! My other choices would be the T-Stone mix.. Breezy (with alterations to the second verse) and Soundbreaker just sounds like it was produced by Reach..
JMO ;)

– Mar 24 2010

My choice is Gravity. It has the head nodding smoothness and 90's feel, which I prefer. I also agree with the other poster who mentioned gravity.

Moni Love
– Mar 24 2010

Gotta go with Gravity... Beat has that E-rox meets Tribe feel... Gravity must have been well seasoned and Hungry while diggin' in the crates...

Mr. Biggs
– Mar 24 2010

Love it all! Praise God for the gifts of the Body of Christ..for His Glory!

Laide Mak
– Mar 24 2010

I'm voting for T-Stone...I agree sounds better than the original!! Should def. be incl. on the album!

– Mar 25 2010

I like Don Chris'ton, but its its just beats, he didn't really do it justice. Gravity is old' skool, but he got the concept of a remix. The Intro for DJ Bruce was hott, but then he totally lost me during the song. My vote is for: T-Stone.....he got it-it does sound better than the original!!!

– Mar 25 2010

T-Stone and Henry Ramos .but mostly T- STONE! ....EVERYONE VOTE FOR T-STONE [it flows well with the song and rhythm.not all can do that .yeah Henry Ramos sounds real nice,but if you actually keep listening it doesn't fall into the beat!!

Princess D!
– Mar 25 2010

Tony Stone made a nice beat but it is a beat that you can give trip lee for him to war with sin, it does not go with a love song. I go with Henry Ramos. T stone God bless.

– Mar 25 2010

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