116 Life X DJ Official
My name is Nelson Chu a.k.a DJ Official. I was born in the Bronx, NY. Lived in Brooklyn for my early childhood, then moved to Amityville, Long Island in my later years. Now I currently reside in Philadelphia, PA. Husband to Teresa Chu. Father of 2 beautiful daughters Isabella and Sophia. I’ve been doing music professionally for 15 years now. Started DJ’ing and Producing for a group called The Cross Movement in 2001 and in 2007 started DJ’ing and Producing for Reach Records. I’ve been blessed to have 3 Dove Awards, and a Grammy Award. 2010 I released a compilation titled “Entermission” on Reach Records. I’ve been around the world doing what I always wanted to do my whole life and that is music. I love representing Christ in my character and in music and would hope all those that don’t know the joy I feel by being a Christian, would get to know it.
Tell us a little bit about the path to where you are today.
For those that don’t know, my name is Nelson a.k.a. DJ Official. As long as I can remember I have loved the genre of rap music and the culture of hip-hop. It was all around me. I grew in NY, where hip hop was born and it set the stage for who I am today. After High School I became good friends with Cipha Sounds, who was also a DJ/Producer who was already making some noise around NYC. I rolled with him for the next 2 years and learned a lot about the music business, the art of dj’ing and producing. I had my foot in the door in the NYC music scene, but behind the scenes I was making some bad decisions. I ended up getting in trouble with the law, which landed me in jail for a couple of days. Those two days forever change my life. To make a long story short I was brought up on some serious charges and was supposed to be looking at some serious time. But, the LORD showed grace that changed my life again. You see growing up I had this best friend Mike and his parents were both Christians. They would always talk to us about the gospel, took us to events, loved on us and corrected us when we needed correction. We weren’t the worst of the worst, but we were your typical knuckleheads, combing the streets getting in trouble where we could. Every now and then I would sit with Mike’s mom (Mrs. Edlow) and talk about the Bible. I was real hesitant at first and even stand offish, but as time went on I would ask questions and her responses totally rocked my world. But I wasn’t willing to give up all that I had just yet and follow Christ. I mean, at some point I believed what she said about the Bible and who Jesus was, but laying down my life and following Him wasn’t in my program. I wanted to be a world famous DJ /Producer. After high school I was just getting started with my career and it seemed to be a very clear reality. Fast forward to while I was in that jail cell and all I could remember were those talks with Mrs.Edlow about Jesus, sin, dying to oneself, laying it all to follow Christ and I just started crying. Now crying in a jail is a no-no, but it was so heavy on me. I remember repenting of my sins and saying “Lord no matter what happens in the next few days, I want to follow you and live for you”. I felt this burden come off of me like I had never felt before. I was a changed man and by GOD’s grace I only served 2 days in jail. I had to pay for my sin in other ways via probation, community service and restitution, but I never saw any more jail time. Thank you LORD!
Did you have a specific moment when you realized that you wanted to produce music?
After that pivotal time in my life I started going to a church, serving there and eventually the church decided to do a rap ministry. A the time I didn’t know much about any Christians doing hip hop or CHH for that matter, but I knew that I wanted to use my talents for the Lord. One day someone gave me a CD by a group called The Cross Movement and my world changed again! The guys were just like me, they knew hip hop, they could rap and they sounded good. I emailed them to let them know that I wanted to meet them, to tell them how blessed I was by their music and one of their members got back to me. Soon after, I made a trip to Philadelphia to meet them. After a few months of getting to know them, they needed a DJ for a missionary trip to Jamaica and that is when it all started. After that trip I began traveling with them and even started doing beats for them. I was traveling so much from NY to Philly that my wife and I decided to take a leap of faith and move there. Well, it paid off and the Lord was with us every step of the way. I was CM’s main DJ for the next 7 years and eventually ended up producing many of their songs. Around 2007 CM disbanded and I began DJ’ing for Trip and Tedashii. Soon after, Reach Records hired me to DJ for their first “Unashamed Tour”. After the tour finished I was DJ’ing non-stop for Lecrae, Trip, Tedashii and Sho Baraka; which is when I became the official DJ (no pun intended) for their tours. After about seven years of doing that, Lecrae’s rise in popularity presented a need for a permanent DJ and I filled those shoes. So that catches you up on where the LORD brought me from and how I became DJ Official.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Well, that has changed in the past year due to an illness that I have been battling called Light Chains Lambda Disease (a rare form of the cancer called multiple Myeloma). Before my diagnosis, I was on the road a lot and when I was home I would make beats, work on show ideas and prepared show sets for upcoming tours and concerts. In November 2013, I had Bone Marrow Transplant. While the bone marrow transplant was successful in battling the Myeloma in the bone marrow; the disease has spread into my lungs and my day to day life has changed dramatically. I am not able to travel a lot and I have to take a lot of medication to balance everything that is going on in my body. But I still make beats almost everyday and am currently working on my 2nd compilation project and some other cool stuff that has recently been given to me.
What risks or hard decisions have you had to make to live unashamed?
When I became a Christian I wasn’t very liked by the people who called me friend or family. They thought I was loony. They thought I was being irrational and going too far with this thing they called religion. They couldn’t see that GOD has truly changed me from the inside out. It took awhile for those people to turn around and really see that, not only was I changed but, I was truly unashamed of being a believer in Jesus Christ. Plus, being in the (mainstream) music industry just when my career was about to take off and giving it all away to follow Christ was a great risk. But well worth it and I’d do it all again.
What does the unashamed life look like in your context?
As of right now, I am battling a sickness in my body and one thing I like to stress to people is that while I’m sick, I will continue to lean on the Lord, serve the Lord, worship the Lord, trust the Lord throughout this sickness. It’s very easy during this time to turn your back and not trust the Lord. But I would like to let people know that I am to be believer in a GOD who loves me more than I ever could, One who is all-wise and One who is all-knowing. That’s unashamed.
Have you had any mentors along the way?
Yeah, I’ve had plenty. The people who led me to Christ…The Edlows. Ambassador of Cross Movement and Pastor Vincent Ferrante. Plus, there have been many more people that have really poured into my life and helped make me the person I am today.
How have you worked through illness, from the original cancer to the recent news about your lungs?
I take it day by day. There are certain days I really feel tired and sick and really just want to rest and not do too much. But I try to take it easy whatever I do and try to make the best of a good situation. If I’m feeling good that day I will try my hardest to get done what I need to get done. It’s been a challenge but I’m learning the process throughout it all. GOD is really helping me grow.
What verses or passages in Scripture have sustained or encouraged you?
That’s hard. My list is veryyyyyyy long. I’ve been dealing with this sickness for a while and there have been plenty of Scriptures that have been sustaining, encouraging and helpful. But at the moment I would say there are two that are very challenging, but very essential to the believer during a hard trial.
Philipphians 4:4-7: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
1 These 5:16-18: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Can you offer some encouragement to other unashamed believers out there?
Yes. Remember the GOD we serve is good. We must remember that he loves us more than any human being can love us, more than we love ourselves and will do what’s best for us. Sometimes things just don’t seem right or look impossible but we must remember that GOD has infinite wisdom and is all knowing and that he knows every situation from beginning to end. We just have to learn to lean on him and as Psalm 18:2 says “The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior”. We must learn to make the Lord our rock, our fortress, our savior and only then will things that seem off begin to shine a new light.
How can we, as the body of believers, pray for you and your family in this season?
1. A clear mind. It’s hard sometimes to have a clear mind in the midst of sickness. Because the sickness and feeling you get with it can take over. 2. Healing. We still serve a GOD who can heal to this day. I’m asking healing for my lungs. 3. Strength for my family. It’s so easy to forget the people behind the scenes who are with you every step of the way. My wife has been unbelievable. A truly GOD send and I ask for people to pray for her strength during this. 4. Purpose. I want this all to be for a reason. I want GOD to get his glory from this. I want my life, my story to make a difference in other people’s lives. I want it to help strengthen people’s relationship with Christ and be more unashamed of the gospel than ever before.
“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”
1 Corinthians 15:58
All Comments 19
Encouraging stuff brother! Thanks for sharing
– Nov 18 2014
Thank u Sir for opening up your life to us! Very encouraged by your faith and trust in the Lord
regardless of what u are going through. May He who began the good work in you complete it till
the day of Christ! Love and prayers!
– Nov 18 2014
Praying for you Fish! Keep standing firm on the promises of God!
DJ Mayday
– Nov 18 2014
Good stuff!! Encouraging, and speaking to where I am right now!! See you soon big homie, I love you mang!!!!
Your work throughout all these years are not in vain!
Sam Cornet
– Nov 18 2014
Thank you dude, your music has inspired me... With all the work you've been doing with all those great Christian rappers, just God bless you, be happy my man, you are a wonderful man, thank you for being you
– Nov 18 2014
May the Lord bless and remember you and yours.
– Nov 18 2014
Lately it feels like the whole world has been against me. I have started to tread from the narrow path. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for what I have, even if it isn't what I want, and to keep my focus on Christ. God bless you Nelson, I'll be praying for you.
– Nov 18 2014
You have made atleast this one man closer to Christ with your testimony! I stand in prayer & belief that everything we have prayed over you & your family is accomplished! Mark 11:24. God bless Brother Nelson AKA DJ Official. And glory be to The most High God for His Son Jesus Christ!
– Nov 18 2014
Thank you for sharing your story with us DJ Official. Your music right from cross movement to reach records has been an absolute joy to hear. I hope to be a producer one day too. I am looking to the Lord to perfect the work he started in me.
I pray that the good Lord heals you 100% and gives your family strength to continue bearing with you through this trial. I pray God gives you peace so you have a clear mind. I pray you will come out more than a conqueror over this! All this in Jesus name. Amen!
– Nov 18 2014
Numbers 6:24-26
24 â??The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.â??â??
DJ g2G glory2GOD!
– Nov 18 2014
In Nigeria, for a while we couldn't pay for music online because PayPal wouldn't take credit cards from our country. I fell in love with music that heals the heart and soul, and the rap beats and lyrics that have come through you, T-Bone, KJ52, the guys at Cross Movement, Reach Records, & lately Bizzle and Dark Knight, they've helped me, my brother, and a whole lot of us stand strong in the faith..
I cannot thank you enough(!) for all the heart's strength and lion roars you've embedded in our spirits through your music... All I'm goint'do, is pray that strength right back into your heart, dear DJ'fficial :) May God bless you, and your wife, and keep you both a 100'... May Love,mand Peace, and God's strengthening joy make each day of your walk light, easy, at rest in Jesus... Love your heart loads, man... God bless you!
– Nov 18 2014
DJ Official,
You have been a blessing through me since I was saved in 2007. The first CD my Youth Pastor handed to me was HiStory by the Cross Movement. I've been a believer ever since but have had struggles of course just like any Christian in this world. I remember your "Rock the Lakes" Performance in 2011 with Lecrae and it was one of the most fun moments I had ever had in my life. Seeing you and him up there was like a dream come true (Honestly, felt like Joseph in the Bible lol).
I just wanted to let you know though man that I'm praying for you. Just like R-Swift's wife got through this, you will too man. Keep reading the word and as Von Won would say, keep P.U.S.H.ing. I love everthing that you've done with music behind the scenes. It has been a blessing to 1,000's of believers and we all hope you get better soon and your lungs heal so you can get back on tour where Jesus wants you to be.
1 Peter 2:24 I pray in Jesus name that you are healed once and for all. Love from Chicago.
Michael S
– Nov 18 2014
Thank you Reach Records for letting us know how DJ Official is doing since we haven't heard from him in a couple of years.
Thank you DJ Official for opening up to us. I'll be praying for you bro and may God give you grace as you battle your health.
I also want to thank Trip Lee and some others who have also opened up to let their fans know what is happening in their lives. I once had a dream to be like you guys cuz I thought your lives were perfect. But after some listening, watching and reading your stuff I now see that your life isn't superior to mine and I become encouraged by that.
Thanks for everything that all of you do. You really are a blessing.
– Nov 19 2014
You know I am here for ya man. Still praying everyday.
Ronnie Todd
– Nov 19 2014
Wow bro. Thanks for sharing your story with us. Revelations 12:11 says "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death."
I am encouraged by your strength, humility and transparency. Jesus is our Healer and we agree with you by faith that you will experience healing in your body to be free from any complication due to this illness. We're praying that the joy of the Lord would be your strength and your wife's strength. We're praying that you would continue to put on the helmet of salvation and know in your heart and mind that God is for you and with you.
Love you bro. We've never met but I am looking forward to seeing you as a walking miracle!
Kenny DeShields
– Nov 19 2014
Thanks for sharing a snapshot of your life with us. The LORD bless you and keep you bro. Will be lifting you and your family before the Throne of Grace, as I remember.
– Nov 19 2014
Thank you! Although I struggle with different yet similar situations I greatly appreciate the encouragement. The great encouragement you give out to me & many more. Thank you because of you & all of the Unashamed Clique have I been able to change my old ways & have learned to lean on the Lord rather than anything else. Thank you for letting your self be used my The Almighty.
Jorge M
– Nov 20 2014
Wow... Amen.
– Nov 20 2014
I had a song come up on a playlist, and I did a search for DJ Official, remembering when I read the news that day almost 2 years ago. Cross Movement was one of the reasons I rediscovered Christian hip-hop about a decade-and-a-half ago, and it hurt me when I found out that he had passed. I think it's great that RR is continuing to have his voice through this interview live on - and touch people for Jesus. It was encouraging to read this, today. To his family and friends, Nelson Chu continues to be used by God for his purposes - bless you all!
– Jun 24 2018