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116 its more than music, its a movement!

screen shot 2010-05-06 at 2.46.18 pm

The 116 Clique is bigger than Reach artists. It’s a movement of believers across the globe who are not ashamed to represent Christ. Right now, over 6,000 brothers and sisters around the globe have joined the movement to live purposeful lives that glorify the Lord.

So, if you want more than anything to rep Christ in every area of your life, no matter what the cost, stay on your grind! Be encouraged in your faith and know you’re not alone, because you’ve got a crew of UNASHAMED believers behind you.

Be sure to look out for the new “On My 116” section where we highlight different individuals around the world living an unashamed life.

Our hope is not in our own strength, but in the power of God to save a lost and dying world.

“I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for salvation…”-Romans 1:16

Click here learn more about the clique

Live Unashamed


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All Comments 61

I'm Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Everyday All Day!

Isaac Houston
– May 6 2010

I'm Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Everyday All Day!

Isaac Houston
– May 6 2010

I'm Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Everyday All Day!

Isaac Houston
– May 6 2010

I'm Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Everyday All Day!

Isaac Houston
– May 6 2010

I'm Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Everyday All Day!

Isaac Houston
– May 6 2010

yo das tight!

dekota johnson
– May 6 2010

yo das tight!

dekota johnson
– May 6 2010

yo das tight!

dekota johnson
– May 6 2010

yo das tight!

dekota johnson
– May 6 2010

yo das tight!

dekota johnson
– May 6 2010


ashley alafberg
– May 6 2010


ashley alafberg
– May 6 2010


ashley alafberg
– May 6 2010


ashley alafberg
– May 6 2010


ashley alafberg
– May 6 2010

Jesus is Lord!!!
Praise him yo..I'm on my 116 all day

– May 6 2010

Jesus is Lord!!!
Praise him yo..I'm on my 116 all day

– May 6 2010

Jesus is Lord!!!
Praise him yo..I'm on my 116 all day

– May 6 2010

Jesus is Lord!!!
Praise him yo..I'm on my 116 all day

– May 6 2010

Jesus is Lord!!!
Praise him yo..I'm on my 116 all day

– May 6 2010

Jesus Christ is King of kings, Lord of Lords, God The Son, God in The Flesh, God Incarnate Everlasting Father, Wonderful Councilor, Lion of The Tribe of Judah, Prince of Peace, Lily of The Valley. The Divine second Person of The Holy Trinity, Lamb that was slain before the Foundations of the world, The way, The Truth, The Life, The Resurrection and The Life. King of The Ages, Ancient of Days, Mighty God and Creator, Image of The Invisible God, The Invisible God manigested in phisical form, The Image of the Invisible God in literal, Phisical form. Prophet, Priest, King, savior, Lord, God, Master, Owner, Auther, Finisher, Beginner, Ender, Alpha, Omega, Leader, Guider, Emperor, Ruler, Protector, Provider, Deliverer, Healer, Redeemer, Grace that is sufficient for our sins, Stregnth that is made perfect in our weaknesses. As you can see I can go on forever Romans Chapter 1 Verse 16 "I am not ashamed of The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ for it is the power of God to the salvation of us all." The Word that was in the beginning that was with God and that was God and then became flesh. God manifest in the Flesh. God The Son at the right hand of God The Father.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 7 2010

Jesus Christ is King of kings, Lord of Lords, God The Son, God in The Flesh, God Incarnate Everlasting Father, Wonderful Councilor, Lion of The Tribe of Judah, Prince of Peace, Lily of The Valley. The Divine second Person of The Holy Trinity, Lamb that was slain before the Foundations of the world, The way, The Truth, The Life, The Resurrection and The Life. King of The Ages, Ancient of Days, Mighty God and Creator, Image of The Invisible God, The Invisible God manigested in phisical form, The Image of the Invisible God in literal, Phisical form. Prophet, Priest, King, savior, Lord, God, Master, Owner, Auther, Finisher, Beginner, Ender, Alpha, Omega, Leader, Guider, Emperor, Ruler, Protector, Provider, Deliverer, Healer, Redeemer, Grace that is sufficient for our sins, Stregnth that is made perfect in our weaknesses. As you can see I can go on forever Romans Chapter 1 Verse 16 "I am not ashamed of The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ for it is the power of God to the salvation of us all." The Word that was in the beginning that was with God and that was God and then became flesh. God manifest in the Flesh. God The Son at the right hand of God The Father.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 7 2010

Jesus Christ is King of kings, Lord of Lords, God The Son, God in The Flesh, God Incarnate Everlasting Father, Wonderful Councilor, Lion of The Tribe of Judah, Prince of Peace, Lily of The Valley. The Divine second Person of The Holy Trinity, Lamb that was slain before the Foundations of the world, The way, The Truth, The Life, The Resurrection and The Life. King of The Ages, Ancient of Days, Mighty God and Creator, Image of The Invisible God, The Invisible God manigested in phisical form, The Image of the Invisible God in literal, Phisical form. Prophet, Priest, King, savior, Lord, God, Master, Owner, Auther, Finisher, Beginner, Ender, Alpha, Omega, Leader, Guider, Emperor, Ruler, Protector, Provider, Deliverer, Healer, Redeemer, Grace that is sufficient for our sins, Stregnth that is made perfect in our weaknesses. As you can see I can go on forever Romans Chapter 1 Verse 16 "I am not ashamed of The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ for it is the power of God to the salvation of us all." The Word that was in the beginning that was with God and that was God and then became flesh. God manifest in the Flesh. God The Son at the right hand of God The Father.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 7 2010

Jesus Christ is King of kings, Lord of Lords, God The Son, God in The Flesh, God Incarnate Everlasting Father, Wonderful Councilor, Lion of The Tribe of Judah, Prince of Peace, Lily of The Valley. The Divine second Person of The Holy Trinity, Lamb that was slain before the Foundations of the world, The way, The Truth, The Life, The Resurrection and The Life. King of The Ages, Ancient of Days, Mighty God and Creator, Image of The Invisible God, The Invisible God manigested in phisical form, The Image of the Invisible God in literal, Phisical form. Prophet, Priest, King, savior, Lord, God, Master, Owner, Auther, Finisher, Beginner, Ender, Alpha, Omega, Leader, Guider, Emperor, Ruler, Protector, Provider, Deliverer, Healer, Redeemer, Grace that is sufficient for our sins, Stregnth that is made perfect in our weaknesses. As you can see I can go on forever Romans Chapter 1 Verse 16 "I am not ashamed of The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ for it is the power of God to the salvation of us all." The Word that was in the beginning that was with God and that was God and then became flesh. God manifest in the Flesh. God The Son at the right hand of God The Father.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 7 2010

Jesus Christ is King of kings, Lord of Lords, God The Son, God in The Flesh, God Incarnate Everlasting Father, Wonderful Councilor, Lion of The Tribe of Judah, Prince of Peace, Lily of The Valley. The Divine second Person of The Holy Trinity, Lamb that was slain before the Foundations of the world, The way, The Truth, The Life, The Resurrection and The Life. King of The Ages, Ancient of Days, Mighty God and Creator, Image of The Invisible God, The Invisible God manigested in phisical form, The Image of the Invisible God in literal, Phisical form. Prophet, Priest, King, savior, Lord, God, Master, Owner, Auther, Finisher, Beginner, Ender, Alpha, Omega, Leader, Guider, Emperor, Ruler, Protector, Provider, Deliverer, Healer, Redeemer, Grace that is sufficient for our sins, Stregnth that is made perfect in our weaknesses. As you can see I can go on forever Romans Chapter 1 Verse 16 "I am not ashamed of The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ for it is the power of God to the salvation of us all." The Word that was in the beginning that was with God and that was God and then became flesh. God manifest in the Flesh. God The Son at the right hand of God The Father.

Gilbert Eastlan
– May 7 2010

Thanks for showing me how to REP THE KING.He is using this ministry,
in a mighty way.

chad daniels
– May 7 2010

Thanks for showing me how to REP THE KING.He is using this ministry,
in a mighty way.

chad daniels
– May 7 2010

Thanks for showing me how to REP THE KING.He is using this ministry,
in a mighty way.

chad daniels
– May 7 2010

Thanks for showing me how to REP THE KING.He is using this ministry,
in a mighty way.

chad daniels
– May 7 2010

Thanks for showing me how to REP THE KING.He is using this ministry,
in a mighty way.

chad daniels
– May 7 2010

man words cant explain how reach and this clique that i claim has impacted my life. i cant say enough how much work god is doing through the whole 116 clique. not only you guys who are up on the stages doing your god given thing but all of us who represent his name and are noot ashamed of the gospel. im sure you guys know how many ppl your reaching who otherwise would have never even given this christian walk a chance. its amazing and i am over joyed to be able to bear the symbol of my faith everyday and know for a fact that i am not ashamed and that there are others like me out there. anyways before i end up writing you guys a book imma leave you just giving you some mad props and glory to god for giving us something that will never fail us to REPRESENT

airion britt
– May 11 2010

man words cant explain how reach and this clique that i claim has impacted my life. i cant say enough how much work god is doing through the whole 116 clique. not only you guys who are up on the stages doing your god given thing but all of us who represent his name and are noot ashamed of the gospel. im sure you guys know how many ppl your reaching who otherwise would have never even given this christian walk a chance. its amazing and i am over joyed to be able to bear the symbol of my faith everyday and know for a fact that i am not ashamed and that there are others like me out there. anyways before i end up writing you guys a book imma leave you just giving you some mad props and glory to god for giving us something that will never fail us to REPRESENT

airion britt
– May 11 2010

man words cant explain how reach and this clique that i claim has impacted my life. i cant say enough how much work god is doing through the whole 116 clique. not only you guys who are up on the stages doing your god given thing but all of us who represent his name and are noot ashamed of the gospel. im sure you guys know how many ppl your reaching who otherwise would have never even given this christian walk a chance. its amazing and i am over joyed to be able to bear the symbol of my faith everyday and know for a fact that i am not ashamed and that there are others like me out there. anyways before i end up writing you guys a book imma leave you just giving you some mad props and glory to god for giving us something that will never fail us to REPRESENT

airion britt
– May 11 2010

man words cant explain how reach and this clique that i claim has impacted my life. i cant say enough how much work god is doing through the whole 116 clique. not only you guys who are up on the stages doing your god given thing but all of us who represent his name and are noot ashamed of the gospel. im sure you guys know how many ppl your reaching who otherwise would have never even given this christian walk a chance. its amazing and i am over joyed to be able to bear the symbol of my faith everyday and know for a fact that i am not ashamed and that there are others like me out there. anyways before i end up writing you guys a book imma leave you just giving you some mad props and glory to god for giving us something that will never fail us to REPRESENT

airion britt
– May 11 2010

man words cant explain how reach and this clique that i claim has impacted my life. i cant say enough how much work god is doing through the whole 116 clique. not only you guys who are up on the stages doing your god given thing but all of us who represent his name and are noot ashamed of the gospel. im sure you guys know how many ppl your reaching who otherwise would have never even given this christian walk a chance. its amazing and i am over joyed to be able to bear the symbol of my faith everyday and know for a fact that i am not ashamed and that there are others like me out there. anyways before i end up writing you guys a book imma leave you just giving you some mad props and glory to god for giving us something that will never fail us to REPRESENT

airion britt
– May 11 2010

Christ is Lord! rep'n his Holy name

– May 14 2010

Christ is Lord! rep'n his Holy name

– May 14 2010

Christ is Lord! rep'n his Holy name

– May 14 2010

Christ is Lord! rep'n his Holy name

– May 14 2010

Christ is Lord! rep'n his Holy name

– May 14 2010

I hope they're making this pic into a shirt...THAT'S TIGHT!!!

Chris M
– May 19 2010

I hope they're making this pic into a shirt...THAT'S TIGHT!!!

Chris M
– May 19 2010

I hope they're making this pic into a shirt...THAT'S TIGHT!!!

Chris M
– May 19 2010

I hope they're making this pic into a shirt...THAT'S TIGHT!!!

Chris M
– May 19 2010

I hope they're making this pic into a shirt...THAT'S TIGHT!!!

Chris M
– May 19 2010

rom. 1:16 not ashamed ofr the Gospel

andre pendergrass
– May 22 2010

rom. 1:16 not ashamed ofr the Gospel

andre pendergrass
– May 22 2010

rom. 1:16 not ashamed ofr the Gospel

andre pendergrass
– May 22 2010

rom. 1:16 not ashamed ofr the Gospel

andre pendergrass
– May 22 2010

rom. 1:16 not ashamed ofr the Gospel

andre pendergrass
– May 22 2010

Why is anyone tklniag about pathetic failure of religous beliefs? You might as well wallow in the dirt like some ignorant savages. The time for being controlled slaves is 100 years ago. So not fall victim to magic and bullshit.No-religion is the one defining thing that the red communists got correct!

– Sep 19 2012

Why is anyone tklniag about pathetic failure of religous beliefs? You might as well wallow in the dirt like some ignorant savages. The time for being controlled slaves is 100 years ago. So not fall victim to magic and bullshit.No-religion is the one defining thing that the red communists got correct!

– Sep 19 2012

Why is anyone tklniag about pathetic failure of religous beliefs? You might as well wallow in the dirt like some ignorant savages. The time for being controlled slaves is 100 years ago. So not fall victim to magic and bullshit.No-religion is the one defining thing that the red communists got correct!

– Sep 19 2012

Why is anyone tklniag about pathetic failure of religous beliefs? You might as well wallow in the dirt like some ignorant savages. The time for being controlled slaves is 100 years ago. So not fall victim to magic and bullshit.No-religion is the one defining thing that the red communists got correct!

– Sep 19 2012

Why is anyone tklniag about pathetic failure of religous beliefs? You might as well wallow in the dirt like some ignorant savages. The time for being controlled slaves is 100 years ago. So not fall victim to magic and bullshit.No-religion is the one defining thing that the red communists got correct!

– Sep 19 2012

Great publications and sort of submitting. I feel Iâ??ll appear back on this website down the highway and uncover out just what else you may well have in retailer :-) !!! Iâ??m just preparing to see if my wife and I may well possibly uncover out one thing with reference to addarticle! Quit by my net website <a href="" title="A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews">A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews</a>

A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews
– Apr 12 2013

Great publications and sort of submitting. I feel Iâ??ll appear back on this website down the highway and uncover out just what else you may well have in retailer :-) !!! Iâ??m just preparing to see if my wife and I may well possibly uncover out one thing with reference to addarticle! Quit by my net website <a href="" title="A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews">A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews</a>

A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews
– Apr 12 2013

Great publications and sort of submitting. I feel Iâ??ll appear back on this website down the highway and uncover out just what else you may well have in retailer :-) !!! Iâ??m just preparing to see if my wife and I may well possibly uncover out one thing with reference to addarticle! Quit by my net website <a href="" title="A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews">A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews</a>

A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews
– Apr 12 2013

Great publications and sort of submitting. I feel Iâ??ll appear back on this website down the highway and uncover out just what else you may well have in retailer :-) !!! Iâ??m just preparing to see if my wife and I may well possibly uncover out one thing with reference to addarticle! Quit by my net website <a href="" title="A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews">A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews</a>

A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews
– Apr 12 2013

Great publications and sort of submitting. I feel Iâ??ll appear back on this website down the highway and uncover out just what else you may well have in retailer :-) !!! Iâ??m just preparing to see if my wife and I may well possibly uncover out one thing with reference to addarticle! Quit by my net website <a href="" title="A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews">A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews</a>

A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Reviews
– Apr 12 2013

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– Oct 7 2015

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