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Pray for our troops

Pray for our troops

Living in such a free country, we often forget about those sacrificing their lives for our safety and the many freedoms we enjoy. 

Recently, Lecrae had the honor of recognizing some of those brave individuals while performing and ministering to a capacity crowd of soldiers-in-training and army officers at Fort Jackson (South Carolina).


He was also faced with the reality that many of these soldiers will lose their lives in-battle in the coming months. His hope is that you would join him in praying for the safety of our troops and beyond that, the salvation of their souls.

You can view pictures from the Rock the Fort event here.

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All Comments 99

I like this! My husband is retired Army and my oldest (20yrs) just completed LTC training. This is needed with our troops! Praise God!!!

– Jul 13 2010

I like this! My husband is retired Army and my oldest (20yrs) just completed LTC training. This is needed with our troops! Praise God!!!

– Jul 13 2010

I like this! My husband is retired Army and my oldest (20yrs) just completed LTC training. This is needed with our troops! Praise God!!!

– Jul 13 2010

I like this! My husband is retired Army and my oldest (20yrs) just completed LTC training. This is needed with our troops! Praise God!!!

– Jul 13 2010

I like this! My husband is retired Army and my oldest (20yrs) just completed LTC training. This is needed with our troops! Praise God!!!

– Jul 13 2010

I like this! My husband is retired Army and my oldest (20yrs) just completed LTC training. This is needed with our troops! Praise God!!!

– Jul 13 2010

I like this! My husband is retired Army and my oldest (20yrs) just completed LTC training. This is needed with our troops! Praise God!!!

– Jul 13 2010

thank you lecrae for letting the Lord use you bro to reach out to the military. Many need that ministry in their life.

– Jul 13 2010

thank you lecrae for letting the Lord use you bro to reach out to the military. Many need that ministry in their life.

– Jul 13 2010

thank you lecrae for letting the Lord use you bro to reach out to the military. Many need that ministry in their life.

– Jul 13 2010

thank you lecrae for letting the Lord use you bro to reach out to the military. Many need that ministry in their life.

– Jul 13 2010

thank you lecrae for letting the Lord use you bro to reach out to the military. Many need that ministry in their life.

– Jul 13 2010

thank you lecrae for letting the Lord use you bro to reach out to the military. Many need that ministry in their life.

– Jul 13 2010

thank you lecrae for letting the Lord use you bro to reach out to the military. Many need that ministry in their life.

– Jul 13 2010

Amen, praise God! Thank you Lecrae, for your obedience to Christ, Jesus!

– Jul 13 2010

Amen, praise God! Thank you Lecrae, for your obedience to Christ, Jesus!

– Jul 13 2010

Amen, praise God! Thank you Lecrae, for your obedience to Christ, Jesus!

– Jul 13 2010

Amen, praise God! Thank you Lecrae, for your obedience to Christ, Jesus!

– Jul 13 2010

Amen, praise God! Thank you Lecrae, for your obedience to Christ, Jesus!

– Jul 13 2010

Amen, praise God! Thank you Lecrae, for your obedience to Christ, Jesus!

– Jul 13 2010

Amen, praise God! Thank you Lecrae, for your obedience to Christ, Jesus!

– Jul 13 2010

Y'all need to come to Fort Sill...and I will definitely be there. Thanks for doing this, many in the Army need to hear the truth of the Gospel. I'm praying.

Jon Norman
– Jul 13 2010

Y'all need to come to Fort Sill...and I will definitely be there. Thanks for doing this, many in the Army need to hear the truth of the Gospel. I'm praying.

Jon Norman
– Jul 13 2010

Y'all need to come to Fort Sill...and I will definitely be there. Thanks for doing this, many in the Army need to hear the truth of the Gospel. I'm praying.

Jon Norman
– Jul 13 2010

Y'all need to come to Fort Sill...and I will definitely be there. Thanks for doing this, many in the Army need to hear the truth of the Gospel. I'm praying.

Jon Norman
– Jul 13 2010

Y'all need to come to Fort Sill...and I will definitely be there. Thanks for doing this, many in the Army need to hear the truth of the Gospel. I'm praying.

Jon Norman
– Jul 13 2010

Y'all need to come to Fort Sill...and I will definitely be there. Thanks for doing this, many in the Army need to hear the truth of the Gospel. I'm praying.

Jon Norman
– Jul 13 2010

Y'all need to come to Fort Sill...and I will definitely be there. Thanks for doing this, many in the Army need to hear the truth of the Gospel. I'm praying.

Jon Norman
– Jul 13 2010

God bless and thanks for recognizing the troops. I was wondering if you would all do a USO Tour for the overseas troops? I'm stationed at RAF Mildenhall in the U.K. and we'd love to have you and the whole Reach Records 116 Crew. I bet the deployed troops would love to see you too. Keep spreading the good news of God.

God Bless.

– Jul 13 2010

God bless and thanks for recognizing the troops. I was wondering if you would all do a USO Tour for the overseas troops? I'm stationed at RAF Mildenhall in the U.K. and we'd love to have you and the whole Reach Records 116 Crew. I bet the deployed troops would love to see you too. Keep spreading the good news of God.

God Bless.

– Jul 13 2010

God bless and thanks for recognizing the troops. I was wondering if you would all do a USO Tour for the overseas troops? I'm stationed at RAF Mildenhall in the U.K. and we'd love to have you and the whole Reach Records 116 Crew. I bet the deployed troops would love to see you too. Keep spreading the good news of God.

God Bless.

– Jul 13 2010

God bless and thanks for recognizing the troops. I was wondering if you would all do a USO Tour for the overseas troops? I'm stationed at RAF Mildenhall in the U.K. and we'd love to have you and the whole Reach Records 116 Crew. I bet the deployed troops would love to see you too. Keep spreading the good news of God.

God Bless.

– Jul 13 2010

God bless and thanks for recognizing the troops. I was wondering if you would all do a USO Tour for the overseas troops? I'm stationed at RAF Mildenhall in the U.K. and we'd love to have you and the whole Reach Records 116 Crew. I bet the deployed troops would love to see you too. Keep spreading the good news of God.

God Bless.

– Jul 13 2010

God bless and thanks for recognizing the troops. I was wondering if you would all do a USO Tour for the overseas troops? I'm stationed at RAF Mildenhall in the U.K. and we'd love to have you and the whole Reach Records 116 Crew. I bet the deployed troops would love to see you too. Keep spreading the good news of God.

God Bless.

– Jul 13 2010

God bless and thanks for recognizing the troops. I was wondering if you would all do a USO Tour for the overseas troops? I'm stationed at RAF Mildenhall in the U.K. and we'd love to have you and the whole Reach Records 116 Crew. I bet the deployed troops would love to see you too. Keep spreading the good news of God.

God Bless.

– Jul 13 2010

DId you see pv2 campbell?? if you did cool cuz hes my cousin

– Jul 13 2010

DId you see pv2 campbell?? if you did cool cuz hes my cousin

– Jul 13 2010

DId you see pv2 campbell?? if you did cool cuz hes my cousin

– Jul 13 2010

DId you see pv2 campbell?? if you did cool cuz hes my cousin

– Jul 13 2010

DId you see pv2 campbell?? if you did cool cuz hes my cousin

– Jul 13 2010

DId you see pv2 campbell?? if you did cool cuz hes my cousin

– Jul 13 2010

DId you see pv2 campbell?? if you did cool cuz hes my cousin

– Jul 13 2010

Blessings brother. Blessings. This needs to be done. Imagine if instead of bombs we'd bring bibles. Instead of bombs we bring pipelines and irrigation systems to make farmlands out of the desert. We could end these wars. God bless you brother in all you do.

God's child
– Jul 13 2010

Blessings brother. Blessings. This needs to be done. Imagine if instead of bombs we'd bring bibles. Instead of bombs we bring pipelines and irrigation systems to make farmlands out of the desert. We could end these wars. God bless you brother in all you do.

God's child
– Jul 13 2010

Blessings brother. Blessings. This needs to be done. Imagine if instead of bombs we'd bring bibles. Instead of bombs we bring pipelines and irrigation systems to make farmlands out of the desert. We could end these wars. God bless you brother in all you do.

God's child
– Jul 13 2010

Blessings brother. Blessings. This needs to be done. Imagine if instead of bombs we'd bring bibles. Instead of bombs we bring pipelines and irrigation systems to make farmlands out of the desert. We could end these wars. God bless you brother in all you do.

God's child
– Jul 13 2010

Blessings brother. Blessings. This needs to be done. Imagine if instead of bombs we'd bring bibles. Instead of bombs we bring pipelines and irrigation systems to make farmlands out of the desert. We could end these wars. God bless you brother in all you do.

God's child
– Jul 13 2010

Blessings brother. Blessings. This needs to be done. Imagine if instead of bombs we'd bring bibles. Instead of bombs we bring pipelines and irrigation systems to make farmlands out of the desert. We could end these wars. God bless you brother in all you do.

God's child
– Jul 13 2010

Blessings brother. Blessings. This needs to be done. Imagine if instead of bombs we'd bring bibles. Instead of bombs we bring pipelines and irrigation systems to make farmlands out of the desert. We could end these wars. God bless you brother in all you do.

God's child
– Jul 13 2010

Keep the word of GOD in your for ever

– Jul 13 2010

Keep the word of GOD in your for ever

– Jul 13 2010

Keep the word of GOD in your for ever

– Jul 13 2010

Keep the word of GOD in your for ever

– Jul 13 2010

Keep the word of GOD in your for ever

– Jul 13 2010

Keep the word of GOD in your for ever

– Jul 13 2010

Keep the word of GOD in your for ever

– Jul 13 2010

Thats one of my old drill sergeants up there with Lecrae!..wish they could have been there while I was in training but I;m sure it was a blessing to the soldiers regardless!..God bless you all and all you do.

– Jul 14 2010

Thats one of my old drill sergeants up there with Lecrae!..wish they could have been there while I was in training but I;m sure it was a blessing to the soldiers regardless!..God bless you all and all you do.

– Jul 14 2010

Thats one of my old drill sergeants up there with Lecrae!..wish they could have been there while I was in training but I;m sure it was a blessing to the soldiers regardless!..God bless you all and all you do.

– Jul 14 2010

Thats one of my old drill sergeants up there with Lecrae!..wish they could have been there while I was in training but I;m sure it was a blessing to the soldiers regardless!..God bless you all and all you do.

– Jul 14 2010

Thats one of my old drill sergeants up there with Lecrae!..wish they could have been there while I was in training but I;m sure it was a blessing to the soldiers regardless!..God bless you all and all you do.

– Jul 14 2010

Thats one of my old drill sergeants up there with Lecrae!..wish they could have been there while I was in training but I;m sure it was a blessing to the soldiers regardless!..God bless you all and all you do.

– Jul 14 2010

Thats one of my old drill sergeants up there with Lecrae!..wish they could have been there while I was in training but I;m sure it was a blessing to the soldiers regardless!..God bless you all and all you do.

– Jul 14 2010

Well Jehovah promises to put an end to senseless wars in Micah 4:3

"And he will certainly render judgment among many peoples, and set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore."

– Jul 15 2010

Well Jehovah promises to put an end to senseless wars in Micah 4:3

"And he will certainly render judgment among many peoples, and set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore."

– Jul 15 2010

Well Jehovah promises to put an end to senseless wars in Micah 4:3

"And he will certainly render judgment among many peoples, and set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore."

– Jul 15 2010

Well Jehovah promises to put an end to senseless wars in Micah 4:3

"And he will certainly render judgment among many peoples, and set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore."

– Jul 15 2010

Well Jehovah promises to put an end to senseless wars in Micah 4:3

"And he will certainly render judgment among many peoples, and set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore."

– Jul 15 2010

Well Jehovah promises to put an end to senseless wars in Micah 4:3

"And he will certainly render judgment among many peoples, and set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore."

– Jul 15 2010

Well Jehovah promises to put an end to senseless wars in Micah 4:3

"And he will certainly render judgment among many peoples, and set matters straight respecting mighty nations far away. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. They will not lift up sword, nation against nation, neither will they learn war anymore."

– Jul 15 2010

God is awesome. God bless those troops, may they win the war for souls even as they represent their earthly country. <3

DJ Shock
– Jul 15 2010

God is awesome. God bless those troops, may they win the war for souls even as they represent their earthly country. <3

DJ Shock
– Jul 15 2010

God is awesome. God bless those troops, may they win the war for souls even as they represent their earthly country. <3

DJ Shock
– Jul 15 2010

God is awesome. God bless those troops, may they win the war for souls even as they represent their earthly country. <3

DJ Shock
– Jul 15 2010

God is awesome. God bless those troops, may they win the war for souls even as they represent their earthly country. <3

DJ Shock
– Jul 15 2010

God is awesome. God bless those troops, may they win the war for souls even as they represent their earthly country. <3

DJ Shock
– Jul 15 2010

God is awesome. God bless those troops, may they win the war for souls even as they represent their earthly country. <3

DJ Shock
– Jul 15 2010

praise God!!!! My father, brother and boyfriend all serve in the military as well as two close friends. it is a blessing what God has done in my life and for these close people to me and i pray that lecrae was able to touch the lives of these people as a servent to God!1

– Jul 15 2010

praise God!!!! My father, brother and boyfriend all serve in the military as well as two close friends. it is a blessing what God has done in my life and for these close people to me and i pray that lecrae was able to touch the lives of these people as a servent to God!1

– Jul 15 2010

praise God!!!! My father, brother and boyfriend all serve in the military as well as two close friends. it is a blessing what God has done in my life and for these close people to me and i pray that lecrae was able to touch the lives of these people as a servent to God!1

– Jul 15 2010

praise God!!!! My father, brother and boyfriend all serve in the military as well as two close friends. it is a blessing what God has done in my life and for these close people to me and i pray that lecrae was able to touch the lives of these people as a servent to God!1

– Jul 15 2010

praise God!!!! My father, brother and boyfriend all serve in the military as well as two close friends. it is a blessing what God has done in my life and for these close people to me and i pray that lecrae was able to touch the lives of these people as a servent to God!1

– Jul 15 2010

praise God!!!! My father, brother and boyfriend all serve in the military as well as two close friends. it is a blessing what God has done in my life and for these close people to me and i pray that lecrae was able to touch the lives of these people as a servent to God!1

– Jul 15 2010

praise God!!!! My father, brother and boyfriend all serve in the military as well as two close friends. it is a blessing what God has done in my life and for these close people to me and i pray that lecrae was able to touch the lives of these people as a servent to God!1

– Jul 15 2010

What!?!? These guys at ft. jackson arnt infantry they have a small chance of dying go to fort Benning!!!

– Sep 1 2010

What!?!? These guys at ft. jackson arnt infantry they have a small chance of dying go to fort Benning!!!

– Sep 1 2010

What!?!? These guys at ft. jackson arnt infantry they have a small chance of dying go to fort Benning!!!

– Sep 1 2010

What!?!? These guys at ft. jackson arnt infantry they have a small chance of dying go to fort Benning!!!

– Sep 1 2010

What!?!? These guys at ft. jackson arnt infantry they have a small chance of dying go to fort Benning!!!

– Sep 1 2010

What!?!? These guys at ft. jackson arnt infantry they have a small chance of dying go to fort Benning!!!

– Sep 1 2010

What!?!? These guys at ft. jackson arnt infantry they have a small chance of dying go to fort Benning!!!

– Sep 1 2010

Yeahhhhh! 3 2 1 Blessings Amydeanne! Happy New Year Internet Cafe and WFW!Pressing on and how fast the days are passing on, as I've tnyirg to forget what lies behind and reaching (not quite straining) for what lies ahead as I grasp the hem of His garment and His Word for me for this year! May this year be filled with many BLESSINGS and much favor for all in Jesus!Peace and JOY Peggy

– Sep 19 2012

Yeahhhhh! 3 2 1 Blessings Amydeanne! Happy New Year Internet Cafe and WFW!Pressing on and how fast the days are passing on, as I've tnyirg to forget what lies behind and reaching (not quite straining) for what lies ahead as I grasp the hem of His garment and His Word for me for this year! May this year be filled with many BLESSINGS and much favor for all in Jesus!Peace and JOY Peggy

– Sep 19 2012

Yeahhhhh! 3 2 1 Blessings Amydeanne! Happy New Year Internet Cafe and WFW!Pressing on and how fast the days are passing on, as I've tnyirg to forget what lies behind and reaching (not quite straining) for what lies ahead as I grasp the hem of His garment and His Word for me for this year! May this year be filled with many BLESSINGS and much favor for all in Jesus!Peace and JOY Peggy

– Sep 19 2012

Yeahhhhh! 3 2 1 Blessings Amydeanne! Happy New Year Internet Cafe and WFW!Pressing on and how fast the days are passing on, as I've tnyirg to forget what lies behind and reaching (not quite straining) for what lies ahead as I grasp the hem of His garment and His Word for me for this year! May this year be filled with many BLESSINGS and much favor for all in Jesus!Peace and JOY Peggy

– Sep 19 2012

Yeahhhhh! 3 2 1 Blessings Amydeanne! Happy New Year Internet Cafe and WFW!Pressing on and how fast the days are passing on, as I've tnyirg to forget what lies behind and reaching (not quite straining) for what lies ahead as I grasp the hem of His garment and His Word for me for this year! May this year be filled with many BLESSINGS and much favor for all in Jesus!Peace and JOY Peggy

– Sep 19 2012

Yeahhhhh! 3 2 1 Blessings Amydeanne! Happy New Year Internet Cafe and WFW!Pressing on and how fast the days are passing on, as I've tnyirg to forget what lies behind and reaching (not quite straining) for what lies ahead as I grasp the hem of His garment and His Word for me for this year! May this year be filled with many BLESSINGS and much favor for all in Jesus!Peace and JOY Peggy

– Sep 19 2012

Yeahhhhh! 3 2 1 Blessings Amydeanne! Happy New Year Internet Cafe and WFW!Pressing on and how fast the days are passing on, as I've tnyirg to forget what lies behind and reaching (not quite straining) for what lies ahead as I grasp the hem of His garment and His Word for me for this year! May this year be filled with many BLESSINGS and much favor for all in Jesus!Peace and JOY Peggy

– Sep 19 2012

Eliminating high interest ceridt cards by transferring to a card with a lower rate can help you save a great deal of money, allowing you to regain control of your finances. However, it is important that you understand all of the terms and conditions of your new ceridt card before committing enrollment. You want to make certain that the card offer is fair and that you are truly going to benefit from it. Featured are tips that will help you choose and use the right ceridt card for transferring balances.Pre-determining interest ratesMost balance transfer offers are good for only the first 6-9 months of enrollment. At the conclusion of the introductory rate, the card will convert to a more standard rate, typically between 14-20%. It is important that you determine what the interest rate is going to be once the intro rate is over. If you are not sure what interest rate the card is going to be charging at the conclusion of the intro offer, call the issuer and find out.New purchase interest rates don't equal the balance transfer ratesThe intent of transferring ceridt card balances is to obtain a lower interest rate and eliminate your debt quicker. It is important to note that the balance transfer interest rate is not going to be the same for new purchases made with the ceridt card. In fact, new purchase rates are going to be higher. Also, payments that you make towards your ceridt card bill are going to be applied towards the balance transfer debt first, until they are eliminated. As a result, you are going to end paying a lot of money in interest costs for new purchases. It would be wise for you to pay off all of your balance transfers prior to making any new purchases with your ceridt card. Read more about it at:

– Nov 23 2015

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